[comment deleted]
i’d wear one
“They said you was hung!”
“They was right.”
@...TheBleakranger: What the hell. What happened here. Please tell me this is a bad joke.
“Baby, please! I am not from Havana.”
@dieAntagonista: I just copypasta NSFW! a buncha times. I guess Tiki no likey.
“Vould you like another schnitzengrüben?”
“No thank you! Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengrüben!”
@...deuce: *scene cut* Oh dearie dearie dear. Look what the cat dragged in.
Albabiklukluk’s “pussy divining rod” was not well recieved…
hahhaha..All I could think of was:
Excuse me… your balls are showing… bumble bee tuna.
Is that a gourd under your skirt, or are you happy to see me?
Oh, its just a gourd?
@...Elepski: LOL Me too. I was already loading youtube. Ya beat me to it, you bastard.
Seriously, what good is that hoop skirt? Hoop skirts went out decades ago anyway. The schlong in the gourd however is a brand new fashion statement taking off all over the world. I picked me out a real long one just to overcompensate!
Hot girls in bras or less are not safe for work people, this guys balls and colonoscopy chicks ass hole are fine.
[comment deleted]
i’d wear one
“They said you was hung!”
“They was right.”
@...TheBleakranger: What the hell. What happened here. Please tell me this is a bad joke.
“Baby, please! I am not from Havana.”
@dieAntagonista: I just copypasta NSFW! a buncha times. I guess Tiki no likey.
“Vould you like another schnitzengrüben?”
“No thank you! Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengrüben!”
*scene cut* Oh dearie dearie dear. Look what the cat dragged in.
Albabiklukluk’s “pussy divining rod” was not well recieved…
hahhaha..All I could think of was:
Excuse me… your balls are showing… bumble bee tuna.
Is that a gourd under your skirt, or are you happy to see me?
Oh, its just a gourd?
@...Elepski: LOL
Me too. I was already loading youtube. Ya beat me to it, you bastard.
Seriously, what good is that hoop skirt? Hoop skirts went out decades ago anyway. The schlong in the gourd however is a brand new fashion statement taking off all over the world. I picked me out a real long one just to overcompensate!
Hot girls in bras or less are not safe for work people, this guys balls and colonoscopy chicks ass hole are fine.