The Holocaust

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No matter what others would like you believe, It did happen.

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    Alec Dalek

    Yeah, you’d have to be a real retard to believe it didn’t happen.


    No one (intelligent) said it “didn’t happen” just that it’s been overexaggerated in part by false memoirs and exaggerated stories of cruelty.

    Yes, a bunch of people were incarcerated by an extremist. Many of them were killed.
    You are not alone. You never were.


    …or be so bigoted that you ELECT to believe that it didn’t happen.


    I’ve always liked this strip. People that don’t believe in the holocaust have no perception of the real world. There are far too many historical texts to support it, as well as living breathing men who will admit to going through, and many who will admit they were a part of the oppression (with a variety of emotions to go with the admission, I am sure).

    in b4 kommistupidity.

    Alec Dalek

    Camiam321: Retarded, Bigoted, they’re pretty much the same thing.

    Alec Dalek

    CathyLong: Just by following your link, I found Babi Yar, possibly the worst massacre in history, 33,000 in only 2 days! I think the Jews are very justified in their protectionism these days.


    The Holodomor is missing from that list of massacres


    I don’t think it’s “unjusified” to feal anger and regret from the events of the holocaust. It was a tragedy and a disgusting glance into humanity.

    I do not, however, believe it is beyond humor, beyond fact checking or beyond reproach when people are overexaggering their persnal experiences.

    The Nazis were soldiers. They were not psychopathic serial killers. That’s why it’s so easy to pull apart the fact from the fiction. Nazis didn’t throw children at live electric fences. They didn’t make furniture from bones and skin and they sure as hell did not perform half of the “scientific tests” so many comic books and fiction references attribute to them.

    The problem is that some of the real things that happened were cruel. They were horrible. And people are more apt to believe lies and exaggerations because they don’t want to imagine a world where sane people would do these things simply out of following orders.

    But they did.


    It needs to be remembered, but the upsetting thing is that since the USSR was on the “winning side” and they had such a totalitarian state thanks to Ole Joe, that actual body count will probably never be really known. Also noticed that it brought up the Nanking massacre which doesn’t get a whole lot of attention. These kinds of events do tend to show a person that passivism leads to events like this.

    tiki god

    I’ve heard that the USSR might have understated their loses by nears 5x.


    CathyLong: Where did you get your “information” about the Nazi’s tests? How is it “right” while what someone else says is “wrong”? Look at the horrific experiments the Doctor of Death did to twins, children, gays, and the elderly. Torture one twin to see if the other twin feels it, no anesthesia for cutting into flesh, they just soaked the skin in water to make it sag, then cut. Also, I have never heard of the furniture or throwing children into fences that you mentioned.

    Jesus Christ

    CathyLong: Actually, they didn’t make furniture out of skin. Their wives did.



    I find the focal point of “faith” to be a little bit inaccurate since Judaism isn’t just a religion like xianity, it’s a culture. The Jewish culture has been being slaughtered on and off for thousands of years… it just needed to happen in large enough numbers for non-Jewish people to give a shit.


    It happenned, and it was horrible, unforgiveable and unforgetable, but there are no words to describe the massacre that the country of Israel is doing, day by day on Palestine in the name of “god” and “the promised land”. Stop living in the past, please. There was no genocide that justifies another one.


    day by day – do tell! Numbers? examples?


    Weird. I just finished watching The Pianist, and here there is, a god damn Holocaust pic.

    Fuck you MCS, as if im not depressed enough after the god damn movie. Fuck you, MCS. Fuck you.


    No one said there was. Most people these days have very mixed feelings about supporting Israel. I certainly do, anyway.


    Bad people exist (they always have & always will); they corrupt neutral people, and persecute weaker people until good people stop them.

    Political extremism…that’s why I make my own Kool-Aid


    The Japanese did very, very, very terrible things to the Chinese. Frostbite/boiling water. Vivisections. Diseases. Installing ports in people. Burnings. Mutilations. They referred to them as ‘logs’ as in, go get me another log from the pile. All the shit you wonder if the Nazi’s were actually sick enough to do? Yeah, these guys were doing it in style. Proudly.

    No one talks about it. No one founded a new nation because of it. The US isn’t devoting billions of dollars to the defense of the Chinese. We aren’t making enemies with half of the world because we let China dictate our foreign policies.

    I think that we tend hang a sacred veil on the Jewish Holocaust that makes it beyond discussion or gets you labeled as a Nazi or delusional nutcase if you dispute the accuracy any of the official documentation.

