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    Old Tofu

    while obama was in office 649 miles . . . trump even commandeered the pentagon’s money , 7.2 billion. where has the money gone?


    Has MCS just become a liberal website? C’mon Tiki, what happened to the time when there was just great pictures and conversation?

    tiki god

    ten years this site’s been around and you’re just now noticing that?


    I remember you wanting to be in Obama’s pants but never anything this bad.


    Lets see.

    Mexico is paying, through fairer trade. Everyone in Federal Office who voted for or signed NAFTA should have been shot.

    NK came to the table seriously for the first time in 70 years, and the region is far more stable.

    We did actually sign a trade deal with china.

    Not Trumps fault local cops are a problem. He didn’t make the national police State.

    Not trumps fault people are unemployed. That would be the Governors.

    Meh. Covid isn’t that serious unless you’re in a nursing home, and in truth, if you’re in a good nursing home you’ll be fine. The mitigation strategies are the same as any time there is any flu, C-diff, or MERSA out breaks.

    Nursing homes that are the epicenter of a large number of death should be facing manslaughter charges, at the very least.

    tiki god

    I believe you’re only permitted to move the goal posts a maximum of 20 times in this game, you’re over your limits.


    This is going to backfire on the democrats. They don’t know what they stand for, just against anything that Trump does. Do you really see people embracing Biden or people that just will vote the opposite? People are pissed the Chinese Virus is being blown out of proportion and Biden wants a federal mandate on masks? The governors are responsible for that. If you don’t like it you can move to another state, that’s the beauty of the setup. There are a lot of Trump supporters (not inbred idiots like you think). Is Trump an asshole? Is he temperamental? Is he sometimes embarrassing? I think almost everyone thinks yes. But he will follow a conservative ideology and that’s what I care about more. Most of us just don’t talk about it because it’s not worth the effort to argue against people who don’t talk with reason or logic. The democrats have a better shot at taking the majority in the senate and that would effectively stop Trump from doing anything and we’d be at a stand still for awhile. If Trump loses, I’ll come back to this post and say I was wrong and that I should rethink my values. If he wins, I’ll come back and say nanny nanny boo boo.


    “If you don’t like it you can move to another state”
    Why do people spout this shit like it’s easy to do when we’re in the middle of a pandemic and the unemployment rate is at a record high? People are struggling to pay rent and buy food and you think it’s in their budget to be able to afford a move?
    Interstate moves cost like $4k on average. The low end is still like $2k. I’m out here helping friends that can barely make rent because of the pandemic and you’re suggesting people move across state lines? Laughable.

    Here are three sources.,and%20distance%20of%201%2C200%20miles.

    By the way, the DNC platform for 2020 (draft, won’t be final until adopted during the convention this week):

    Looks like they’re standing for a lot of things.


    I’ve moved a lot, my company has always paid for it. And I get paid more and more because I work hard and am rewarded for such. I had to pay back my student loans, worked two jobs, gained experience and have grown within my industry. This country is built to reward hard work. And the pandemic? Really? Most people don’t show symptoms, and those who are dying (sadly) are old. Let’s protect them and not upend everyone else. It amazes me how people have fallen for this crap – look at the numbers. % of people who die from the Chinese Virus, % of people who die from it based off the demographics of <18, 18-34, 35-54, 55-64 and 65+, percent of people who show symptoms. Insert those numbers and your sources and tell me it’s still a big bad scary wolf.


    BTW, “Trump” is mentioned 120 times in that document. I spent the time and read it. They could have just said “We don’t like Trump, we undo what Trump did. Trump, Trump, Trump. We angry.”


    At least the DNC bothered to come up with a new one.,_2020

    They couldn’t even be bothered to remove the language that continually attacks the “current administration”. Talk about low effort.


    And your link has Obama mentioned 20 times and 9 of them are about Obamacare, the 2020 Dems PDF has Trump mentioned 120 times. The democrat platform PDF is rubbish. The dems are going for the “I’m just angry, I hate Trump” vote. The American people don’t want socialism, they respect and appreciate the police, want an American first mentality and don’t want masks. Americans are not stupid people, Old Man Joe is going to mess it up for you all.

    tiki god

    The American people don’t want socialism

    You’re talking for yourself there, not the entire population.

    Also, I don’t know a single person IRL that has total respect for the police.


    I guess we will see how the American people vote. I’m not talking about the entire population, but the majority. This county has a majority of people who work hard and don’t want their money going to people who won’t work. They don’t want a big federal government. Law abiding citizens like cops because they don’t have problems with them as they don’t do anything illegal. When you need them you know who to call.


    Yes, a lot of us work hard and are tired of our taxes going to pay for tax breaks and subsidies for the oil and gas industry and corporations that get such a large tax break they actually get money back while paying nothing. So yeah, I’m voting for the party that gives that money to people who will spend it and stimulate the economy, not hoard it like some mythical dragon that believes he who dies with the most cash on hand wins.

    Old Tofu

    don’t forget the “majority” did not vote for trump last time


    “Americans are not stupid people”; unfortunately, a percentage are: There is a large and diverse number of Americans, so that percentage is also large and diverse.
    Trump being elected in the first place proves that!


    So, only stupid people voted for Trump?


    Nah, some of them were tricked, some are gullible, he’s locked up the racist and the Qanon vote. The folks that don’t like him but still voted for him because he said he wants to make abortion illegal. The people that republicans tricked a long time ago into believing that the Democrats are literally coming for all your guns any minute now… any minute now… any minute now…

    And a large contingent of people that don’t think his policies will ever negatively affect them so fuck those people that are negatively impacted.
    There were the people that said “I don’t think a woman should be president.” Whether it was specifically Hillary or any woman. To some it mattered who the woman was, to some it didn’t.

    The Comey e-mail dump right before the election got a lot of people.

    You’ve got the folks that liked he wasn’t your run of the mill politician.

    People that vote republican no matter what.

    So, I can’t speak for jediadept, but no, not only stupid people voted for Trump. But after witnessing first hand how awful he’s been at being in charge this country for the last 4 years I’d have to say that those who vote for him this time are at least flirting with the edge of the stupid pool if not diving into the shallow end head first.


    Damn Bolthorn! That was simply brilliant; more elegantly eloquent than what I attempted, or could have attempted, to convey.

    Most excellent!… GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!


    Very well written.

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