Because it\’s a huge coincidence that all the genetically fat people just happened to migrate to the United States from Mexico, the U.K. and… the Slovak Republic?
Am I the only one that finds Korea totally unsurprising? I mean, given that KIM JONG IRR!! thinks that playing basketball will make North Koreans taller…
Wow, ok maybe I am a little glad to be Austrian. But how come Hungary is so fat? Man that’s our neighbour country. How is that even possible. Each time I go there, all the people on the streets are on bicycles and shit.
Mexico should be fatter. Mexican foot is oh so tasty and oh so fattening. Same goes for the UK. Traditional UK food is just as fattening as American food, if not more. Plus I know that little island consumes a shitload of booze.
Aha! Lamb is Hungarian. Or is he. Or she? Man I have no clue. Or maybe Romanian? There are quite a few Romanians on this site, for some very mysterious reason. I like mysterious.
@...dieAntagonista: poate că da, vielleicht ja, MogoÄe zato,
може бути так, па мозда, может быть, да.. I too enjoy google translator. More clues next week… or sooner. Whenever. @...ColombianMonkey: The meat? not really, I prefer pork, chicken, goose, duck and whatever they put in Chinese food.
Nationality, sex and age, this is getting interesting.
Dude. Google translator? I will not put my name to any of that dirt. I can speak four languages, without the help of any translator. Working on two more right now. French and Japanese to be exact.
But from your attitude, I can tell you could be Romanian. You’d be an authentic one anyway.
Japanese is mad easy. I mean obviously trying to learn the characters will take a while, but their grammar is laughable. I almost feel insulted by it. Not comparable to the art that is German grammar, or even English grammar. It’s fun to pronounce though.
@...dieAntagonista: Tu de ce stii romana? Ma sperie. Pai fata nu sunt, aia ai nimerit iara. (I just said I’m not a female, people) La varsta nu zic nimic, ma mai joc.
I studied german in school for 4 years… don’t remember much of it. I can understand what somebody is saying if they do it real slow. And of course I can swear.
As an American I cannot argue since we are an overweight nation.
But I do have a bit of a problem with the way obesity is determined.
I tried out the kids WII fit the other night and at 5′-11 and 220 lbs it stated I am obese. I’ll admit I could lose some weight but I do not consider myself obese.
I’ll get off my soap box now and go have a burrito for lunch…
Actually, the ideal weight for a 5’11” male is supposed to be around 180-190. No idea why or how, but thats what they say. So, technically, working from the lower end, that would make you obese.
5’11” 225 here, so I have checked up on some of that.
Beat me to it. Jerk. 🙁 @...Dral: I’m just a hair short of 5’10” and I usually bounce between 170-185, so I’m overweight, but I wouldn’t consider myself obese.
Haha ah foarte bine. Mama mea este din romania. Ceausescu o aruncat pe parinti mei din zara si deia o venit la austria. Aici a ramas. Din pacat. Mi dor de romania. Mai am o bunica si un bunic in tinca si rest de familie stau in oradea.
Nice. Yeah that’s good that you can curse in German. And from what I hear I was right about your age. Although this: “I’m not commenting on my age yet, because it’s probably based on the fact that I use correct punctuation.” is true.
@...dieAntagonista: Lasa, nu pierzi nimica. Oamenii is de rahat ca in orice alta tara. Numai peisajele is faine/frumoase aici.
Well of course I can cuss, that’s the first thing I learned.
Age discussion: Well see, that’s just not enough for me to confirm or negate that you’re right or wrong.
Pfft. Tu nu stii despre ce vorbesti. Romania e cu mult mai frumos decat austria. Stiu ca la romani e place sa vorbeste rau despre romania, dar nu e adevarat. Lasa ca eu stiu mai bine ok. Oameni sunt mai calumea, fetele sunt mai frumoase and reading books is still considered a privilege. Among other things. I don’t know about you but that sounds like heaven to me.
I wouldn’t reveal my age if I were you any time soon.
Pai da, probabil ai dreptate. N-am mers prin alte tari sa vad cum ii. Dar nu e considerat privilegiu sa citesti carti, unii o fac, altii nu. Si la partea with the girls, I agree. It’s more like purgatory than heaven.
And I won’t. A little internet fun is always welcomed.
