While its missing a few things on it to make it blatantly a 40k weapon (like the double headed eagle or a 8 pointed star) its still very likely a bolter.
dis (#1580)
15 years ago
We need to start making theses, just like the Lobos and S.I.R’s from World War Z. One step closer to making what goes on in my head a reality.
I would have thought the roman numerals would enforce the 40k theme
Twee (#5301)
15 years ago
I did, and I laughed.
Twee (#5301)
15 years ago
Damn, my last comment was supposed to be responding to Luke’s last one. I guess “permalink to this response” doesn’t mean what I thought it did. >.>
madlarkin (#15709)
15 years ago
Actually, that is a Bolter. That is a Crusader Pattern Bolter popular before the Horus Heresy (If anyone knows the history of WH40k, they know what I mean). The Bolter models that followed were Godwyn-Diaz Pattern Bolters, with more enclosed and re-enforced breaches and forward grips.
I want one or two with a lot of ammo to go with it.
that shit is hard to pick up yo
“Courage and Honor!”
Inb4 “That’s not a bolter, that’s…..fucking…..I don’t know, something else that is also irrelevant”
While its missing a few things on it to make it blatantly a 40k weapon (like the double headed eagle or a 8 pointed star) its still very likely a bolter.
We need to start making theses, just like the Lobos and S.I.R’s from World War Z. One step closer to making what goes on in my head a reality.
@... LukeV1-5: no thats an actual bolter…looks like mk. 2
@... dis: we have something close to it but not nearly the range…AA12 with Frag12 ammo and ammo piercing caps
Somehow, I don’t think you people have picked up what I have put down.
I would have thought the roman numerals would enforce the 40k theme
I did, and I laughed.
Damn, my last comment was supposed to be responding to Luke’s last one. I guess “permalink to this response” doesn’t mean what I thought it did. >.>
Actually, that is a Bolter. That is a Crusader Pattern Bolter popular before the Horus Heresy (If anyone knows the history of WH40k, they know what I mean). The Bolter models that followed were Godwyn-Diaz Pattern Bolters, with more enclosed and re-enforced breaches and forward grips.