No wonder St. Louis ends up on obscurestore and smoking gun so much. Here let me find it on the web for you. Bunch of hoosiers wearing wife beaters and drinking Busch.
@...nyokki: It looks like she’s wearing shoes… so it might be that she’s used to wearing heels with her jeans but isn’t because she had to walk on the ice?
What does “boos were greatly overwhelmed” mean?
i dont know i was going to ask the same. As a native st.louisian i hope that it means they booed the shit out of her.
No wonder St. Louis ends up on obscurestore and smoking gun so much. Here let me find it on the web for you. Bunch of hoosiers wearing wife beaters and drinking Busch.
Damn, I’m glad I’m not a native St. Louisan. Go Redwings! No, I am not.
woah! theres more native st louisians here than i thought. St charles represent!
636 mofo!
@... TrikYodz-Yo!
Shouldn’t a self-proclaimed “Hockey Mom” be wearing some sort of hockey attire? Although I like her coat, her jeans are really long??
Can’t this bitch gtfo?
Oh boos were had.
Oh great, a porto rican money sucker. Nice, can I have half your paycheck if you have one, I wanna be democrat too.
@...purple banana: I guess the heels she normally wears are higher than hockey skates.
If that was directed at me, no, your money is mine, my money is mine.
Fuck you, find your own ways to leech.
tits or gtfo
@...nyokki: It looks like she’s wearing shoes… so it might be that she’s used to wearing heels with her jeans but isn’t because she had to walk on the ice?
@...casemods: brain or gtfo
@...outofocus: You’re prolly right. I just did a quick glance and she looked like she was wearing skates (left foot).
@...outofocus: Who gives a fuck about some bitch dropping a puck, seriously.
Cross check that Alaskan bitch!
@...Dreth: Dreth that is Flyers and Rangers. This is Blues and Kings. Wrong game bro.
Sarah palin is my hero.
True, I just looked up the video to see how loud the booing was. Was she booed at both games, though?
That would be heroin in any case, and shame on you for getting hooked up.
Annnnnnd if you beside her, that’s probably one of her kids who was not invited but came anyway, at the taxpayers expense of course.
i want the blues jersey that the kid is wearing put out of its misery.
@...purple banana: Pro tip: She’s not really a hockey mom. She just plays one on TV…
@...Dreth: Less Boos at the Blues game, supposedly. No Youtube video kinda proves it.
Gotta love how they turned up the music.LOL