Israeli apartheid wall graffiti

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And one in London. More at

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    wouldn’t “Terrorist & Suicide Bomber Prevention Barricade” be a more correct way to refer to it?


    Master artist.


    Banksy is more or less awesome.


    A wall doesn’t keep Arabs and Jews apart, lobbing missles from Gaza does.


    The Israelis clean up the walls of the ghettos so fucking fast, he must have taken those photos as soon as he finished.



    You should read a history book, it would do you some good.


    JamesTuskGeorge: Your frequent accusations about “Zionists” in any thread on Israel clearly shows you to be a nut case. So there’s clearly no reason to listen to anything you might say. You’re just a troll who’s programmed to spout “Zionists!!” in any thread on Israel.



    And maybe you should stop being a racist piece of shit. Obviously you hate jews. I’m willing to bet you are either some militant muslim fuckwad. One who has nothing better to do than perpetuate stereotypes about what is more or less an OK religion that gets twisted by the media and madmen. OR you are some neo-nazi shithead OR you are jumping on the “it’s trendy to hate israel” bandwagon. So i assume the people at McDougal Littell/houghton mifflin are zionists? Is everybody that doesn’t admonish israel a zionist? I’m guessing all the news corporations in america are zionist too. Anyone who doesn’t hate israel is a zionist right?



    thelotuseater725: Wait, are telling me the news corporations in america AREN’T all zionist??

    Next your going to say the banks aren’t all owned by lucifer-worshipping jewish mystics.

    Quit shattering my paranoid delusions! I need them to keep me confused and afraid!



    DAMN YOU SYLVANISH! I should get on my Jewnigraph and let the rest of the jewish nation know that you have blown the whistle on our efforts! *flys away in hindenberg replica, to go do 9/11*


    JamesTuskGeorge: So a wall on the border of the palestinian lands is apartheid? James i asked you to provide specific legislation that explicitly states that Palestinians are not meant to integrate or live on Israeli land. I did not ask you to show me a wall that was put up with the purpose of protecting both Israelis and Palestinians from militant factions. Walls that were put up to prevent shootings, suicide bombings and other attacks. Israelis and Palestinians are free to move in between borders so long as they do not have the intent of killing other people. Sure it doesn’t offer total protection from rocket and mortar attack.

    Is it an appropriate measure? Well that is debatable, both sides lose but their is statistical evidence that shows there is (This i can not back up 100% because all of the links i had are dead now so i feel no offense at taking it with a grain of salt.). Is it a racist measure meant for the soul purpose of oppressing the palestinians or for instituting Apartheid? No.

    Ghassan Katib is right, israel shouldn’t be putting their forces and defenses on Palestinian land. But what do you expect them to do? The Israelis are under constant threat from Hamas and Hezbollah. And even palestine is under threat from militant/overzealous israelis. Granted you rarely, if ever, hear about jews organizing and suicide bombing palestinian pizza parlors and schools. Do you honestly think the israeli governemnt is thrilled about having to make decisions that are more or less political suicide? Do you honestly think they are doing this just because they simply “don’t like” Palestinians? It would be stupid to think so considering the Palestinians aren’t attacking israel because they “plain ol’ hate jews.” The people that are attacking israel are the fucktarded militant islamic groups that have conned the people into electing them. The palestinians and the jews were living fine when it was still palestine and there are jews who live just fine among the palestinians and vice versa. The fact is both the Palestinian territories and Israel flourish is economic prosperity from their tourism industries alone. When either side is attacking eachother they lose.

    To suggest that putting up a fence is apartheid is like saying that owning a jet is an act of war.


    its easier to just simply kill all the jews and let the Palestinians have the land, then there wont be any more conflict over there


    Ok kommissar, i an convinced you are just a troll at this point. There is no way in hell anybody is that stupid without being so for the sake of ones own entertainment.


    thelotuseater725: Hate to jump onto this bandwagon. Shit, Tiki knows these Middle Eastern Conflict posts garner a lot of attention; maybe he just keeps it up for the banner ads? They keep me coming back.

