@... AlecDalek: How so? Is there any country in Europe that can match our military might?
“They told (us) to open up the Embassy, or “we’ll blow you away.” And then they looked up and saw the Marines on the roof with these really big guns, and they said in Somali, “Igaralli ahow,” which means “Excuse me, I didn’t mean it, my mistake”.
Karen Aquilar, in the U.S. Embassy; Mogadishu, Somalia, 1991
Not all Europeans hate America. None that actually matter. Besides they’re all liars anyway. They watch American TV, listen to American music, dress like Americans and even talk like them.
@...mintymadness: I didn’t mean just based on money. I meant in general. When it comes to movies, industries, companies and whatever else rules this world. And since the American economy is such a mess, the same thing has happened in Europe.
@...ian356094: Where in Europe? I’ve lived in both, so I can say there is no way to compare them as one being ‘better’ than the other.
“Anways, plus… we Americans have better food!”
Sometimes true, but only for what we have that other countries don’t. Mostly decent sushi and amazing Mexican food. Mmmm… delicious Mexican. Turkish comes close, but it’s way too healthy in comparison.
@...ian356094: were you born in the states? It’s understandable that one will defend his country. It’s nice to know you travel some distant places. I’ve had nice foods in the states, but since I’m from the West Indies I prefer my BBQ and Hamburgers lol. so how is Taiwan.
@...asdf: hmm didn’t see this. but what i could pick off from the top of my head is that since this is mainly a US topic that since cali main cash flow is weed (theory) and since they “consider” it foul play to the rankings.
Whoa. That sounds fantastic. So how come you travel around so much. See I don’t know what’s with this site, but all these people with their hyper exciting lives seem to end up here.
Tiki paid you all to tell me these stories, didn’t he.
Geez this again…
The US has a Big Gun, attitude, a small Brain and Penis…Everyone hates them…this is not news.
Get on with it….next.
And Come to Canada, we’ll show you food…
vanvelding (#4765)
15 years ago
Is anyone addressing the fact that is punchline doesn’t make sense? They’re ripping Ultimate Cap’s line about France…but since when is the United States defined as a ‘victim’ in the minds of Europe?
I don’t know much about NextWave, but borrowing Marvel characters to beat up on the US was done by The Authority about a decade ago, and The Authority seemed to do it better.
I’m American. I love America. I’ll tell you America is the best country. And, I’ll believe it.
This doesn’t make it any more, or less true. Look at it like that. I’m of the consensus that says if you live here and don’t like it (and aren’t actively trying to make it better), you don’t need to be here.
I’m Taiwanese American, so I’m currently studying communications design in Taiwan in Shih Chien University.
It was essentially a spur of the moment thing. I just decided to go and study abroad.
Plus I get to see my relatives, which is cool. Most people see their relatives all the time since they live in the same country. My family however, is the only family in the US so I never get to see my relatives.
And I’ve lived in Germany too since my cousins live there. (OK, I admit, Germany is pretty bitchin’)
But yeah. Taiwan is cool. Clubbing or just hitting up the night markets is tons of fun.
Gilly (#734)
15 years ago
Europe > USA
USA > World
Therefore: Europe > World
@...Hob: Not so ironic, really. Guns are a European invention, and the revolver was invented by a European (James Puckle, an Englishman).
As for violence, I reckon at least as much of European history has been spent at war as American history, and ours is waaaay longer. Most of American civilisation is European, including warfare.
Sure, we haven’t fought you much. Only 1812 springs to mind, all your other wars against Europeans also featured other Europeans on your side – hell, the French basically won your Independence War for you. But beyond that, no, it’s not really ironic.
But I’ll admit the “Americans as victims” doesn’t really work either.
You must have missed the time where I implied that by simply making poor copies of his prior work, the guy (Millar, right? Something like that?) is just a sad hack. I’m all over “It’s the same guy.” That just makes it worse.
Ah, Nextwave, awesome.
Shoot the motherfucking bitch. Ruined the lives of enough people already.
Europe > USA
Europe using violence against America, and doing so with a six shooter? The irony consumes me!
that belt is totally fucking unnecessary
@...natedog: True
@...AlecDalek: True
@...ian356094: Nice Dream
Not a dream.
I’ve lived in Europe, Asia, and USA.
USA kicks the shit out of both of them combined.
@...ian356094: where in europe?
Aha, but have you tried Oceania, South America, and Antarctica?!
Oceania is pretty goddamn cool. At least from what I have seen of it. Wouldn’t mind living in New Zealand or some Polynesian Island Nation.
@...Sticky: *slap* caribbean, dn’t forget it
@... AlecDalek: How so? Is there any country in Europe that can match our military might?
“They told (us) to open up the Embassy, or “we’ll blow you away.” And then they looked up and saw the Marines on the roof with these really big guns, and they said in Somali, “Igaralli ahow,” which means “Excuse me, I didn’t mean it, my mistake”.
Karen Aquilar, in the U.S. Embassy; Mogadishu, Somalia, 1991
@...sutenvulf: So fucking what?
@...sutenvulf: You forgot that Mogadishu was the US’s first major military loss of a mission prior to present.
That’s childish. Let’s not compare a continent with a huge country which just so happens to be the most powerful and the richest in the world.
There are aspects of both areas that are to be appreciated, but comparing them is kinda idiotic.