Sigur ca am dreptate. Haha. No ce crez, sigur ca omenii care nu citesc nu cred ca e privilegiu. Dar totus. Si m eram sigur ca asta o sa zici. Mie mi place cand fetele sa imbraca fromos. Here on the other hand, I get strange looks if I wear a pretty dress for no particular reason. But I’m sure the things you said are true also. To some extent.
@...dieAntagonista: Pai eu citesc (carti), tot nu mi se pare un privilegiu, mi se pare ceva normal. Si mie imi place cand fetele se imbraca frumos, semanam, hehe. Well, it depends on your definition of the word strange.
Oh yeah, I live close to Oradea, well.. relatively close, I’m in Cluj-Napoca.
@...Lamb: Doamne da de ce? Da, este normal, dar si un privilegiu. Pacat ca nu crezi ca este deosebit.
Haha I’m sure some people like it, but for the most part they think it’s weird if you dress up just a little on a regular day.
Oh wow. Cluj-Napoca este a sa de curat si frumos. Haven’t been there for ages though. Numele de familia mea este Iova btw, dar nu cred ca i stii.
And sorry about the spelling mistakes. I don’t get to write in Romanian often. My father refuses to communicate with me per email.
6’1″ 175 Ibs here. Gained 15 pounds since I stopped competitive swimming. Yeah, not fat. Honestly, I don’t see too many giganto fat people in the area I live in either. But I suppose I live in an area that is athletic and has a healthy organic (hippy) mindset. Whatever keeps you healthy.
@...dieAntagonista: Un privilegiu in sesnsul ca in alte tari nu se poate? Asa da.
It IS pretty clean here, not very, but it’s ok. Nope, nu stiu pe nimeni cu numele ala, a meu e Precup. If you ever come by through here give me a holler.
Screw those people, you dress up the way you like.
Nu-i nimic. Nu ma asteptam sa stii nici atat romana… nici sfert, heh. Well it IS easier through the phone.
@...Lamb: “Un privilegiu in sesnsul ca in alte tari nu se poate?” Da exact. Haha no bine, ma bucur.
Ah ce as fi dat sa fiu acolo. M, da Precup suna bine, nu o sa uit. In other words, I’ll holler at you for sure haha.
Da dar totusi, trebe sa incep sa scriu mai mult. And I don’t have a phone:p my father is just old fashioned like that. Wait, after that last statement, I guess I’m old fashioned as well.
@...dieAntagonista: Heh, si eu… Adica de doua-trei ori pe an scriu si trimit cate o scrisoare. Ii mai interesant asa, probabil ii asteptarea de a primi una inapoi.
If you want to practice your Romanian (somewhere else than tiki’s site) give me a write:
Am I the only one that finds Korea totally unsurprising? I mean, given that KIM JONG IRR!! thinks that playing basketball will make North Koreans taller…
Wow, ok maybe I am a little glad to be Austrian. But how come Hungary is so fat? Man that’s our neighbour country. How is that even possible. Each time I go there, all the people on the streets are on bicycles and shit.
Mexico should be fatter. Mexican foot is oh so tasty and oh so fattening. Same goes for the UK. Traditional UK food is just as fattening as American food, if not more. Plus I know that little island consumes a shitload of booze.
Where’s my country? or are we really that fit?
@...dieAntagonista: “But how come Hungary is so fat?”
Simple, because they’re always so HUNGARY!!! thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week.
@...Lamb: where you from?
How mysterious would I be if I told you. What I CAN tell you is that I don’t see too many fat Hungarians either.
Aha! Lamb is Hungarian. Or is he. Or she? Man I have no clue. Or maybe Romanian? There are quite a few Romanians on this site, for some very mysterious reason. I like mysterious.
I’m going to go to have some Sauerkraut now. Everybody can continue being awesome without me. Except Alec.
@...dieAntagonista: Now my sex is in question, I’m mysteriousER than I though.
Wait no, that doesn’t make any sense. I’m obviously no serious threat to Sherlock. Lamb said their country isn’t on here, so it can’t be Hungary.
I say Lamb is Romanian. Poate da?
@...Lamb: obviously you like lamb. but you seem like a guy old. not young.
AMERICA! Eat, drink, and be merry! ftw
I’d like to see where China and Russia fall on this scale…
Wait, I just noticed something. I didn’t know the UK was a country in and of itself.
And why are there no African countries…oh, wait. That question answers itself.
@...j_bryon: It’s Countries & Continents together.
