Justice Sonia Sotomayor

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If we’re going to have an affirmative action Supreme Court nominee, can’t we at least have one that\’s hot?

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    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    hey she suffered.

    well actually no someone with the same skin colour (kinda) suffered.

    not giving her a free ride would be racist.

    this equation is flawed.

    Alec Dalek

    Too bad she’s not replacing one of the morons appointed by Bush Jr. But at least she’s replacing one appointed by Bush Sr.


    The fact that Bush SR. appointed the judge thats retiring has nothing to do with that judges far left voting record. Basically Obama is trying to replace one leftest judge with another leftist judge.


    Dude you are the most uneducated fucktard i have ever met. I bet you listened to marilyn manson or you had a really oppressed childhood. God damn you are stupid.


    that was at Alecdalek not you kitzmilr1.

    Alec Dalek

    Seeing as you have put no effort into backing up your statement, it is YOU who are the fucktard. Seriously, calling people names instead of offering up an argument – that’s what 3 year olds do. And Manson is probably from your generation. We had David Bowie and Alice Cooper.


    holy SHIT

    apply fire liberally, STAT


    She went to Yale and Princeton. Whatever free ride that is, it sounds pretty expensive to me.


    This comment wins.


    It is called “Affirmative Action.”

    If you’re going to chide Bush Jr.’s picks to SCOTUS as “morons”, could you please use proper grammar? KTXBAI

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    That’s exactly what a free ride is.

    She got into Yale and Princeton because of the same racist bullshit that got her this job. Then she got it subsidized with tax money.

    Bullshit is bullshit and this shit is bullshit.

    Hand over power positions to the ill equipped and then wonder why your country is taking the high speed rail to bankruptcy town.



    What in the world are you talking about.


    Well she got honorary degrees.

    In general, it’s a little difficult to do stuff like that at schools, because you have to take the tests just like everyone else.

    I don’t know where you got this idea from.


    People who think that Affirmative Action always places someone ill-equipped where a white, well-equipped person would do better clearly don’t understand the point behind Affirmative Action. White people get better grades in public schools on average, most likely because the public school system is racist and privileged. When I went to sleep in high school the teacher would come over to talk to me. When a black kid fell asleep in class the teacher would ignore him/her. Yeah, it’s anecdotal, but who here has a counter-anecdote, of a minority student receiving special attention from the teacher willingly and not because law made him/her do it?


    You can bitch and moan about “affirmative action” and “free rides” or you can consider that the Supreme Court should reflect the makeup of the country, rather than just being a bunch of old white dudes.


    If America was 300 people, 260 of them would be white.



    And how many of those would be women? Yeah, see your logic fails.



    Did you go to Yale or Princeton? Would your teachers also give those lazy lazy blacks honorary degrees?

    At famous schools like that, I’m afraid, it’s not as easy. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but she wasn’t just an average student. She clearly stood out.


    Erm, I think you misunderstood me here. I was saying that in high school, at least mine, whites got special attention when they inevitably got apathetic. Blacks and other minorities were left to fail or barely passed and had their attitudes encouraged. In a county school here, the teachers actually encouraged their minority students to sleep because it meant less work for them.

    No one who goes to an Ivy League school is really stupid. People give Bush a hard time because his speeching is very poor, but so’s Stephen Hawkings. I don’t like Bush, but he’s not stupid. It serves no one to try to criticize the intelligence of someone you don’t know. Try attacking the things they’ve actually done and believe instead.

    By making this about race and affirmative action, a conservative only engenders racist thought on both sides. Ad hominem anyone?



    Wait a second, when did I say anything about Bush?

    Just the same as mini-schnauzer.

    I didn’t say one single thing about Bush.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Do you even know what an honourary degree is?

    She didn’t even have to go to the school. Celebrities get them in exchange for donations.

    This stupid bitch could be illiterate for all you know.


    I just came to the startling and breathtaking realization that you wouldn’t be saying any of the things you were saying if you were either A. not born White or B. not as blatantly antagonistic-for-antagonism’s-sake-in-a-way-that’s-amusing-to-no-one.


    Yeah but she did attend them? She graduated from all of them, She earned a Bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor.

    Illiterate people don’t usually get that far. Nor do stupid people.

    And I’m the only real antagonist on here.


    She graduated 2nd in her class. She’s been on federal appeal courts for 11 years. Like her or not, she very qualified.


    Good choice, Puerto Rican chicks are crazy. I slept with one, man she cooked some mad beans and rice.


