That sex looks pretty regular to me. Possibly anal, can’t tell from here.
This confuses me.
Interesting tramp stamp
i’m lost. why is a robot having anal sex with that girl? and why is it called oral sex
From one of the Revenge of the Nerds, I think (2nd?).
The Hotel Coral Essex part. I don’t know what the pic is referring to.
This is me, thoroughly confused.
It’s the album cover for Hotel Coral Essex for a shitty nerd rap band Futuristic Sex Robotz
Google motherfuckers, do you use it?
You all suck. FSR kicks ass. I was listening to it in the car today actually.
okay then.
Wasn’t hotel coral essex also in the 2nd Revenge of the Nerds movie? and they did the hot oral sex prank to get people to come to a party?
@...Gilez: Yeah, and I didn’t already say that.
@...[x]: fuck you, I love that album.
@...[x] what the fuck would we google Robot sex brings up alot of stuff
That sex looks pretty regular to me. Possibly anal, can’t tell from here.
This confuses me.
Interesting tramp stamp
i’m lost.
why is a robot having anal sex with that girl?
and why is it called oral sex
From one of the Revenge of the Nerds, I think (2nd?).
The Hotel Coral Essex part. I don’t know what the pic is referring to.
This is me, thoroughly confused.
It’s the album cover for Hotel Coral Essex for a shitty nerd rap band Futuristic Sex Robotz
Google motherfuckers, do you use it?
You all suck. FSR kicks ass. I was listening to it in the car today actually.
okay then.
Wasn’t hotel coral essex also in the 2nd Revenge of the Nerds movie? and they did the hot oral sex prank to get people to come to a party?
@...Gilez: Yeah, and I didn’t already say that.
fuck you, I love that album.
@...[x] what the fuck would we google Robot sex brings up alot of stuff