    You say “To suggest putting up f…” and so on. To that, I say, To suggest that “a wall that was put up with the purpose of protecting both Israelis and Palestinians from militant factions” and 1. expect it to actually work and 2. to think that Palestinians are at all protected from militant factions (the Israeli military is a faction, whatever its intent) is CRAZY. Maybe not “Jews run the media” crazy, but crazy.

    You’re right; it’s not for the sole purpose of instituting Apartheid. That is completely valid. Likely the Wall got passed partly because the populace was convinced it WOULD help against militant attacks (so far, not really working out so well) and so went for it, when it turns out the government has alternate but parallel goals for the maneuver. If you live in the United States, this should sound familiar.

    It’s very easy to take the Israelis’ side on this, but it’s stupid. Very stupid, morally at least. They kill civilians just as readily as the Palestinians do. They do not take the high ground, they just do what the Palestinians do at Tier 4 instead of Tier 1 tech, for all you RTS nerds out there.


    Man that is just beautiful work…


    JamesTuskGeorge: Don’t be silly, it seems you don’t understand anything of what you represent.

    Apartheid – racial segregation and discrimination. Jews and Arabs are from the same race – Semite !!

    Make the conclusion, stupid.


    Where the fuck did my Banksy post go? It had large amounts of win. This post also includes said win.

    Alec Dalek

    JamesTuskGeorge: Shut up loser, before we build a firewall around you!

    American Perv

    Hey everyone: raise your hand if you’ve ever read any of the Hamas charter!

    The reason the wall isn’t an apartheid wall and the policy behind it isnt “apartheid” either is that the blacks in south africa didnt have the aim of exterminating all of the whites. Hamas and Fatah have the stated aim of the extermination of all of the Israelis. If that is “understandable” or “justifiable” or “only natural” then so too is every single settlement israel ever built. If the issue for you is Israel’s existence, then you are anti-immigrant on principal and should be opposing every non-native American, Australian, and New Zealander’s (to name a few) claim to the land they now inhabit. Israel wants to exist. Her actions do not exist in a vacuum. The “Resistance” to the occupation isnt so if it’s targets are Israeli civilians regardless of their political beliefs. There are even anti-zionist Israeli citizens but all are targets of Fatah and Hamas. Hamas for instance doesnt name “israelis” as its target but “Jews” and it doesn’t limit its imperial goals to Israel proper. They also want to take down the Christians, the Masons, The Rotary Club, and others. Go read their charter.


    American Perv:

    Dude, stop it with the facts, you’re hurting people’s feelings.

    American Perv

    Mini-schnauzer: I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.

    If you want to talk about hurting people’s feelings, consider the following: challenging the legitimacy of Israel’s self defense means siding with genocidal racists and legitimizing their cause. I have friends and family in Israel that I would like to see unharmed.

    Furthermore if you or the rest of you really cared about the Palestinians you’d care how the rest of the Muslim world treats them. Thats the real apartheid, with limits on civil rights, movement, economic participation, and plumbing. Look at Lebanon if you don’t believe me.

    If you justify Hamas and Fatah then you are admiting that this was never about the Palestinians in the first place. This is about the genocide of Israel’s citizens. Before the first intifada, Israel invested in the occupied land. They built schools, homes, infrastructure, hospitals. When terrorist violence started, Israel began disengaging and persuing policies that protected its own. The world cried “APARTHEID!!” even then, as if these actions existed in a vacuum. If Fatah and Hamas are so concerned about Palestinian suffering, they’ll quit their terrorism. They have no right to strike at Israeli civilians.

    The anti war movement used to try to veil the fact that it was anti-Jewish, not just anti-Israel. Now you go to an anti-war rally anywhere on earth and you’ll see slogans supporting the killing of Jews. “Jews are terrorist!” “attack all Zionist businesses!” “Throw the Jews down the Well” “Jews control America” etc. And yet these same people get all irate when we call Arabs terrorists, which is equally unfair.

