This would be funnier if it had Adam Savage and Jaime Hyneman instead of faceless scientists.
No, it wouldn’t. Go away.
Good repost.
I used to have a bunch of these science images as my background. Pretty sure I got it here somewhere.
I study nuclear science, I love my classes I got a crazy teacher who wears dark glasses Things are going great. And they’re only getting better.
I’m doing all right, Getting good grades. The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.
This would be funnier if it had Adam Savage and Jaime Hyneman instead of faceless scientists.
No, it wouldn’t. Go away.
Good repost.
I used to have a bunch of these science images as my background. Pretty sure I got it here somewhere.
I study nuclear science, I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher who wears dark glasses
Things are going great.
And they’re only getting better.
I’m doing all right,
Getting good grades.
The future’s so bright,
I gotta wear shades.