    My mom is half puerto rican. She is fucking insane.

    tiki god

    I happen to think this woman is hot in the face. no clue what her body looks like, but I still like her face.


    Puerto Rican woman are insane.So much so that Puerto Rican men avoid dating them. I was married to a P’Rican woman for almost 7 years. I didn’t have a moment of peace the whole time.


    If you were married to her for almost seven years even though you didn’t approve of her, I think that says a lot more about you than it does about her.

    Yeah, ‘hypocracy’ sucks. And so does poor spelling.


    Also affirmative action is reverse discrimination. Just a fancy way of forcing others to be racist. People are just to stupid to see the hypocracy.

    tiki god

    you’re a fucking moran if that’s what you truly believe. So we built the foundations of our country on the backs of minorities, psh. Doesn’t mean we have to help them now that we’re a great and powerful country, right?


    If I understand you correctly Tiki, I disagree; regardless of their MANY skin colors, I am indeed indebted to the actual people whose work this country was built upon; a debt that does not extend to their great, great, great… grand children.

    Vis-à-vis, should the descendants of our nations founding fathers receive perks merely because generations ago this country was built upon their work?

    It’s not only racial minorities that get messed over; as through world history; segregation stems from money and power, or lack of.
    And, avarice as poverty is colorblind.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    this comment guard system is fucked.

    I’m sticking to the forums now. I’m tired of this stupid open source bullshit that never works. This site needs some work by programmers.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    This is because I have to edit my own stuff before posting. Censorship is g a y and for f a g s.

    tiki god

    what the fuck are you even going on about?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    When I type certain words they result in the post not posting.

    So instead I get to censor myself.

    More liberal fascism. As usual.

    tiki god

    more like you’re just a fucking ass hole piece of shit that likes to use hate speech, thinking you’re a cool piece of shit, when you’re not, you’re an annoying piece of shit that should just go fuck yourself.

    I’m thinking of buying a ban hammer just for stupid bigoted fucks like you that don’t know the different between free speech and being a dick head.

    fracked again

    Growing up in the Bronx housing projects, and losing her dad at age 9 isn’t suffering because she didn’t suffer enough as the right would like.

    Nominating someone who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Princeton is affirmative action, because only white men got where they are by hard work, regardless of the evidence to the contrary.

    How long before they prepare to filibuster her even though just a few short years ago to do so was a “nuclear option?” Or that she is the most librul evar!

    The script never changes, and repubs never learn.



    Having shrewish temper means automatically that you got a free ride?
    Also, when and where did she say that about latina women. Do you have any links.
    So far those are mostly shallow accusations, unless you have proof. Even then, she’s still a remarkable student.



    You kind of misquoted her there, didn’t you.

    She didn’t say inherently, she was talking specifically about people who didn’t have the same experiences. It wasn’t very clever of her to say that, because of course people are going to pick it apart, but it does hold truth. You can turn and twist that all you want, she wasn’t talking about two equal people, she was comparing experience.

    “a lack of judgment and self-restraint that I find unbecoming of the highest court in the land”

    Yeah, it’s not a good trait, but her education doesn’t become less valid because of that.

    fracked again

    Baloney, Alice. The definition of activist judge is someone that makes decisions that you don’t like. It is a meaningless ad hom and part of the never changing script. Honestly, shes part of a centrist appeals court, and is a centrist on it.

    Besides, its OK for a man to be demanding and aggressive from the bench, but it makes a woman temperamental (code for bitch).

    “She’s also said that she feels that a Latina woman inherently has better judgment than a white man.”

    Really? I think that she was saying that specifically on issues where people are discriminated against.

    tiki god

    as mentioned earlier “activist judge” is just codeword for “someone doesn’t agree with me, and I’m too big of a fucktard to realize that there are other opinions then mine, wahhh”

    seriously, it’s such a retarded arguement. ‘activist judge’. Like she’s out there holding a banner or going topless for free speech.

    fucking idiots use that phrase. are you a god damned fucking idiot?

    fracked again

    Holy fuck you are stupid. Appeals courts do make policy! Everybody knows this! The make rulings that are applied across the nation. It is called precedent. What you are thinking she is saying is that appeals courts make law.

    fracked again

    Google judicial precedent. Turn off the cable news, talk radio, log off of the intertubes for a few minutes and think about how judicial precedent drives and determines policy. Take it slowly. Thinking for yourself for the first time isn’t easy and it might hurt the first few times.


