Questions swirl at Pentagon after wave of departures

It is a coup, a push to withdraw from Afghanistan or just some petty score settling?


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    Or, Trump wants military “Yes” men to defend his occupation of the White House.


    Hence the use of the word “coup”.


    Lol. One of the “horrible” reasons listed for this might be a troop withdrawal. God forbid!

    Old Tofu

    well when EVERY MILITARY ADVISOR he has say its a bad idea maybe the great cheeto should start listening instead of putting our troops at risk

    tiki god

    I strongly feel that we should be out of other countries, but I also strongly feel that it needs to be done in a timely and competent manner. what they’re discussing is immediate withdrawal where we abandon in place the bases and equipment, so we have a choice of either destroying it all, or handing it over to the local authorities, who will quickly lose it to the insurgents.

    Old Tofu

    there are still plenty of videos online where it shows russians going into bases that were left behind still having the refrigerators stocked with coke and pepsi. already set up and ready for them to move in.

    Last edited 4 years ago by Old Tofu

    Know what? Let em have all the coke and pepsi.Take home the take home-ables, blow up the blow uppables, shred the shredables, take the fucking “L” and get the fuck out of there before any more harm is done. It isn’t hard. Just get the fuck out. I know it would suck if Trump were actually the one to do it, but just fucking do it already.

    tiki god

    the problem is that the last time someone left that area to their own devices we got 9-11


    Jesus fucking Christ that is so wrong it is not even right. For one thing, it wasn’t the US leaving the area alone but precisely the opposite – the US sticking their fucking noses into pple’s business during the Afghan Civil War – that helped create and fund the Taliban that we all know and love today. Furthermore, Afghanistan had sweet fuck all to do with 9/11.


    I’m not a fan of interventionism, but some might argue that is was the US’s quick departure after the Russian invasion….winning the war but not winning the peace…that lead to the Taliban.


    Some might be idiots then. Is there anyone else (not a Kissinger or McCain) that thinks the problem with the US training the mujahideen and funding them to the tune of 20 billion dollars which enabled them to start up a little group of fun loving freedom fighters known as the Taliban, is that IT WASN’T ENOUGH? Jeezus.

    Old Tofu

    fact is we have made a deal with them and us leaving was conditional on them doing certain things and none of them have been done. so we are giving them what they want for nothing and making the troops still there more vulnerable. there is a reason why the taliban endorse trump.

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