    American Perv

    Hamas uses human shields and brags about it:

    and here: ;playnext=1&index=3

    Some of these people do it voluntarily and thus are combatants.

    If you cared so much about the Palestinians, you would want Hamas to quit their fighting. If this was only about the occupation, there wouldn’t be so much violence. Hamas’s aims are genocidal and they put their own people in harm’s way on purpose: it makes great headlines when Pal civilians die.

    To oppose the war and not oppose Hamas is to take their side.

    Alec Dalek

    JamesTuskGeorge: No, no, no. You. You SHUT UP. I couldn’t give a damn about anyone in the middle east. You are free to say whatever you want, but so am I, and I say you are full of shit. Everything you’ve typed? Bullshit. But we are all getting a good laugh so keep up the good work!


    JamesTuskGeorge: You’re 100% correct and I appreciate your efforts to educate the masses here.


    NoOneInParticular: Knee-jerk calling anyone who doesn’t support Israel’s never ending racist campaign a racist is very LOL-trolling. Zionism is an actual political philosophy with actually adherents, but it’s understandable certain people don’t want to discuss how completely nuts it is.

    Alec Dalek

    conan776: Ah yes, Zionism. Thanks to Ahmadinejad, the world how has a new way to hate the Jews, but pretend like they don’t. All Zionism is is a reaction to thousands of years of persecution culminating with the Holocaust. They want to make sure their people are never hurt in this way again, and they are sick of all the BS they have to put up with from the asshole Arabs. It’s self preservation, and long overdue.


    AlecDalek: LOL wat? I don’t know what the current President of Iran has to do with the 120 year old nationalist movement which caused this 60-year long civil war. I’m sure if Iran built a time machine Israel would be first in line to blow it up. But as for the actual situation, winning a war is easy, it’s winning the peace that’s hard. Apartheid and embargoes and concentration camps just isn’t the right way to do that. I have to wonder if there hadn’t been the Holocaust in Europe whether the Zionists would have gone ahead with their own “Final Solution” for the “Palestinian problem” by now.

    Alec Dalek

    conan776: A while back Ahmadinejad made a claim that he hates Zionists, but loves the Jews. He arranged photo ops of Rabbi’s holding anti-Zionist signs and held a big conference where he invited Jews to come an discuss what to do about the Zionists, etc. Since then, I started seeing a fad where people would say they like the Jews, but hate Zionists. Most of them didn’t even understand what that really means.

    And if the Jews had wanted them dead, they would have done it already. They just want them to stop launching fucking missiles and strapping bombs onto their retards!


    AlecDalek: Please, you do not speak for me. The only person I’m laughing at is you.

    Condemning one side does not mean supporting the other. It’s precisely this mindset that got America into Iraq, which has thus far been a terrible decision we’re all just looking for a polite way to back out of.

    Other people here calmly and quietly agree with JamesTuskGeorge, while you have to call him a racist sympathizer, conspiracy theorist, and many other names you have no factual basis for. This is how a child acts when she cannot rationalize something.

    Also, the Zionist movement that JamesTuskGeorge is talking about isn’t the crazy “Jews Run Everything” theory that some vicious anti-Semites fabricated a pamphlet for before WWII. It’s simply a way to sum up the Israel nationalist movement, and everything their government has done to secure Israel, for better or for worse, over the past 120 years.

    I personally think they did it to try to kick off the Apocalypse after the horror of WWI, and damnit they’ve done a good job, but that’s just a theory.

    Alec Dalek

    ieattime20: Whoa, it’s amazing how much bullshit you and spew. Must be like 1000 Psi. Amazing!


    AlecDalek: Childish. Insubstantive. Inflammatory. Relying on emotive power instead of factual basis. Straw man. Red herring. Begging the question.

