Don’t forget oxycodone, the drug of choice for hypocritical, conservative windbags.
dieAntagonista (#)
16 years ago
Aw yeah. But it’s not like America is the only country where this is the case. And sugar is technically a drug too. It’s almost impossible to get any processed foods at a store that doesn’t have drugs in them.
But yea, obviously hippie kids who smoke a little weed every now and then are a threat to society so I don’t even now why this is being brought up.
medically proscribed drugs are okay, they are legal
the ritalin shouldn’t be an issue, as all persons with confirmed mental problems should be steralized and locked up in a mental hospital for life
as for currently illegal drugs, lets all hope that stay illegal, and that one day the world accepts the chinese drug control laws [gunshot to head] as normal and all use it
@KommissarKvC: Yeah, the Chinese government has totally eradicated illegal drugs with their methods. Junkies care about being executed and would rather be productive citizens than risk death to get high one more time, right?
I say make all drugs legal. If you OD, it’s survival of the fittest. And it means more drugs for the rest of us.
Legalizing and regulating would certainly be more effective than our current “War on Drugs”. Though I’m not sure what we’d do about the number of addicts that wouldn’t be functioning citizens.
@...nyokki: I had at least 2 teachers who were functioning alcoholics during grade school/high school. I don’t see how it would be any different if marijuana was legal. If you show up to work anything but sober, you should get shit-canned.
@...nyokki: Also, there is potential for abuse of drug legality issues when recreational drugs are illegal. For example, a friend fell this morning on a slick patch of snow in his employer’s parking lot. Company policy: As soon as he leaves the emergency room, he has to go get piss-tested. If any illegal narcotics show up, they waive responsibility for his injury and fire him. Nice, huh? He does phone support for Time Warner.
Phone support has to be sober?? That just makes a horrible job even worse. Although, the young man I once knew who worked as a butcher and would get stoned in the parking lot before work each morning deserved what he got: He sliced off the tips of four fingers while cutting meat one day. Went to the ER, had to do a piss test and was summarily fired. Sharp objects + drugs = accident waiting to happen.
@...the3g_ipwn: If it’s not illegal we won’t be jailing them.
@...suicydking: I know people that are functioning addicts. Technically I’m prolly one. I’m talking about the number of non-functioning addicts that will be front and center if all drugs (not just marijuana) are legalized. The problem w/ these drugs is not their legality, rather it’s their effect on a statistically significant percentage of society. Legalizing drugs doesn’t change that.
dieAntagonista (#)
16 years ago
@...suicydking: Holy shit. That is messed up. So what if he just doesn’t go to the emergency room? Or if he doesn’t want his employer to pay for it or, I don’t understand how this is possible.
@...suicydking: Oh and…Are you saying that that whatever drug a person might be on when he is involved in a workplace accident is what allows the company to deny responsibility? I’m not sure what would happen if I had a workman’s comp case that was denied due to the rx drugs I was on as compared to an illegal {or non rx’d (e.g. alcohol)} drug.
@...nyokki: I can totally understand there being a case for it if he was intoxicated or impaired from alcohol or illegal narcotics when he fell. However, if he pisses dirty because he smoked a bowl 3 weeks ago, that’s total bullshit.
I have a feeling it would be much harder to press that same issue with rx drugs, I could even see the chance of a counter-suit there.
That’s what I mean about abusing the drug laws. Using someone’s evening relaxation hobby as an excuse to write write off responsibility for injury is just ridiculous.
@...Annarchy: The trouble there is that the piss test is not a sobriety test, it checks to see if you have smoked within the past 30 days. If he smoked every weekend night, but never once went to work high, he would have still been fired. Assuming that in that instance, the injury would have been a normal, sober workplace accident.
@suicydking: I don’t like drug tests myself, but honestly, if you are stupid enough to use before you go to work and then hurt yourself, I have no sympathy. He was using a meat slicer and cut his own fingers. I’m willing to bet that would not have happened if he wasn’t high.
@...dieAntagonista: The paramedics had to convince the manager that he needed to go to the ER first, instead of straight to the lab. Some old bullshit, right there.
I don’t know for sure, but I think that if he would have opted out of the test he would have been canned on the spot. His insurance is going to cover the ER, I think the test is for workman’s comp reasons, and is mandatory with any injury on their property.
@...Annarchy: Probably correct, but we all know the old joke about the shop teacher who has to use both hands to hold up enough fingers to name off the 4 rules of safety in the woodshop.
@...KommissarKvC: The legality is how you determine if something is okay or not? My word, but don’t you have a tiny brain.
So in Amsterdam cannabis is okay but across an imaginary line it isn’t?