    Weather or not it’s really pointless to dispute the actual number of people killed is irrelevant, it still shouldn’t be taboo.

    By doing so, we make it difficult to examine other truths of history, and their consequences. Everyone always says ‘We must never forget the Holocaust’, yet genocide is taking place daily in the world, and no one fucking notices. Is grandpa on the bench there going to talk to little Jimmy about Darfur next? I doubt it.


    I totally agree with that suicydking


    That kid is a girl. Dana, I think.

    Darfur drives me crazy. I know a lot of Sudanese refugees, and I can’t talk to them about what has happened in their home. I would break down. I can’t do it.


    MrPsychic: I know they did tests, on a select few people. It wasn’t hordes and hordes and it wasn’t to the extreme that some people have picked up from science fiction and comic books. And the lampshades thing has been disproven so many times and it still pops up.

    The electric fence was a scene from one of those fake memoirs which people wouldn’t stop yapping about in the 80s.

    My only point was that Nazis weren’t these cruel vilainous people. They were just people. It doesn’t EXCUSE them, but I can’t believe how much vile and hatred people have that they assume hundreds of German soldiers were suddenly psychopaths.

    You may as well asume all holocaust survivors are sweet, innocent people. Oh wait, we already assume that.

    Anyway, it’s already been mentioned but the Holocaust was not and still IS not the only mass killing of a group of people based on religion/race/sexual preferrence. This crap is STILL going on. The only “good” thing that has come out of “remembering the Holocaust” is that everyone pities Jewish people now.

    But am I really supposed to excuse the mass murders going on Isreal right now because some midget artschool dropout got pissy 50 years ago?


    I think saying “It Did Happen” is maybe one of the extremely few truths that haven’t had 10 tons of BS propaganda warping it

    but still

    1] WW2 and the holocaust DID happen, Germany did not make it up, and the British and Americans lack the intelligence to imagine something that extreme to lie about

    2] The number of dead jews was Overestimated, and the numbers of dead russians did not include the fact that the russians killed about 2/3 of that as cowards and deserters so germany cant take all the blame

    3] Germany had grey uniforms before and after the war, so if it does not have the eagle/swastika on it, it is not a nazi uniform

    why refer to me, I recognise that the holocaust happened

    too True, what, the jews were persecuted for close to 500 years before Germany made a big deal about it, the only reason people point at us is because we did things too large-scale too fast

    its quite a double-standard isnt it? that israelites get away with massacring muslims/islams, and in the last war had american soldiers in the middle east doing it too, but its somehow bad to kill israelites?

    well, that is the current global ideology:
    *Defend Hebrews but spit on any other religion you like [especially muslim/islam]

    *worship democracy and condemn Communism and Nationalism

    *accept the Gays, Drug Users, Blacks, Jews, Asians, Birth Defects and Mental Disorders, but criticize anyone who is Heterosexual, Clean, White, Genetically Normal and Mentally Stable


    CathyLong: stop fucking with comic books and sci-fi books you crazy nazi


    I was unsure if you believe it, but sure that you are not fond of Jews.

    And another thing, if we weren’t in a huge fucking hole, I’d be pretty happy about us giving money to the Palestinians, as long as Hamas does not receive it.


    KommissarKvC: Are you a skinhead KKK?


    I am.


    Ok first off i am going to make something clear before you all begin getting pissy and begin accusing me of being zionist or some other bullshit. I make holocaust jokes all the time, it is not below me to crack jew jokes or racist jokes at all. Comedy is comedy, it can use serious events or situations to help us cope and get past the darker parts of our time on earth. You can still be respectful to those who died in these events by using jokes to convey the ridiculousness or sadness of the truth behind the jokes. When you hear about jews and pizza ovens what do you think ? Do you say to yourself ” AHAHAHA JEWS ARE DIFFERENT FROM PIZZA, PIZZA DOESN’T SCREAM. JEWS ARE LIKE PIZZA THEREFORE I SHOULD NOT PAY RESPECT TO THEM OR THE HORRIBLE ACTS COMMITTED AGAINST THEM,” or do you think ” that is a pretty funny joke; offensive but funny. I mean shit, some Jews might have been burned alive and that is horrible. Thank god most of the world has moved on past those barbaric times.” I generally think the latter of the two. Y’know why? Because it is a joke. jokes are not meant to be taken as serious statements. If a person actually uses it to justify or act out a racially motivated crime or racist philosophy then it is safe to say that they were racist or whatever the hell else before they heard/made that joke. People need to lighten the fuck up if they want to get past their problems. Plain and simple.