    And it’s bullshit I spew?


    AlecDalek: I don’t even hate Zionists. I wouldn’t really give two figs about the whole situation if billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars weren’t going to Israel to perpetuate this mess.

    If the U.S. collapsed tomorrow, and the Italians of Massachusetts suddenly became fevered nationalists, and decided to ship all the Irish off to reservations, then, when we proved inadequate wage-slave day laborers, walled all of us, including myself and my family, off from the rest of civilization, and then ended supply shipments in of anything more luxurious than gruel, I’d be launching missiles and anything else I could get my hands on over the wall too. You reap what you sow.

    American Perv

    the walling-off and checkpoints etc. are because since ’48 the Pals and have been trying to ethnically cleanse Israel. It may surprise you that I’m not thrilled about what happened when Israel was created. However it misses the point which is that it is there now and has been for a few generations. Forcible removal of a large population is ethnic cleansing, as I’m sure you’ll agree. Some people still have a double standard when they say “DESTROY ISRAEL!” as if its ok if the Palestinians and Arabs are doing it but not OK if the Israelis are doing it. I say its not ok if anyone does it. The world holds Israel to a higher than normal standard and holds the Palestinians to no standard whatsoever. To call the Gaza wall or any security measure in the West Bank “apartheid” is to deliberately ignore the context in which they exist; it delegitimizes Israel’s effort to protect its own and is thus is passively saying that Palestinian murder of Israeli civilians should go on unchecked. If the Palestinians can behave themselves, there will be no wall or lock down or blockade. Simple as that. Fatah and Hamas want to ethnically cleanse Israel.

    As for reaping what one sows, this is from a Blogger friend of mine:

    One of the usual responses by Palestinian Arabs to terror attacks – besides celebration
    and joy – is to tell the West that these attacks are a “natural reaction” to
    “Zionist crimes.”

    Hamas used those words yesterday as they praised the attack, and a Firas Press op-ed said
    the same thing this morning.

    No one seems to notice that only the Arabs are allowed to “naturally” murder.
    Israel doesn’t have that luxury – its acts must withstand the tightest scrutiny before
    even being decided upon. Those evil Zionists cannot naturally believe in revenge or
    murder because those are, well, evil. But the poor oppressed Palestinian Arabs are
    naturally allowed to act aggressively.

    In other words, those who defend terror attacks in this way are telling the world that
    all Palestinian Arabs simply do not have the same capacity for free will that the
    Zionists have.

    The defenders and justifiers of terror are the racists, openly saying that Palestinian
    Arabs cannot act like adults – they are children or animals or mentally disabled people
    who cannot be blamed for acting in bad ways because they do not have the mental
    capabilities to think soberly and logically. Only the hated Jews have that ability, you

    So only the Jews can be blamed for any civilian deaths, because they are the adults and
    know better. The Palestinian Arabs aren’t.

    The world buys into this farce to some extent, always assuming that the Israelis have
    more ability to act in a logical manner than Arabs can, and therefore asking more
    concessions from the adults than from the slightly defective children.

    Only Israel seems to expect Arabs to act as adults, as people who understand the concept
    of responsibility and who realize that actions have consequences. For everyone else,
    including the Arabs themselves, the Arab world can act as it pleases because it simply
    does not have the maturity that the Jews do.

    Arabs acting like animals is “natural,” according to their defenders. Isn’t
    that as racist as can be?

    Alec Dalek

    conan776: Yes, both sides should have to fund their own war games. Then again, the Americans sure seem to like trying out their new weaponry in the middle east (after they were kicked out of South-East Asia). They are such enablers.




    I took this pic this past weekend when I was in NYC. They were everywhere. I think this one was on the BQE, west bound.

    American Perv


    I will reply to you in a bit. I haven’t forgotten.