It’s kinda funny that Europe hates America. They don’t mind taking our econominc aid money though.
why were one to jump to military one time? come on…too much violence for you.
@...Hob: quite so.
@...dieAntagonista: Last time I checked we were kind of losing our foothold in the “richest nation on the planet” category..
@...sutenvulf: Who fucking cares. That’s not what define’s america’s greatness you psycho.
Not all Europeans hate America. None that actually matter. Besides they’re all liars anyway. They watch American TV, listen to American music, dress like Americans and even talk like them.
@...mintymadness: I didn’t mean just based on money. I meant in general. When it comes to movies, industries, companies and whatever else rules this world. And since the American economy is such a mess, the same thing has happened in Europe.
I for one don’t hate America, I hate it’s influence on stupid fucking people.
or is it “its”.. it’s “its”
@...ColombianMonkey: Fixed
I hate Japan’s influence over everyone.
Anways, plus… we Americans have better food!
I thought that symbol was just the Quake 2 symbol sideways.
@...ian356094: Where in Europe? I’ve lived in both, so I can say there is no way to compare them as one being ‘better’ than the other.
“Anways, plus… we Americans have better food!”
Sometimes true, but only for what we have that other countries don’t. Mostly decent sushi and amazing Mexican food. Mmmm… delicious Mexican. Turkish comes close, but it’s way too healthy in comparison.
In Ratingen, Germany.
My favorite food is Mexican, thats why I said our food is better. I lived in SoCal (southern california) all my life until the past few years.
But America is where its at in terms of great BBQ, authentic Mexican food, and great hamburgers.
Right now I’m living in Taipei, Taiwan.
@...ian356094: were you born in the states? It’s understandable that one will defend his country. It’s nice to know you travel some distant places. I’ve had nice foods in the states, but since I’m from the West Indies I prefer my BBQ and Hamburgers lol. so how is Taiwan.
@...ColombianMonkey: i don’t see california
@...asdf: yea, not reaching the charts or they categorized it all under USA.
@...asdf: hmm didn’t see this. but what i could pick off from the top of my head is that since this is mainly a US topic that since cali main cash flow is weed (theory) and since they “consider” it foul play to the rankings.
and maybe* they “consider”….
“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.”
–George Bernard Shaw
@...Marrock: nice
@...Marrock: Word.
Whoa. That sounds fantastic. So how come you travel around so much. See I don’t know what’s with this site, but all these people with their hyper exciting lives seem to end up here.
Tiki paid you all to tell me these stories, didn’t he.
@...dieAntagonista: It’s true.
I’m actually 4 ducks in a man costume.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: goose? btw i like to eat ducks.
Geez this again…
The US has a Big Gun, attitude, a small Brain and Penis…Everyone hates them…this is not news.
Get on with it….next.
And Come to Canada, we’ll show you food…
Is anyone addressing the fact that is punchline doesn’t make sense? They’re ripping Ultimate Cap’s line about France…but since when is the United States defined as a ‘victim’ in the minds of Europe?
It’s overly-sensitive-use-your-own-joke-against-you fail.
I don’t know much about NextWave, but borrowing Marvel characters to beat up on the US was done by The Authority about a decade ago, and The Authority seemed to do it better.
I’m American. I love America. I’ll tell you America is the best country. And, I’ll believe it.
This doesn’t make it any more, or less true. Look at it like that. I’m of the consensus that says if you live here and don’t like it (and aren’t actively trying to make it better), you don’t need to be here.
By the way…
The guy that created The Authority?
Same guy that created this. You just lost the game.
I’m Taiwanese American, so I’m currently studying communications design in Taiwan in Shih Chien University.
It was essentially a spur of the moment thing. I just decided to go and study abroad.
Plus I get to see my relatives, which is cool. Most people see their relatives all the time since they live in the same country. My family however, is the only family in the US so I never get to see my relatives.
And I’ve lived in Germany too since my cousins live there. (OK, I admit, Germany is pretty bitchin’)
But yeah. Taiwan is cool. Clubbing or just hitting up the night markets is tons of fun.
Europe > USA
USA > World
Therefore: Europe > World
@...Gilly: lol win
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: So he’s just a lazy, one-note hack. Sad.
@...Hob: Not so ironic, really. Guns are a European invention, and the revolver was invented by a European (James Puckle, an Englishman).
As for violence, I reckon at least as much of European history has been spent at war as American history, and ours is waaaay longer. Most of American civilisation is European, including warfare.
Sure, we haven’t fought you much. Only 1812 springs to mind, all your other wars against Europeans also featured other Europeans on your side – hell, the French basically won your Independence War for you. But beyond that, no, it’s not really ironic.
But I’ll admit the “Americans as victims” doesn’t really work either.
Aaaaaaand the guy who wrote the Ultimates, which this is making fun of, wrote the Authority with the same writer.
I take it you’re the kind of guy who has to walk into a wall a few times before you try to walk around it.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: ???
You must have missed the time where I implied that by simply making poor copies of his prior work, the guy (Millar, right? Something like that?) is just a sad hack. I’m all over “It’s the same guy.” That just makes it worse.
I love the fact that a Cartoon character can get the goats of so many…
Stop beating yourselves over the heads..
Enjoy your mess, it’s yours to do so 😉