    So basically you are saying the jews have no right to complain because it wasn’t the first time their people had been slaughtered in record numbers? And because they weren’t the first race of people to have a flat out extermination carried on them? And what mass murders in Israel? Are you suggesting that the jews are rounding up Palestinians and exterminating them? Because that is flat out bullshit from the “It is cool to hate and speak out against israel” bandwagon. Mind you israel is not completely innoccent ,i am not saying they haven’t done bad things, but they are far from the barbaric genocidal monster you seem to think they are.


    China and russia already have their own home country. They both have had their countries for hundreds and thousands of years. Israel and palestine have existed for thousands of years in different incarnations. here are a few of the names that the lands known as Israel and Palestine have existed under.Canaan, Greater Israel, Greater Syria, the Holy Land, Iudaea Province, Judea[7], Israel, “Israel HaShlema”, Kingdom of Israel, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael or Ha’aretz), Levant, Retenu (Ancient Egyptian), Southern Syria, and Syria Palestina. It has never belonged exclusively to the muslims or the jews. Combined the jews and christians (And BTW christians are jews despite what most of them will tell you.Technically they are messianic jews.) outnumber all of the worlds muslims, but neither have a native land. So when the jews want a slice of land to call home they are all of a sudden monsters? Christianity alone pre-dates islam by 511 years. The jews have every right to have their own nation, just as much as the palestinians do. It is understandable why the palestinians are upset. but the fact of the matter is that both palestinians and jews Have a right to share the holy land. The jews and christians pre-dated the muslims by hundreds and thousands of years. And islam was born from the jewish holy land. To deny either groups of people their right to live in their ancestral holy land is just as horrible as the holocaust or the crusades. It is not just because someone said ” oh fuck! The jews are getting killed off again guys! Ok, let’s give them an a apology by driving out the Palestinians from their former homeland so the jews can do whatever the fuck they want and use the holocaust as justification for it.” It is a historical right that all members of the abrahamic religions are entitled to be they jewish, christian, muslim.

    Goddamn you are the dumbest motherfucker i have ever seen on the internet. I thought people like you existed solely in shitty left wing blogs and Nancy Pelosi’s mind. At least caio could come up with historical basis for his fucking retarded ideals.

    I am Jewish/christian and i am just fine with Islam and practitioners of the Muslim faith. Yeah Islam has some barbaric practices that are still carried out, but it’s not like people don’t carry out the bad things about Christianity or Judaism either. and with all three religions those practices are carried out by statistically insignificant groups, but they end up getting the most media coverage. Mainstream Islam’s rules are somewhat misogynistic but for the most part muslims are progressing past it, much like the jews and christians have been doing.

    Goddamn you are an idiot.


    Ugh, god damn it, i need to proof read my blurbs better and stop writing while hopped up on coffee and excedrin. I came off really redundant in my response to suicyd.

    RSIxidor: We might not have to actually. One of the upcoming candidates for Prime minister of Israel is willing to trade land for peace. What i would like to know is why none of the other Muslim/Arab nations are helping out the Palestinians.


    I dont take too real nothing that I havent reaserched in the first time. its not that I have reaserched this too much (and no I dont take internet as a real reserching tool) but this is what I belive:
    1.- holocaust real
    2.- quantity of jews dead i dont care I suppouse its not really important the number but the fact that jews were killed just beacuse they were jews is ridiculos. (so its bad ok)
    3.- : i wish people like you win and inherit all the land so you can actually fuck youre mother, sister and father so you can mantain youre poor dna intact.
    4.- by the way do you know that white people is deformed yes baby genetist now know that black people have the perfect DNA theirs is undeformed. white people in the other hand are fucking deformed they are like downs or shit like that awesome isnt it? o and by the weay if you ever kissed a redhead 3 o 6 generetions back his/her grandmother/grandfather was black si she/him must be more perfect than you.
    5.- probably a him.


    thelotuseater725: You forgot to take your xanax today. Didn’t you.


    thelotuseater725: No offense meant, and you’re putting words in my mouth if you think I implied that the Jews are ‘monsters’.

    I dig your argument about having a homeland. The point I was making is that it’s rather taboo to discuss the Holocaust, and it shouldn’t be. Also wanted to stress the point that no one seems to care about the current genocides taking place, while the Holocaust is supposed to be a reminder to never let it happen again.

    As far as why no other Arab nations helping out the Palestinians, well, see my comment about Israel influencing our foreign policy & defense budget. No one wants to open that can of whoop ass right now. Even the guy who helped found Al-Quaeda has admitted that whacking our bee’s nest was a bad idea.