    American Perv

    @nyokki – all i have to say to that is “so?” Saying that the way the sign does falsely attributes those words to an ethnic group with a wide array of opinions. It would be equally fallacious to say that all Jews support Israel.

    It may surprise you to know that Israel actually has about as much freedom of speech as the US does. There are anti-zionist Israelis, Marxists, Leninist, Stalinists, Holocaust deniers, flat-earth believers, secularists, Arab and Palestinian-sympathizing Jewish Israelis too. They aren’t persecuted by the government in any way. There’s a joke in Israel that the Israelis and Palestinians have at least one thing in common: they are both allowed to criticize the Israeli government equally.


    Ethnic cleansing consists of extermination and/or explusion. Israel hasn’t done either. Please get your terms right.

    I would agree with you that Hamas doesnt have a chance of achieving it’s genocidal goals. I think they know it too, and they are profiting off of that fact. If they lay down their arms and actually tried to govern, they would have to answer for the fact that they are incompetent at it. They don’t invest in infrastructure, they don’t allow many civil rights. They impose more restrictions than even Fatah does.

    I think I might have said all of this before but I think i have to say it again:

    Fatah doesnt really want a Palestinian state. It is entirely questionable that they even want to destroy Israel and for one reason: if Israel ceased to exist, there would be no distraction from the fact that Fatah has been exploiting the Palestinians and oppressing them continuously since before even the 6 day war.

    About the plight of the average Palestinian, I agree, they are suffering and live in shitty conditions. Thing is, what is Israel supposed to do? They put that security squeeze on the Pals because without it, the terrorist Pals would blow themselves up in markets, schools, buses, and night clubs. Before they did suicide bombing, they would take hostages and murder them. Before the six day war, they did hit and run attacks too. If Israel didn’t have the occupation with it’s security checkpoints and all that, the terrorists would run rampant and no Israeli would be safe. The terrorists know this too. They know they can’t win militarily so they do what they do so Israel will put the squeeze on the Pal civilians – which the complicit world press views in a vacuum and this kills Israel’s image in the world. Terrorism is basically a device for endangering your own side for political gain. It’s quite ingenious when you think about it.

    A side note: between the ’48 war and the Six Day War, Jordan and Egypt illegally occupied the West Bank and Gaza respectively. Where was the world’s outrage about that? Where was the Palestinian outrage? When Arafat helped in the six day war, he wasnt fighting to liberate the territories. he was fighting to destroy Israel.

    If the world gave a rat’s ass about the Pal civilians, they wouldnt keep giving money to Fatah and Hamas. Those two don’t distribute the aid.

    This was never about the Pal civilians and you know it. The muslim world knows it, the West knows it, and most importantly, a sizable minority of Palestinians know it. However we never hear from them because they get shot if they speak out.

    Yes the Palestinian civilians are suffering under the occupation. If you merely say “stop the occupation,” and ignore the rest of it, then I am more pro-Palestinian than you.


    American Perv: ¶Really?! Are you sure? I always assumed that Jews and Israelis were a monolithic society.¶


    nyokki: LOL…

    American Perv

    @nyokki – I’ve been over there. I’ve seen it for myself. Don’t believe everything you read. Go see it first hand.

    American Perv

    Show me one society on earth that is monolithic in it’s politics. I dare you.


    American Perv: ¶Oh, I wish I could travel the world and be as informed as you. Unfortunately I’m stuck in redneck West (by God) Virginny.¶


    nyokki: Your sarcasms, they give me really bad laugh spasms. smsms. ♥


    nyokki: ROFL… You’re slaying me over here Nyokki…


    American Perv: Send me the tickets and I’m there. ¶I promise I’ll write a full report w/ a synopsis for you.¶

    American Perv


    Whatever dude. Good luck finding accurate stuff. If you go to the muslim world, you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone willing to speak out against the party line. A) all they know is what their fascist media, and the complicit western media give them, and b) if they do contradict the line, they get shot.