@...dieAntagonista: poate că da, vielleicht ja, MogoÄe zato,
може бути так, па мозда, может быть, да.. I too enjoy google translator. More clues next week… or sooner. Whenever.
@...ColombianMonkey: The meat? not really, I prefer pork, chicken, goose, duck and whatever they put in Chinese food.
Nationality, sex and age, this is getting interesting.
@...Lamb: ah ok. that’s nice.
Dude. Google translator? I will not put my name to any of that dirt. I can speak four languages, without the help of any translator. Working on two more right now. French and Japanese to be exact.
But from your attitude, I can tell you could be Romanian. You’d be an authentic one anyway.
i hahah! how’s Japanese going for You?
Japanese is mad easy. I mean obviously trying to learn the characters will take a while, but their grammar is laughable. I almost feel insulted by it. Not comparable to the art that is German grammar, or even English grammar. It’s fun to pronounce though.
@...dieAntagonista: Damn my lack of mysteriousness.. but I still have age and sex going for me.
@...Lamb: Wow. Ok maybe I am a serious threat to Sherlock. Nu cred ca esti fata. Si nu cred ca esti mai tanar da cat 20.
@...dieAntagonista: Tu de ce stii romana? Ma sperie. Pai fata nu sunt, aia ai nimerit iara. (I just said I’m not a female, people) La varsta nu zic nimic, ma mai joc.
I studied german in school for 4 years… don’t remember much of it. I can understand what somebody is saying if they do it real slow. And of course I can swear.
@...Lamb: well i got the sex thing correct lol. age?
@...ColombianMonkey: I’m not commenting on my age yet, because it’s probably based on the fact that I use correct punctuation.
As an American I cannot argue since we are an overweight nation.
But I do have a bit of a problem with the way obesity is determined.
I tried out the kids WII fit the other night and at 5′-11 and 220 lbs it stated I am obese. I’ll admit I could lose some weight but I do not consider myself obese.
I’ll get off my soap box now and go have a burrito for lunch…
What’s obese? My BMI (for women) is 27.5. Clearly I need to lose some more weight. *sigh*
Mmm.. I’m hungry now.
Actually, the ideal weight for a 5’11” male is supposed to be around 180-190. No idea why or how, but thats what they say. So, technically, working from the lower end, that would make you obese.
5’11” 225 here, so I have checked up on some of that.
@...Lamb: does that worry you what other people think on your grammar?
@...ColombianMonkey: if it’s that what i understand…
Beat me to it. Jerk. 🙁
@...Dral: I’m just a hair short of 5’10” and I usually bounce between 170-185, so I’m overweight, but I wouldn’t consider myself obese.
@...ColombianMonkey: No, I’m just saying it’s not enough proof, I want compelling evidence… or at least 2-3 shaky reasons.
Haha ah foarte bine. Mama mea este din romania. Ceausescu o aruncat pe parinti mei din zara si deia o venit la austria. Aici a ramas. Din pacat. Mi dor de romania. Mai am o bunica si un bunic in tinca si rest de familie stau in oradea.
Nice. Yeah that’s good that you can curse in German. And from what I hear I was right about your age. Although this: “I’m not commenting on my age yet, because it’s probably based on the fact that I use correct punctuation.” is true.
@...Lamb: okay man.
The source of the data is Wikipedia.
In other words, I am 100% confident in its accuracy.
Anyone know when this was made? Australia is the fattest now, well with the latest report from back in 2008.
@...dieAntagonista: Lasa, nu pierzi nimica. Oamenii is de rahat ca in orice alta tara. Numai peisajele is faine/frumoase aici.
Well of course I can cuss, that’s the first thing I learned.
Age discussion: Well see, that’s just not enough for me to confirm or negate that you’re right or wrong.
@...Lamb: well I will just draw some logical thinking on how old you could be with the way you reply to subject or anything.
@...ColombianMonkey: well, I’ll be waiting for your conclusion, then.
Pfft. Tu nu stii despre ce vorbesti. Romania e cu mult mai frumos decat austria. Stiu ca la romani e place sa vorbeste rau despre romania, dar nu e adevarat. Lasa ca eu stiu mai bine ok. Oameni sunt mai calumea, fetele sunt mai frumoase and reading books is still considered a privilege. Among other things. I don’t know about you but that sounds like heaven to me.
