You might think you’re about to play a game with Gowron, but alas, this is not the leader of the Klingon Empire, just a misguided idiot Klingon warrior who steals the Enterprise in an attempt to start a war to return his brothers to glorious battle. The game itself is pretty fun, though I wonder if there’s any amount of replayabilty here. My wife and I played it once and I felt like we were wiped out afterwards, it was a pretty emotional journey, but we ultimately saved the ship and I was awarded a medal of honor for my bravery in the face of such a horrifying situation.
I actually broke out my VCR to play this too. There’s a couple youtube uploads (which I’ve downloaded) so in the future I’m going to just play it there on my big screen instead of my VCR routed through my laptop via a USB video capture card.
This game was awesome! I probably played it twice, over the years, probably time to again.
I got it from my local goodwill like 3 years ago and put it in our “to play” pile but then got sidetracked.
found it at the bottom of the pile a few weeks ago, I’m finally cleaning everything up due to covid