    American Perv: Were you dropped on your head as a baby or were you just born stupid?


    nyokki: Ouch… How ’bout we all be frank here eh? ROFL…


    Phyreblade: Remember riverdale? Good entertainment is hard to get sometimes.

    American Perv


    Respond to the substance of my post or admit stupidity yourself.


    nyokki: Aaahh… entertainment… LOL I guess you get it where you can find it, or drum it up yourself, eh? 🙂


    American Perv: I just did.


    Phyreblade: 5 to tie, 6 to get on the list.

    American Perv

    @nyokki: you didnt reply to the substance of what I said. YOu just called me stupid. Resorting to insult isnt substantive debate. Its the sort of thing one does when they can’t think of anything else to say. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.


    American Perv: All I originally did was post a pic of a real sign I found in the middle of a very orthodox section of Brooklyn. I made no moral claims about it. I gave no judgment of it. You’re answer was “so?”. You’re an idiot that thinks he understands everything, but every word you type proves otherwise. You attack me as if I disagreed w/ you, when in fact I was making fun of you. Again, you’ve shown yourself too moronic to understand the concept. You are not deserving of a substantive answer. You’re worthy only of my scorn…and that you have…in spades. Enjoy.

    American Perv

    in case you havnt noticed, it wasnt entirely obvious to me that it was anything but serious. Sarcasm isn’t always transparent on the interwebs. Everyone makes mistakes.

    What’s wrong with “so?”?

    American Perv

    re: ‘So?”

    you’re taking htis strangely as far as I can tell right now. I’m trying to figure out what the big deal is. So i didnt get the joke. So what? I’m so used to being in fight-mode about this subject that its hard to get humor about it. This is a big deal to me.


    American Perv: h dear, you’re confused.


    err *Oh* durrrrrh

    American Perv

    Meh it happens. I have fallen into the sarchasm apparently.


    Everyone knows that all peaceful intelligent Jews are against Israel. This is such a factual fact, they should put it in the dictionaries right next to the word Jew, it should be part of their definition.

    American Perv


    Have you read anything i’ve said in this thread? At all? Perhaps a partial recap is in order: the palestinian governments and terrorist groups want genocide. They use the conflict to help them stay in power. They steal all of the aid money. A lot of the human shields are voluntary and thus combatants. If you’re so concerned about the Palestinians you’d care about that but its all israel’s fault to you. Apparently I am more pro-Pal than you.

    Israel is much more careful about not killing civilians than any other nation on earth. Compare to America and other countries in Iraq and Afganistan, Russia in Chechnya and Georgia, pick your african conflict, and the list goes on. Where’s your outrage about other conflicts with higher body counts? Where’s your outrage about the stuff the Palestinians want to do? You’re not against ethnic cleansing or the death of civilians. You’re only agianst the death of Palestinian civilians. You’re basically telling me that the Israelis don’t have the right to stop people from trying to kill them in schools, malls, nightclubs, buses, and homes. You’re telling me that its OK that the Pal terrorists launch attacks from within densely populated areas on purpose. You don’t care about human rights at all. Not Israeli, not Palestinian, nobody’s human rights.


    American Perv:

    Congratulations. You failed basic logic. Twice. I was being sarcastic. Jesus Christ.

    You think you are so fair and only you know what’s going on. Well guess what, not all people agree with you and that doesn’t mean they’re automatically monsters or that they want anyone to die.

    I am Jewish and I disagree with Israel, they have an army and they kill people. Doesn’t matter if it’s to defend themselves or not, but to have an army based on a RELIGION? No no and no. I support Israel in terms of bringing about peace in that area, but I will never believe that Israel had any right to exist. And there’s nothing you can do about that.

    If you are truly interested in what intelligent people have to say about this, from a neutral view point, then watch this short 4 minute video and tell me if there’s anything you disagree with what they say:

    I doubt you can say anything against that. And you will understand that’s not easy for dirty Muslim Arabs who just want to kill Jews.

