This is actually a good movie, I picked it up just because George A. Romero’s name was on it. Anything he backs has to be good, eh? Also, LOTS OF POSTS.
I am deeply in love with Romero, but I must say I was disappointed. Still I enjoyed it very much, when it comes to zombies I take what I get. The concept is flawless, it was a smart move by him to use the shaky unprofessional camera technique. But I wasn’t too impressed with the actors and they got seriously annoying at one point.
The movie [Rec] by those Spaniards is what Diary of the Dead could have been.
@... home, drinking my emergency bottle of Tullamore Dew, smoking a carton of non-filter Lucky Strikes, watching Denis Leary’s No Cure for Cancer special, marinating myself in barbeque sauce…because honestly, I know I wouldn’t last long 🙁
True. It’s actually my absolute favourite zombie movie, even if I want to have Romero’s babies.
The monster at the end was the loveliest zombie monster I’ve ever seen. It looked so real, it made my brain climax.
@...dieAntagonista: SORRY BUT THE LIL KID WAS THE BEST LOL how she had bitten her mother and run like upstairs.
about the girl who is “infected” i mean if Pablo wasn’t in shock or something I’d break that anorexia bitch up one time ^^ see how she is ??? she look so fragile !!
in other news.
the movie Quarantine is a remake of [REC] sadly… teh americans couldn’t beat the spanish version superb dialogs, i mean shit it was soo good it made you feel like you was IN the movie and u was thinking for the survivor. when i was watching it with my brother … man i go soo effin scared at the part where pablo went to look in the attic and BAM !!! after that i just walked off lol couldn’t see more the next day i had to youtube the ending … but that night i didn’t sleep.
im not the best against horror movies like this. not my style.
Ahaha. Yesyesyes. I will never ever watch the remake. It’s not so much that Hollywood remakes every fucking thing, but it’s the fact that they only do it for the money.
And I’ve been told Quarantine is exact the same as Rec, scene for scene. How cheap. I’ve seen the monster of Quarantine, and even though they had a much bigger budget, their monster was 524235 times lamer than the ‘cheap’ Rec monster. So, no thank you.
Yes the movie was one of the scariest I’ve ever seen, it seemed so real that it felt kind of surreal. Totally my style. :p
This is actually a good movie, I picked it up just because George A. Romero’s name was on it. Anything he backs has to be good, eh? Also, LOTS OF POSTS.
I am deeply in love with Romero, but I must say I was disappointed. Still I enjoyed it very much, when it comes to zombies I take what I get. The concept is flawless, it was a smart move by him to use the shaky unprofessional camera technique. But I wasn’t too impressed with the actors and they got seriously annoying at one point.
The movie [Rec] by those Spaniards is what Diary of the Dead could have been.
@... home, drinking my emergency bottle of Tullamore Dew, smoking a carton of non-filter Lucky Strikes, watching Denis Leary’s No Cure for Cancer special, marinating myself in barbeque sauce…because honestly, I know I wouldn’t last long 🙁
[Rec] was the shit
Also….does he remind anyone else of Stan Lee?
True. It’s actually my absolute favourite zombie movie, even if I want to have Romero’s babies.
The monster at the end was the loveliest zombie monster I’ve ever seen. It looked so real, it made my brain climax.
This movie was… kinda good. It rocks because it has Samuel! Most badass deaf Amish guy ever!
@...dieAntagonista: SORRY BUT THE LIL KID WAS THE BEST LOL how she had bitten her mother and run like upstairs.
about the girl who is “infected” i mean if Pablo wasn’t in shock or something I’d break that anorexia bitch up one time ^^ see how she is ??? she look so fragile !!
in other news.
the movie Quarantine is a remake of [REC] sadly… teh americans couldn’t beat the spanish version superb dialogs, i mean shit it was soo good it made you feel like you was IN the movie and u was thinking for the survivor. when i was watching it with my brother … man i go soo effin scared at the part where pablo went to look in the attic and BAM !!! after that i just walked off lol couldn’t see more the next day i had to youtube the ending … but that night i didn’t sleep.
im not the best against horror movies like this. not my style.
Ahaha. Yesyesyes. I will never ever watch the remake. It’s not so much that Hollywood remakes every fucking thing, but it’s the fact that they only do it for the money.
And I’ve been told Quarantine is exact the same as Rec, scene for scene. How cheap. I’ve seen the monster of Quarantine, and even though they had a much bigger budget, their monster was 524235 times lamer than the ‘cheap’ Rec monster. So, no thank you.
Yes the movie was one of the scariest I’ve ever seen, it seemed so real that it felt kind of surreal. Totally my style. :p
See [REC] first. got it
Wait-a-sec… I love a good zombie flick and have never seen this.
TPB ahoy…