Mr. Coffee!! this pic just made my day! the delorean will always be the best car ever made and not just b/c of BTTF, but b/c those coke-sniffing dogs can’t smell through 304 Stainless Steel!!! JD sure had it right…
seriously- those cars are crap. and they are NOT stainless steel cars- they are FIBREGLASS cars with a thin layer of stainless applied to them. a french rear engine 4 cylinder? give me a fucking break… btw- NO hi-performance automobile has only 4 lug nuts.
sorry, but you are wrong. i am a journeyman auto body painter, and i have seen one smashed to hell. it is a fibreglass unibody car. the stainless steel is not thick enough to add any significant structual advantage. it’s just a fancy wrapper.
Hey everyone, I have an idea, lets stop blindly trashing it or blindly supporting it and just agree a stainless steel body is fucking cool. If I had the proper money, I’d replace all the body panels of a high performance car with stainless steel or ooooooh, better yet titanium. Now that would add strength to it.
@...storminator: Casemoda is right, that is also the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. Some of the 79-93 Mustang GTs came with 4 lug “turbine” rims. And it is not the only one, there are lots of other examples of 4 lug performance cars.
@...storminator: Get your facts straight dumbass. The delorean has a v6. and FYI, only has about 30hp or so less than a 1981 vette. You got the fiberglass underbody right, but the stainless panels aren’t ‘paper thin’ They’re just as thick as normal steel fenders on most other cars. And I should know. since i’ve owned a delorean since 2005.
well, you call ME a dumb ass? YOU are the dumb fuck who bought a poser piece of shit like a delorean! I wouldn’t be caught dead in that piece of crap! HA!
Mr. Coffee!! this pic just made my day! the delorean will always be the best car ever made and not just b/c of BTTF, but b/c those coke-sniffing dogs can’t smell through 304 Stainless Steel!!! JD sure had it right…
The way I see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?
@...grammarrobot: You can’t get more stylish than a DeLorean.
Also, the unusual unpainted stainless steel body of the car is necessary for TRAVELING IN TIME.
seriously- those cars are crap. and they are NOT stainless steel cars- they are FIBREGLASS cars with a thin layer of stainless applied to them. a french rear engine 4 cylinder? give me a fucking break… btw- NO hi-performance automobile has only 4 lug nuts.
@...storminator: The undercarriage is fiberglass. The body panels are brushed steel.
And it doesn’t need roads
sorry, but you are wrong. i am a journeyman auto body painter, and i have seen one smashed to hell. it is a fibreglass unibody car. the stainless steel is not thick enough to add any significant structual advantage. it’s just a fancy wrapper.
however, it is the coolest looking hunk of crap ever built. LOL
As much as a failure as it was, its a great car, not a good one though 🙂
Hey everyone, I have an idea, lets stop blindly trashing it or blindly supporting it and just agree a stainless steel body is fucking cool. If I had the proper money, I’d replace all the body panels of a high performance car with stainless steel or ooooooh, better yet titanium. Now that would add strength to it.
@teezy weezy –
oh yes, definitely. it is a historic car. i just feel it should have been so much more. they are relatively cheap, too.
so cheap, the owner had to sell drugs to make ends meet?
@...storminator: My 1988 ford mustang GT convertible, v8, high output, dual exhaust with posi traction has only 4 lug nuts.
@...storminator: Casemoda is right, that is also the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. Some of the 79-93 Mustang GTs came with 4 lug “turbine” rims. And it is not the only one, there are lots of other examples of 4 lug performance cars.
Pls l2gearhed moar!!!
@...storminator: Get your facts straight dumbass. The delorean has a v6. and FYI, only has about 30hp or so less than a 1981 vette. You got the fiberglass underbody right, but the stainless panels aren’t ‘paper thin’ They’re just as thick as normal steel fenders on most other cars. And I should know. since i’ve owned a delorean since 2005.
well, you call ME a dumb ass? YOU are the dumb fuck who bought a poser piece of shit like a delorean! I wouldn’t be caught dead in that piece of crap! HA!