Geek Wedding Cake

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    Look at her, she is so horny and it’s all cus of the video games.

    Luke Magnifico

    I’m loving the little icing controllers.

    But is that meant to be a Gamecube on top?

    I en’t ne’er seen no Gamecube like’t.

    Original Xbox is smaller than the room; therefore, the proportions are all wrong.

    Background Man is not amused.


    I would fuck the bride for DAYS.

    I’d hit that so hard if you pulled it out you’d be the next king of England.

    For realz. Ya’ll can have the cake. I’m takin’ the girl…


    My cousin’s wedding cake (made by my mom) was a recreation of the castle from Zelda! It was pretttty.


    Sad actually…

    “When I became a man, I put away childish things”

    You want to know why our society stinks ?
    Our Values are in the toilet and on the interwebs…

    Looks like she had a great wedding though 😉

    Luke Magnifico

    gx5000: The bible says alot of things.


    via LukeV1-5:
    Yup. Masterbated lately? Get the fuck out of town and live in the woods for a week, you unclean some of a mother fucker!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca



    That fat pig probably ate the whole cake herself.


    Behind every video game wedding cake is a father disappointed in the girl he’s raised and the decisions she makes.

    In this case, it’s both literally and physically.


    LukeV1-5: maybe the background man is the father? he could be like this reaction.
    Blondie: what if tomorrow when you wake up there is only fat women everywhere.


    Knowing the kind of troll he is, he’d either praise Jesus for allowing him such a great trolling chance, or he’d an hero. Seems to me like a 50/50 shot either way.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    Please for the love of good sense read up on what a “troll” is. Every time you post some stupid remark likening me to one I just shake my head and wonder how anyone can be that stupid and still function.


    I’d hide all the pie.


    “A troll, most commonly encountered on the internet, is any person who purposely causes controversy in a web community and disrupts shit for his own amusement. The term probably derives from “trolling” or “trawling,” a style of fishing which involves trailing bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. Troll is fine as a verb since trawling/trolling for comments and flames is innate troll behavior,” which is exactly what you do.
    On another note, since you do that on every “stupid remark” likening you do one, am I to assume you also continue that tradition on other posts? Or do you just make an exception on certain posts of mine?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    No I don’t you asshat.

    I express an opinion which is contrary to yours.

    You consider that wrong and lash out like a fat bitch on her rag.

    Which makes you a certified bitch and now I have outlined to you in pretty simple language why I am in fact not a troll.

    Stupid ass.

    Learn to use a comma too. That wasn’t a typo (though the rest of that shit was pretty unintelligible).

    This is a site for humour and fat chicks are good for that is you point out how useless and gross they are. That’s not trolling. You’re a retard.

    And you’ve just backed me up with your own post.

    Nice work.


    I help where I can. You’re welcome.

    tiki god

    You’re trolling when you say a good looking girl is fat.

    I dub thee troll.

    coming soon to MCS: internet points and admin granted labels. I wrote down your name blondie. I’m coming for you when I get around to getting that code in place!


    Blondie: TROLL

    Sticky: Well done. *applauds

    tiki god: Sweeeeeeet!


    I think that’s Morgan Webb.


    Blondie: LOL
    You remind me of a great asshole in Yahoo chat, music80s. He cracked me up too.

    tiki god: Admin titles? Ooooh, do want?

    Luke Magnifico

    You know what?

    After several hours of pensive and conscientious soul-searching, I have deemed this woman to be attractive.

    Or “bangin’ hot”, as the kids are saying nowadays.


    You kids are a laugh…
    As an “Dirty Atheist” I must admit there are a lot of good memes in the Bible…
    Otherwise, you kids are deep in shiat and don’t even know it yet…Troll on though…troll on…

    Luke Magnifico

    gx5000: What are you even talking about?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    coming soon tiki takes someone else’s open source code and breaks the site again.

    tiki god:

    That’s an ugly bitch.

    Like I said I expressed an opinion but it being contrary to his (and apparently yours) makes someone a troll.

    Right wing voters constitute trolls on CMS too.

    Its a really open minded community. 😐

    If that ugly cooter walked up to me at a bar I’d turn her fugly man face and Joker grin and walk her back the other way. Look at the size of her head! Her ass is probably 3 – 4 feet wide.

    Best of luck with the new open source code. Hope it works better than the other times.

    Luke Magnifico

    Blondie: Well

    It is his web empire.

    He’s essentially a king here. He can do whatever the hell he wants.


    Emperor Tiki actually has a nice ring to it, really.


    LukeV1-5: gx5000 is talking about 1 Corinthians 13.

    Luke Magnifico

    nyokki: Dude, I know that’s what he WAS talking about. I just don’t know what this comment is talking about.

    Luke Magnifico

    Sticky: …

    Doi, Kings don’t have empires.

    What a silly mistake I made.


    Hey, so about the cake. Here’s some more:


    LukeV1-5: Ah, I see. 😉

    gx5000: What are you even talking about?


    No PS3 = FAIL

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