Laudanum/Heroin was perfectly okay in the past, but now it isn’t?
How about here in Canada were Psilocybin mushrooms (“magic”) are totally legal while they are fresh, but only illegal if dried… This proves it’s okay if I grow and eat them fresh right? But preparing them to make them a bit more palatable for some reason makes them bad?
It is also totally legal to grow TWO plants of cannabis here. So therefore, it of itself is okay. But a bigger quantity of it, for some reason isn’t? It isn’t illegal to possess and enjoy cannabis in ones home in quantities under one ounce. So it cannot be bad, by your own “logic”, because it isn’t illegal.
But nevermind that the World Health Organization has released several papers and studies proving the harmlessness and medical benefits of THC right?
I’m sure I’m just feeding a troll here, but my gosh, you have got to be the most retarded creature I have ever heard. Even Riverdaledragon seemed a bit intelligent compared to the nonsense you spew.
@suicydking: The shop teacher was probably a barely functioning addict himself, don’t you think? And a meat slicer is hardly a jig saw. It’s got guards and everything.
dieAntagonista (#)
16 years ago
@...suicydking: So yea if that’s not some of the most outrageous stuff I’ve ever heard. But in America they like to pull this off a lot right? Like those robbers who break into old ladies houses, hurting themselves while doing so and then suing her for it and even winning the case. It seems the legal system is getting more abused than drugs. And I’m saying that as an aspiring lawyer.
But I was just irked by the fact that *all* his posts are along the same narrow minded avenues and it’s bothersome. I’ll not make this mistake again and just ignore him from here on out. Sorry
My wife works for a law firm. I have nothing good to say about lawyers.
@...dieAntagonista: That doesn’t in Texas. Some old lady shot an intruder a year or two ago there, it made national news. She was like 82 or something. I’m going to digress quickly before this turns into a gun control thread, though.
dieAntagonista (#)
16 years ago
@...suicydking: Ahaha, yeah that’s hilarious. I wanna visit Texas so badly. And yea I know about lawyers… what are 5 thousand lawyers at the bottom of an ocean? – A good start.
You are hands down the dumbest person on the internet. I mean you make chris crocker look like Winston fucking Churchill. You make Tay Zonday look like Andres fucking bocelli and you make articles look like they were all hand written by Oscar Wilde, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.
There are very few verbs and analogies in the english language that can create an articulate and coherent descriptor of your sheer idiocy.
its pretty much a lost cause debating drugs, because every time someone says anything anti-drug related, the stoners get emo and start throwing **** around like chimpanzees at the zoo
its great how that in this day and age, its usually the lower forms of life in society that set the general level of what is, or what should be acceptable in daily life
@...thatonejimguy: @...KommissarKvC:
You guys need a joint or something, you are so up tight. It will make you fell be very mello, dude just take a small puff and close your eyes………………………………..pretend i not in you house taking your stuff.
Legal: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, presription drugs permitted by law
Illegal: everything else, including marijuana which has been legalized by retarded nations
@...nobody knows:
feel free to come into my house, I have a mentally unstable russian roommate who sleeps with an AK47 bayonet on his nightstand [no ****, he does, i should know, i bought him the ****ing thing, lol]
@...KommissarKvC: Don’t be silly. Not all legal drugs are good or used properly and not all illegal drugs are bad or useless. Anyone else taking the rx’s I’m on would be looking forward to an intervention. For me, they allow me to function almost normally. Though, I will say, if you’re around a guy who sleeps w/ his AK-47, you may want to keep drugs far away from him.
well, yeah, there are scumbags out there that buy perfectly legal meds and mix them to make illegal substances, but that doesnt change that the original meds are legal
s for my friend with the bayonet, hes pretty calm, he doesnt do drugs, but because hes russian, if i touch his food or alcohol im sure ill lose important parts of my body
@KommissarKvC: Sorry, I’m too stoned to get emo on you about your views on “legal” and “illegal” drugs. I do have one question for you: What about prescription marijuana – do you have a problem with grandpa using pot to overcome the side effects of chemo if it’s been proscribed to him by a doctor?
Where’s the Valium?
Don’t forget oxycodone, the drug of choice for hypocritical, conservative windbags.
Aw yeah. But it’s not like America is the only country where this is the case. And sugar is technically a drug too. It’s almost impossible to get any processed foods at a store that doesn’t have drugs in them.
But yea, obviously hippie kids who smoke a little weed every now and then are a threat to society so I don’t even now why this is being brought up.
i don’t see how an antibiotic is like the other drugs.
Damn hippie pothead communists! Where’s my Valium??!!
