Bacon salt is pretty freakin awesome. had it in a woot-off not long ago and i picked up bottles of original, hickory, and pepper. i’ve only cracked into the original so far. tastes kind of gross if you just taste a bit on the tip of your finger – but add it to something and holy crap, it’s like there’s suddenly bacon in there!
Is that lip chap?
Balm, I think.
what we need is butt balm, the sweet taste of BBQ.
Bacon salt is pretty freakin awesome. had it in a woot-off not long ago and i picked up bottles of original, hickory, and pepper. i’ve only cracked into the original so far. tastes kind of gross if you just taste a bit on the tip of your finger – but add it to something and holy crap, it’s like there’s suddenly bacon in there!
Baconnaise is retarded good. And the Bacon Salt is awesome as well. Best place I have found to buy so far is Amazon.
Awesome in a jar… lol…
Word BaconSalt is totally legit. They just released Bacon Salt sunflower seeds.