Screw working it in, just start a new conversation. I just told three people about him to see what their initial reaction was to the picture. Apparently I’m not the only one who immediately assumed he was baked in a pie. 🙂
@...Sticky: You got that right. But your flawless grammar and articulate ways, make it easy to listen to you talk about only one subject for eternities.
I wonder how it taste.
He wasn’t dead, it was like the thing strippers do today with cake…
@...vincent.ex2: Are you saying he didn’t die inside the pie, but was just remembered for that one act so it’s all they put on his tombstone?
@...CathyLong: I think you mean “tombcard”.
God bless you wikipedia, is there nothing you don’t know?
@...CathyLong: img5.imageshack.us/img5/1741/casead.png
those eyebrows scare me.
How dare you question Wikipedia.
That’s really mean. You should apologise. Now drop and give me 50.
@...dieAntagonista: depends…
Ok never mind. You didn’t give birth to it. My bad.
can i still go down ?
Wait a second. What are you talking about. Bitches be crazy.
take your time…
@...dieAntagonista: Bahaha
I love random info. Might be tough to work this one into a conversation though.
Screw working it in, just start a new conversation. I just told three people about him to see what their initial reaction was to the picture. Apparently I’m not the only one who immediately assumed he was baked in a pie. 🙂
chicken pesto creme fraiche with mushrooms & pasta OR Honey-Ginger Grilled Salmon
He killed the Queen’s master of horse in a duel that was fought on horseback. He deserves a better grave marker.
@...TrayShadix: Man, if you knew what a kick I get out of random information, you’d try to sell it to me, or something.
Is that why you enjoy talking to me? 😛
@...Sticky: You got that right. But your flawless grammar and articulate ways, make it easy to listen to you talk about only one subject for eternities.