Man. Watching a girl freeclimb is the sexiest thing ever.
Do you guys even boulder? This is a fantastic picture. The crashpad doesn’t need to be cropped.
And this position isnt “untenable” (Nice five dollar word btw. Go back to reddit and dredge up more intimidating vocab). She can shimmy her left foot up to where she’s planted her left hand, then she can heel hook above where her right foot is. boom prollem solved. she is now more than half way up.
Should’ve cropped the bottom a bit more.
Would have had to crop a good part of the left side too.
Either way, she’s two feet off the ground and already in an untenable position.
Man. Watching a girl freeclimb is the sexiest thing ever.
Do you guys even boulder? This is a fantastic picture. The crashpad doesn’t need to be cropped.
And this position isnt “untenable” (Nice five dollar word btw. Go back to reddit and dredge up more intimidating vocab). She can shimmy her left foot up to where she’s planted her left hand, then she can heel hook above where her right foot is. boom prollem solved. she is now more than half way up.
She can shimmy her left foot up to where she’s planted her right hand.
i need a diagram