I call bullshit. Hey everyone I’m married to Rachel Bilson. I’m going to post her photo so you can all see.
Teutonic Logic (#3607)
15 years ago
your so full of shit you arent married to Rachel Bilson. She isnt even married at all, she is engaged to Hadden Christianson (he is totally gay, engagement is just for show).
@sickmindedone: oh yeah, about that, I realized I should’ve added that she was in fact 2 months pregnant with our son at the time. and she stayed about that skinny until 4 months. and then, well…lets just say that now after 8 months of working out she looks like that again!
@Teutonic Logic: i’m sure she is on flikr somewhere, but not looking this hot!
“my wife from when I started dating her in 2005.”
“she was in fact 2 months pregnant with our son at the time.”
There are some inconsistencies with this story. She was 2 months pregnant when you started dating? Was she already pregnant or do you have time traveling sperm?
Also, I agree with oh2ohz, there is something extremely creepy about posting bikini pictures of your wife(?) to a website like MCS. Does she know that you’ve done this?
I believe he is married or a consistent liar. A quick Google search reveals that he “has a wife” on at leats 10 different forums. No pics yet though. 🙁
@The Matrix: Rebooted: we started dating the beginning of 2005. She got pregnant in July, this pic was in August…and she knows i’ve done this, she is cool with it.
tell her i would like 2 pina coladas, 3 coronas, 4 lemon drop shots & a pu pu platter. Hard to find good waitresses these days – token she’s not your wife, she’s my waitress
Token is married to this woman,her name is Samantha (Sam) and in fact I am responible for setting them up or was at least an accomplice to my fiance setting him up.
@Puulaahi: thanks! No, not in Hawaii, She is half filipina from her mother’s side and half spanish from her father’s side, who both came to the states from the Phillippines.
@...token2k6: Newfag? What are you, twelve? Not saying this supports the ‘fake’ line of thought, but it does make it sound like you spend plenty of time surfing 4chan.
As to the claim of this being your wife, I’m inclined to believe it. why not? Sure, she’s a fairly pretty lady and hardly overweight, but she’s definitely not a model or anything. It’s clearly a picture of someone’s wife.
Either way, you had to have known that this was going to happen.
Is she cool with you posting bikini photos for teenage boys to fap to later? If she is, have at it. She’s cute.
I’d hit it – of course I don’t believe she is your wife.
There are indeed some pretty flowers on that bikini, but why’d you marry a plant? You sick floraphile!
I wonder if that fridge is nicely stocked.
I call bullshit, how do we know thats your wife and not some pic you lifted off of flikr.
if you care about someone that looks like that, you keep her away from this site at all costs.
a little bit of a fupa on her eh?
OK, token, point from that previous sneezing thread well-taken: my hat’s off to you, sir! Now, get that lovely lady off of this site!
I call bullshit. Hey everyone I’m married to Rachel Bilson. I’m going to post her photo so you can all see.
your so full of shit you arent married to Rachel Bilson. She isnt even married at all, she is engaged to Hadden Christianson (he is totally gay, engagement is just for show).
@sickmindedone: oh yeah, about that, I realized I should’ve added that she was in fact 2 months pregnant with our son at the time. and she stayed about that skinny until 4 months. and then, well…lets just say that now after 8 months of working out she looks like that again!
@Teutonic Logic: i’m sure she is on flikr somewhere, but not looking this hot!
She’s gorgeous.
@...Teutonic Logic:
Wait what. When did he claim that. Or am I missing something here.
“my wife from when I started dating her in 2005.”
“she was in fact 2 months pregnant with our son at the time.”
There are some inconsistencies with this story. She was 2 months pregnant when you started dating? Was she already pregnant or do you have time traveling sperm?
Also, I agree with oh2ohz, there is something extremely creepy about posting bikini pictures of your wife(?) to a website like MCS. Does she know that you’ve done this?
Yea I agree with reboot. Something smells fishy here and it’s not your wife.
I believe he is married or a consistent liar. A quick Google search reveals that he “has a wife” on at leats 10 different forums. No pics yet though. 🙁
Is your wife’s name Samantha? And if you do indeed live in Houston, it makes sense you would vacation in South Padre… >_>
or you are a meticulous liar.
lucky bastard no matter who’s wife .
@The Matrix: Rebooted: we started dating the beginning of 2005. She got pregnant in July, this pic was in August…and she knows i’ve done this, she is cool with it.
just wanted to share…
@CathyLong: you newfag
so your calendar goes july-june-august or was it begining of july -> end of august?
“newfag” is adorable. thanks for playing.
tell her i would like 2 pina coladas, 3 coronas, 4 lemon drop shots & a pu pu platter. Hard to find good waitresses these days – token she’s not your wife, she’s my waitress
@CathyLong: yeah, july 4th weekend, and august 27th for that picture, so yeah, about 2 months.
and sorry, thought you were someone you’re not (?) I have no idea who you are or how you knew those things…
I’m sure no one will believe me, so I don’t know why I’m even posting this, but I fucked her….
@...token2k6: I never hid my sources. Google and your screenname. That’s it. 🙂
Token is married to this woman,her name is Samantha (Sam) and in fact I am responible for setting them up or was at least an accomplice to my fiance setting him up.
She’ll look 45 by the time she’s 30, that’s the problem with them.
@...Howie Feltersnatch: I’m sure everyone will believe me, so I don’t know why I’m even posting this, but I you’re stupid.
@...token2k6: You have a hot wife dude. You from Hawaii? Is she hapa(I think that’s the right slang) half Hawaiian/half Asian?
@Puulaahi: thanks! No, not in Hawaii, She is half filipina from her mother’s side and half spanish from her father’s side, who both came to the states from the Phillippines.
She’s hot, I’ll believe you for now.
Very Cute Wifey there.
She’s beautiful token.
@...Immanuel: Someone needs to brush up on his [mcs] memes.
who really cares whether he’s a proud husband or a delusional liar? if he says so, who r u to call him a liar? get over yourself.
Now that is proof of a lucky token…
@...token2k6: Newfag? What are you, twelve? Not saying this supports the ‘fake’ line of thought, but it does make it sound like you spend plenty of time surfing 4chan.
As to the claim of this being your wife, I’m inclined to believe it. why not? Sure, she’s a fairly pretty lady and hardly overweight, but she’s definitely not a model or anything. It’s clearly a picture of someone’s wife.
Either way, you had to have known that this was going to happen.
shiny stretch marks.
Very pretty face