I miss my valium.
medically proscribed drugs are okay, they are legal
the ritalin shouldn’t be an issue, as all persons with confirmed mental problems should be steralized and locked up in a mental hospital for life
as for currently illegal drugs, lets all hope that stay illegal, and that one day the world accepts the chinese drug control laws [gunshot to head] as normal and all use it
@KommissarKvC: Yeah, the Chinese government has totally eradicated illegal drugs with their methods. Junkies care about being executed and would rather be productive citizens than risk death to get high one more time, right?
I say make all drugs legal. If you OD, it’s survival of the fittest. And it means more drugs for the rest of us.
I had a professor who said once there should be a trashcan full of crack on every street corner. Drug problems would sort themselves out in a week.
I think he might have been onto something.
Legalizing and regulating would certainly be more effective than our current “War on Drugs”. Though I’m not sure what we’d do about the number of addicts that wouldn’t be functioning citizens.
@...nyokki: Electric chairs and chain gangs always worked in the past.
@...nyokki: I had at least 2 teachers who were functioning alcoholics during grade school/high school. I don’t see how it would be any different if marijuana was legal. If you show up to work anything but sober, you should get shit-canned.
@...nyokki: Also, there is potential for abuse of drug legality issues when recreational drugs are illegal. For example, a friend fell this morning on a slick patch of snow in his employer’s parking lot. Company policy: As soon as he leaves the emergency room, he has to go get piss-tested. If any illegal narcotics show up, they waive responsibility for his injury and fire him. Nice, huh? He does phone support for Time Warner.
Phone support has to be sober?? That just makes a horrible job even worse. Although, the young man I once knew who worked as a butcher and would get stoned in the parking lot before work each morning deserved what he got: He sliced off the tips of four fingers while cutting meat one day. Went to the ER, had to do a piss test and was summarily fired. Sharp objects + drugs = accident waiting to happen.
@...the3g_ipwn: If it’s not illegal we won’t be jailing them.
@...suicydking: I know people that are functioning addicts. Technically I’m prolly one. I’m talking about the number of non-functioning addicts that will be front and center if all drugs (not just marijuana) are legalized. The problem w/ these drugs is not their legality, rather it’s their effect on a statistically significant percentage of society. Legalizing drugs doesn’t change that.
@...suicydking: Holy shit. That is messed up. So what if he just doesn’t go to the emergency room? Or if he doesn’t want his employer to pay for it or, I don’t understand how this is possible.
@...suicydking: Oh and…Are you saying that that whatever drug a person might be on when he is involved in a workplace accident is what allows the company to deny responsibility? I’m not sure what would happen if I had a workman’s comp case that was denied due to the rx drugs I was on as compared to an illegal {or non rx’d (e.g. alcohol)} drug.
@...nyokki: I can totally understand there being a case for it if he was intoxicated or impaired from alcohol or illegal narcotics when he fell. However, if he pisses dirty because he smoked a bowl 3 weeks ago, that’s total bullshit.
I have a feeling it would be much harder to press that same issue with rx drugs, I could even see the chance of a counter-suit there.
That’s what I mean about abusing the drug laws. Using someone’s evening relaxation hobby as an excuse to write write off responsibility for injury is just ridiculous.
@...Annarchy: The trouble there is that the piss test is not a sobriety test, it checks to see if you have smoked within the past 30 days. If he smoked every weekend night, but never once went to work high, he would have still been fired. Assuming that in that instance, the injury would have been a normal, sober workplace accident.
@suicydking: I don’t like drug tests myself, but honestly, if you are stupid enough to use before you go to work and then hurt yourself, I have no sympathy. He was using a meat slicer and cut his own fingers. I’m willing to bet that would not have happened if he wasn’t high.
@...dieAntagonista: The paramedics had to convince the manager that he needed to go to the ER first, instead of straight to the lab. Some old bullshit, right there.
I don’t know for sure, but I think that if he would have opted out of the test he would have been canned on the spot. His insurance is going to cover the ER, I think the test is for workman’s comp reasons, and is mandatory with any injury on their property.
@...Annarchy: Probably correct, but we all know the old joke about the shop teacher who has to use both hands to hold up enough fingers to name off the 4 rules of safety in the woodshop.
@...KommissarKvC: The legality is how you determine if something is okay or not? My word, but don’t you have a tiny brain.
So in Amsterdam cannabis is okay but across an imaginary line it isn’t?
Laudanum/Heroin was perfectly okay in the past, but now it isn’t?
How about here in Canada were Psilocybin mushrooms (“magic”) are totally legal while they are fresh, but only illegal if dried… This proves it’s okay if I grow and eat them fresh right? But preparing them to make them a bit more palatable for some reason makes them bad?