    Holocaust Museum DC 2008

    I see nothing here that implies the Jews want us to feel sorry for them. What I see is a group of people who do not want us to forget that it still happens…in Darfur, Middle East, etc…

    Much like the comic strip, they ask, not for themselves, but for us, all of us. Apparently we have not yet learned the lesson. Apparently we need reminding.


    A half Jew is still a Jew

    Yep, scientists and scholars are always right, and apparently never make mistakes
    The world was flat too, but scholars are never wrong

    The original humans were slightly tanned yes, but not african monkey black
    Study the evolution of humans – the variant of Homo Erectus that was biologically capable of adapting to new environments, moved north and colonized europe and evolved to have light skin, while the the inferior variant stayed in africa and darkened


    KommissarKvC: Kommissar aces Racist/Bigotry 101 in Geography. The more comments this guy makes the more I want to send him to an island and nuke him.


    I respect you only because you are honest about how you feel, other than that, fuck off.

    The world being flat was speculation, what Mr. Monkey is speaking of is scientific research providing results, (though I’d sure like some references), its also VERY well known that all living humans came from Africa. I know that to refute this would be to fly in the face of scientific fact. Your ancestors were black, and their ancestors were something like monkeys. Live with it.


    suicydking: Oh none taken, I guess i misread what you said. I’m so used to being on the defensive about israel and religion in general that i miss out on balanced views. Either way i apologize for putting words into your mouth. Having that said i actually agree with you, it is bullshit how taboo the holocaust is. Yeah it was a horrible moment in history but the jews as well as the world will never heal if we make it a taboo subject. I know that at my synagogue we don’t think of it as a taboo subject, we talk about it openly as if it was any other event in history. Plus a lot of us talk about other genocide going on in the world such as every damn nation in africa. Obviously my congregation doesn’t represent all of the jews in the world but we are the oldest congregation in the USA so i guess that says something. Either way i agree with you, people don’t care about current genocides going on in the world. I suppose it is history repeating itself.

    As far as the reason you gave for the arab nations not helping out palestine that is somewhat of a bullshit reason. Mind you i am not saying that you specifically are full of shit, but rather that the so called “muslim” nations are more than capable of beign a formidable threat. consider all the arab oil barons. They have more than enough money to buy fleets of Sukhoi pak-fa’s and Sukhoi su-27/30/33/34/35 outfitted with french avionics ( which if i remember correctly are based off of israeli avionics) which are not that much weaker than f-22 avionics. Granted the f-22 is the most advanced plane money can buy, but it is also the most expensive fighter jet you can buy. For the price of one f-22 you could have four Sukhois that are almost as capable as the f-22. On top of that russias upcoming Surface To Air missile systems beat the shit out of current american systems. Eventually america will catch up, and no doubt we have ridiculously advanced (i.e. stupidly expensive functional prototypes) systems hidden in case of a full-on act of war. Add into it that russia will sell to any damn nation in the world and the fact that your average oil sheik could demand a 150 dollars per barrel price and the USA would pay out the ass for it, the corrupt middle eastern countries could have America by the balls soviet style. The good news is that india is on our side for the most part and they are one of russias biggest customers so we would have an advantage. For the most part you are probably right about nobody wanting to open up a can of American Whoop Ass.

    America: We are going to liberate the shit out of your country.


    I’ll repsect your willingness to question science. Other than that fuck you, you uneducated douchebag redneck fuckwad. Nobody likes you.

    Also, You are wrong about flat earth. Since the ancient greeks it was widely accepted that the earth was round. Albeit they thought it was much much smaller. The Whole flat earth Theory didn’t come into fruition until the 1800’s .



    I AM GOING TO MASTURBATE TO THE THOUGHT OF YOU LICKING MY BUTTHOLE. Yeah, remember that next time you wack off. Men are thinking about you fucking them.


    InB4 Sociopolitical $hit$t0rm… SONOFA!!! Ok, fine. I’m just gonna turn around and crawl back into the hole I came out from…


    : did you just writed cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass, cock in my ass? because I only see that in what you have posted before. sorry I barely understand retarded-kkk.


    oh and by the way, (forgeting tha kkk kid) , isnt anonymous triyng too pull something equaly stupid on the scientologist? ad alot of people is supporting it here I dont understand that people against something because is relly bad or just because is the actual thing to do?

    no I dont support scientologist I just dont see why people cant belive whatever they want without being attacked.



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