    I wonder if any of the people who complain about “affirmative action” discriminating against the whites that work hard also bitch about legacies like G.W. Bush getting a free ride through Yale even though he’s a fucking retard?


    ^5s to you SIR ~SLAP~


    How come he gets a slap and I don’t. I mean, do I have to be any more sassy. This can’t be legal.


    @Dear Antagonista
    Not only do you get a ^5 ~SLAP~

    but you get a chestbump ~THUMP~

    and a hug ~PURRRRR~


    Hey.. Am I reading [this|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengu] right?


    You purred. You must be a cat, I knew it.

    Wait wait wait, Tengu? How come you know about that.
    The picture on my last.fm is way too small.


    Awwww… =^..^= You found me out…


    I don’t understand why people automatically assume that since she’s a Latino woman, she obviously must be shit. Does Obama want to be the guy to get the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court? Obviously. But he’s going to pull a hispanic woman from a pool of very qualified applicants. She doesn’t have the towering legal intellect that people wanted, but she has enough experience and results to merit a shot at the highest bench. Picking her as a political move wouldn’t work if she was confirmed and consequently remembered as “The first Latino Woman on the Supreme Court, but who was apparently fucking useless, and a joke.”

    fracked again

    No you don’t. You want Obama to select a conservative. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be using the line “activist judge.”

    And if selecting a Latina for the position is going to be an asterisk, what exactly does having 96% of all SCOTUS judges in history being white males deserve?

    Personally, I can’t wait for repubs to try to justify voting against her to potential Latino voters. Gonna be fun to watch them say that outstanding Princeton and Yale grads, respected prosecutors, honored judges need not apply, because they aren’t smart enough.



    fracked again

    Did I say any of that? Besides, haven’t you noticed that the repubs don’t want to actually outlaw abortion? They make it difficult to get access to, but not illegal. If they did, how would they get the talebangelists to give them money and come out to the polls? The only other issue that really gets them riled up is teh gheys.


    Name a better one.


    What defines the “best” qualified?


    Hey, I’m going to be the only reply to this question! Or the first of many non-answers to essentially an unanswerable, red-herring matter.


    My point. You just helped make it. Ridiculous isn’t it?


    Racism in America is white supremacy. As a Lakota I get free health care through Indian Health Services. It’s sub standard and I need to sign a death waiver to get anything more serious than Tylenol. We get healthcare through one of the few half assed vestiges of honored treaty rights. Is this racist?

    Racism is not just discrimination by race, it’s a built in power structure that keeps people oppressed. It does exist and reverse racism is a myth.


    (dis) Racism is in every ethnicity. Racism in America is not just white supremacy. Do I get free health care because I’m anything other than an Lakota? That’s reverse racism.




    [user was banned for this post]


    At first I was like 😐 but then…I lol’d. 😀


    Damn you Sticky!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Here’s whats happened here:

    People observed more racism in America and the brain washed liberal zombies marched in to defend …racism.

    This woman is a retard. Her honourary degrees and her new job are only there because of her race. That’s it. That’s racism people. There is no justification. Add to that she’s a bigoted old bitch who would benefit from having my co ck in her butt and we have a sure fire winner in the ‘this bitch is a worthless cunt’ category.

    Quit defending her because you feel this obligation. Be more than your slanted and biased overly PC up bringing.

    Shut the fuck up you gas huffing chug. If you cry babies just accepted you lost a war and moved on you probably could afford your own shit by now. Racism in America and everywhere is racism. Reverse? No…plain old racism across the board.

    There is no power structure oppressing you. Just a gas rag and an excuse. Pull your fucking pants up and take care of yourself.

    Treaties? Fuck’em. Go on your own and get conquered again. Best of luck ‘big chief fucks his cousin’.

    The point here is THE BEST PERSON DIDN’T GET THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Who would be the best person? If it’s going to be argued, then we need definitions.


    Oh and she would definitely not have been my choice.


    Name а better one.


    You just don’t understand history, racism, power, of have a basic understanding of reality. And you’re so eloquent.

    She is being picked for political reasons. They are ALL picked for political reasons, everyone one of them. Get off your high horse about this “best person” for the job none sense.

    ps. I do afford my own shit and take care of myself.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Yes I do understand it. And best of all I don’t use it as a crutch or excuse to be a fucking loser like you and 99% of the rest of the so called natives.

    You clearly don’t understand what being a grown up is or what its like to stand on your own two fucking feet.