    American Perv

    Your sarcasm wasnt transparent to me. Given the general tone of your arguments on the subject it’s difficult not to take what you say seriously.

    I will watch the video tomorrow. Can’t do it now.

    Israel doesnt have an army based on a religion. You’re getting it confused with the muslim countries. What the heck are you talking about?

    And where’s your outrage at theocratic regimes who are worse human rights offenders? Where’s the public outcry about all of the muslim on christian violence throughout the muslim world?

    If you’re against israel’s right to exist, are you also against muslim immigrants to Europe? or any immigrants to anywhere? No? Then you have a moral double standard that is suspect.

    The Palestinian cultural leaders were collaborating with the Nazis. If they didn’t set up Israel, the arabs would’ve ethnically cleansed the region of Jews, some whose families had been there for most of a hundred years, some whose families were there dating all the way back.

    Also if you’re against Israel’s right to exist, why arent you against the existential rights of every country in north and south america as well as Australia?

    More thoughts to come.

    American Perv

    Also don’t forget that the Jewish settlers in the region that is now Israel, (we’re talking from the mid-1800’s to Israel’s creation) weren’t colonists but refugees from oppression in europe for the most part.

    I don’t yet know how you feel about this but if you’re against their right to have settled there, perhaps you should do some anthropological research and figure out where the people in your bloodline started out and go back there.

    If you’re anti-israel’s existence then you’re pro-ethnic cleansing. There’s no way around it.


    Israel has made the same mistake the US has made. They’re blurring the line between the good guys and bad guys. They/We can no longer claim to be the morally upstanding nations that only go to war in defense of our nation. It is no longer clear to other nations (that at one time were allies of like mind regarding the arab/muslim nations) that Israel and the US are acting in self defense.


    American Perv: “If you’re anti-israel’s existence then you’re pro-ethnic cleansing. There’s no way around it.” –> See, it’s because you keep making retarded statements like that, that you are being called stupid.

    American Perv: Where do you get that idea from? Fox news? CNN? That whole 2 point statement you made was just dripping with shite. Have you seen Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden? Where Morgan Spurlock goes there, on his own, without any political bias and talks to people in several different countries around the area, from Afghanistan, to Israel, to Pakistan, and he essentially proves what you said there as being completely wrong. Except in Saudi Arabia.


    American Perv: Or were you talking about Americans?


    dieAntagonista: My Favorite thing about that vid:
    Bubbles the Nerd Fighting Puppy, giving us the “‘scuse me, but wth r u doin?” look…


    American Perv: The fact that a person has vocal outrage about one horror doesn’t mean they have nothing to say about other ones going on at the same time. One cannot argue that ‘what you’re saying is invalid because you haven’t argued it for every possible case and scenario’. This has been about Palestine and Israel. Not every genocide going on in the world. How would one even argue at that level? You’d be so bogged down no argument could even be brought forth. So let’s stick to the single argument and stop trying to spin us around w/ irrelevant data and spurious argument.

    If you can’t do that, I’ll just go back to making fun of you for having an extra chromosome.


    nyokki: at that level it becomes philosophy. Such as was entertained by the Romans, in times of luxurious repose.

    Also the Greeks, in times of pederast.


    sylvanish: Right, and when one argues philosophy, it becomes an abstract. You stop arguing the particulars of a particular example of a scenario and speak more in generalities.


    nyokki: Wisdom. Meanwhile the city burns while we play the fiddle.


    sylvanish: ‘Tis a most unfortunate truth.


    JamesTuskGeorge: I think you failed to recall (if in fact you read it…) that what led to the construction of this barrier was a murderous campaign during the 90’s led by Hamas and Yasser Arafat. Where suicide bombers, arriving from the west bank, killed hundreds of innocent civilians in buses, restaurants, pubs, out on the streets…
    Oh, and by the way, in case you wonder – once the barrier construction was accomplished – the carnage stopped!

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