I wouldn’t reveal my age if I were you any time soon.
Pai da, probabil ai dreptate. N-am mers prin alte tari sa vad cum ii. Dar nu e considerat privilegiu sa citesti carti, unii o fac, altii nu. Si la partea with the girls, I agree. It’s more like purgatory than heaven.
And I won’t. A little internet fun is always welcomed.
Gee, feeling left out lol.
There there, that’s big people talk. here, take this *hands a bag of jelly bears*, go nuts.
@...Lamb: talking about beautifull girls in romania, landscape etc…? lol i don’t eat jelly bears but a banana would do:)
@...ColombianMonkey: How about a banana PHONE?
@...Lamb: I’m sorry but I’m unaffected by the plague. My reggae cleanse my soul.
@...ColombianMonkey: Wrong. We were talking about one eyed midgets. Amateur.
Sigur ca am dreptate. Haha. No ce crez, sigur ca omenii care nu citesc nu cred ca e privilegiu. Dar totus. Si m eram sigur ca asta o sa zici. Mie mi place cand fetele sa imbraca fromos. Here on the other hand, I get strange looks if I wear a pretty dress for no particular reason. But I’m sure the things you said are true also. To some extent.
Well I guess I would have to thank you for helping in a theory i wanted to tested. mulţumesc
@...dieAntagonista: Pai eu citesc (carti), tot nu mi se pare un privilegiu, mi se pare ceva normal. Si mie imi place cand fetele se imbraca frumos, semanam, hehe. Well, it depends on your definition of the word strange.
Oh yeah, I live close to Oradea, well.. relatively close, I’m in Cluj-Napoca.
I like how I’m getting half of a conversation from Die and Lamb here.
@...Sticky: hey, half is better than nothing
@...Lamb: Doamne da de ce? Da, este normal, dar si un privilegiu. Pacat ca nu crezi ca este deosebit.
Haha I’m sure some people like it, but for the most part they think it’s weird if you dress up just a little on a regular day.
Oh wow. Cluj-Napoca este a sa de curat si frumos. Haven’t been there for ages though. Numele de familia mea este Iova btw, dar nu cred ca i stii.
And sorry about the spelling mistakes. I don’t get to write in Romanian often. My father refuses to communicate with me per email.
@...ehrgeiz: How the hell did Australia manage to get fatter than America? I’m concerned for our 1st world status now.
My youngest is 6’2 and hovers between 220-240 lbs. The other two are shorter (5’7, 5’9) and are twigs (150, 160)compared to the rest of us.
6’1″ 175 Ibs here. Gained 15 pounds since I stopped competitive swimming. Yeah, not fat. Honestly, I don’t see too many giganto fat people in the area I live in either. But I suppose I live in an area that is athletic and has a healthy organic (hippy) mindset. Whatever keeps you healthy.
@...dieAntagonista: Speak Austrian/ Romanian/ German to me. English is good too.
@...dieAntagonista: Un privilegiu in sesnsul ca in alte tari nu se poate? Asa da.
It IS pretty clean here, not very, but it’s ok. Nope, nu stiu pe nimeni cu numele ala, a meu e Precup. If you ever come by through here give me a holler.
Screw those people, you dress up the way you like.
Nu-i nimic. Nu ma asteptam sa stii nici atat romana… nici sfert, heh. Well it IS easier through the phone.
body mass index doesnt mean crap. if a dude i know took into account hed be terminally dead.
exprain that
@...Lamb: “Un privilegiu in sesnsul ca in alte tari nu se poate?” Da exact. Haha no bine, ma bucur.
Ah ce as fi dat sa fiu acolo. M, da Precup suna bine, nu o sa uit. In other words, I’ll holler at you for sure haha.
Da dar totusi, trebe sa incep sa scriu mai mult. And I don’t have a phone:p my father is just old fashioned like that. Wait, after that last statement, I guess I’m old fashioned as well.
@...dieAntagonista: Heh, si eu… Adica de doua-trei ori pe an scriu si trimit cate o scrisoare. Ii mai interesant asa, probabil ii asteptarea de a primi una inapoi.
If you want to practice your Romanian (somewhere else than tiki’s site) give me a write:
@...Puulaahi: West Virginia has so ma obese people, it’s embarrassing. Walmart is to be avoided at all costs.
so *many*
Very informative. I was looking for this.
-susan cripllar
Savings Accounts