    Supreme court nominees are all picked for political reasons? No way! Are doctors appointed because they’re educated and skilled in medical practices? You’re blowing my mind. The so called political reason here is racists like you like to see racists like her in a seat you don’t even understand. You’re just happy its not a white guy. God help you if you ever need her to make a sound or rational decision that in any way interferes with her personal agenda. You could end up on the wrong end of this bitches racism, Tonto.

    You have no understanding of history or racism unless it can be used by you to get something for nothing.

    You really think someone has to be on a high horse to want the best person in a position of authority? Grow a fucking brain. A new brain. You killed the one the good lord gave you with that damned fire water we thrust upon you and forced down your throats/ up your noses/ into your arms.

    ps: You afford your own shit? You don’t pay taxes, asshole! You take care of yourself?
    “We get healthcare through one of the few half assed vestiges of honored treaty rights.”

    You get racism. Like I said…fuck your treaty rights. Go ahead and separate and get your red asses handed to you all over again if you think you have leverage you fucking natard. <<-Natard is a native person who is inherently retarded. This phase is now copyright Blondie/ Magnus 2009 and my propertaayyyy!


    Who have been your choice? I don’t mean to answer a question with a question but I’m afraid I have to this time. 🙂


    Hey, curse words and synonyms for genitalia aren’t a substitute for well-thought-out and calmly reasoned arguments based on facts and linkable sources. But we appreciate your ad hominems and baseless accusations anyway.


    Name a better οne.


    lolololol iz dis sum shitstorm?



    Alec Dalek

    It would appear that although you have posted many replies, absolutely none of them add anything. And that is what fucktards do, fucktard.


    Blondie, I’m a loser gas huffing cousin fucker because I’m Native but you’re not racist?

    I don’t use the past as a crutch but understanding how my tribe got fucked over is not some lofty political discussion, it’s shit we deal with everyday. Your ignorance is showing.

    I do pay taxes just like every other American and this is another way of pointing out how little you understand or know.

    We just disagree, your anger is funny though.


    2050, be scared white america, be oh so scared.


    No dude it’s 2012. God get it right. Damn indians can’t ever agree on the apocalypse. HEY GO CREATE INNOVATIVE FORMS OF BRUTAL TORTURE.


    I can think of some pretty innovative ones, but 2050 is when whites are the minority.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    I’ll get ready to whine my way into a free ride in 2050.

    Oh wait…we’ll eradicate you long before then by exploiting your inferior genes and sub par immune system.

    What am I ignorant of exactly? How your tribe got its ass handed to them. Well then learn your lesson, stupid. You pissed off a bunch of white people and they beat you like a mexican cleaning the rug they sleep on. And now you want to try hanging over breeding over peoples heads?

    What will more of you accomplish? You’re still inept.

    You have used the past as a crutch as recently as this thread, natard. You deal with your poor situation every day? Getting stoned isn’t dealing with a situation. Its being a drug addicted loser.

    You pay taxes? Bullshit.

    Also I’m not American and am a legendary shit disturber. Welcome to MCS, Takes The Bait.

    I’ll trade you a picture of DieA wearing a mask for your wompom.


    What’s a wompom. What did I do.


    Wait a second, I’m not a Pokemon, why would you trade that.


    Wompom ~ slang for money.

    and as for Pokemon…

    “Gotta catch’em all!!”

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    wompom is all they have left after they traded the little land they had left for beads and yarn.

    Then again we’re pretty much trading our country right now for less guilt over what people who happen to have the same skin colour as us did 100+ years ago.

    I wonder if at the time there were some Indians standing around going “what the fuck, dude. Fucking Bear Fart just handed over the eastern seaboard for a bag of marbles. I can’t say anything though cause those white dudes are a minority right now.”

    fracked again

    Blondie/Maggie is a legend in her own mind.


    I thought a wompom was a type of building.


    I suspect you [Sticky] are thinking of a wigwam


    yeah Lakota never used wampum and you’re a worthless troll, check. Yeah, I pay taxes get over it.


    So, I read through all of this, well, read the first half and skimmed the second half. The topic is one I am not qualified nor inclined to give a shit about, and I don’t.

    However I did lol at Hypocracy. That’s the kind of government we have right?


    I’m not sure this new reply-indent system (or whatever the fuck it’s called)is working out.


    Hypocracy – Down by Law. 😀


    Sonia Sotomayor said that her life experiences as a Latina woman qualified her to make better decisions than a white male.



    Quotes out of context are an ugly thing.

    “she was saying that specifically on issues where people are discriminated against.”

    We discussed that already above. You’re late and wrong.

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