It is also totally legal to grow TWO plants of cannabis here. So therefore, it of itself is okay. But a bigger quantity of it, for some reason isn’t? It isn’t illegal to possess and enjoy cannabis in ones home in quantities under one ounce. So it cannot be bad, by your own “logic”, because it isn’t illegal.
But nevermind that the World Health Organization has released several papers and studies proving the harmlessness and medical benefits of THC right?
I’m sure I’m just feeding a troll here, but my gosh, you have got to be the most retarded creature I have ever heard. Even Riverdaledragon seemed a bit intelligent compared to the nonsense you spew.
@...sylvanish: Smoke a joint & turn on your sarcasm detector, please. I think he was being facetious. 😛
Erk. Where’d my comment go
@suicydking: The shop teacher was probably a barely functioning addict himself, don’t you think? And a meat slicer is hardly a jig saw. It’s got guards and everything.
@...suicydking: So yea if that’s not some of the most outrageous stuff I’ve ever heard. But in America they like to pull this off a lot right? Like those robbers who break into old ladies houses, hurting themselves while doing so and then suing her for it and even winning the case. It seems the legal system is getting more abused than drugs. And I’m saying that as an aspiring lawyer.
@...suicydking: Good advice. I’ll do just that.
But I was just irked by the fact that *all* his posts are along the same narrow minded avenues and it’s bothersome. I’ll not make this mistake again and just ignore him from here on out. Sorry
*spark* *toke* ahh
bibbity bibbity bibbity
Viagra is missing too.
@sylvanish: I am so envious right now. *sigh*
@dieAntagonista: I have long been convinced that law schools teach only one thing to students and that’s how to find loopholes to make a buck.
My wife works for a law firm. I have nothing good to say about lawyers.
@...dieAntagonista: That doesn’t in Texas. Some old lady shot an intruder a year or two ago there, it made national news. She was like 82 or something. I’m going to digress quickly before this turns into a gun control thread, though.
@...suicydking: Ahaha, yeah that’s hilarious. I wanna visit Texas so badly. And yea I know about lawyers… what are 5 thousand lawyers at the bottom of an ocean? – A good start.
You are hands down the dumbest person on the internet. I mean you make chris crocker look like Winston fucking Churchill. You make Tay Zonday look like Andres fucking bocelli and you make articles look like they were all hand written by Oscar Wilde, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.
There are very few verbs and analogies in the english language that can create an articulate and coherent descriptor of your sheer idiocy.
Free weed for sell!!!!!!!!
Who wants to buy some?
It is free….
drugs are bad, mmkay? you shouldn’t do drugs, like marijuana, because drugs are bad.
its pretty much a lost cause debating drugs, because every time someone says anything anti-drug related, the stoners get emo and start throwing **** around like chimpanzees at the zoo
its great how that in this day and age, its usually the lower forms of life in society that set the general level of what is, or what should be acceptable in daily life
@...thatonejimguy: @...KommissarKvC:
You guys need a joint or something, you are so up tight. It will make you fell be very mello, dude just take a small puff and close your eyes………………………………..pretend i not in you house taking your stuff.
@...KommissarKvC: If you’re not going to distinguish between types of drugs and how people who use them, then, Yah, you’re gonna get slammed.
I fear the goose stepping one is butthurt.
thelotuseater725, 500+ points. You reached level 27! Please equip your weapons before you go into battle.
theres only 2 types of drugs:
Legal: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, presription drugs permitted by law
Illegal: everything else, including marijuana which has been legalized by retarded nations
@...nobody knows:
feel free to come into my house, I have a mentally unstable russian roommate who sleeps with an AK47 bayonet on his nightstand [no ****, he does, i should know, i bought him the ****ing thing, lol]
@...KommissarKvC: Don’t be silly. Not all legal drugs are good or used properly and not all illegal drugs are bad or useless. Anyone else taking the rx’s I’m on would be looking forward to an intervention. For me, they allow me to function almost normally. Though, I will say, if you’re around a guy who sleeps w/ his AK-47, you may want to keep drugs far away from him.
well, yeah, there are scumbags out there that buy perfectly legal meds and mix them to make illegal substances, but that doesnt change that the original meds are legal
s for my friend with the bayonet, hes pretty calm, he doesnt do drugs, but because hes russian, if i touch his food or alcohol im sure ill lose important parts of my body
@KommissarKvC: Sorry, I’m too stoned to get emo on you about your views on “legal” and “illegal” drugs. I do have one question for you: What about prescription marijuana – do you have a problem with grandpa using pot to overcome the side effects of chemo if it’s been proscribed to him by a doctor?