So I fixed the NSFW side of MCS, and apparently somehow managed to fucking delete images going back 4 years in the process.
Thank god I’ve done backups religiously, or else I’d be having a panic attack. It’s going to take a bit to get the backup restored, so until then, please enjoy these images from 2006.
Edited 6-15 9:50pm :
I’ve been able to restore the images posted by me in 2014. the user submitted stuff will be uploaded slowly over the next couple days, then I’ll restore the stuff from 2011-2013.
Edited 6-16 6:26pm:
Commenting on MCS+ posts has been re-enabled. Now I’m heading home, eating something and then working on restoring the rest of the images.
Edited 6-17 9am:
Finishing up the restoration now, looks like about 700,000 images in total were inadvertantly deleted, then restored, yay. Working on getting the audio ads removed from the site, anything else you want me to pay attention to?
Edited 6/17 9pm:
All clear, everything is back to normal, with some additional fixes. Now I get to work on integrating the cookies between the main site and the NSFW site. That should be fun.
I think I should run a back up first though . . .
I think you broke the site. Images not loading even on SFW.
shut up casefaggs
Nice try casemods.
Shine on there, you crazy raccoon….!!!
Hey, your shit’s gone invisible again Stonely….
What kind of loser bastard would waste his time just trying to piss you off?
I feel for you man.
That’s why I don’t thumb any of your posts….you certainly don’t need my downvote to pile on with all those other folks that don’t seem to like you.
Don’t let it get you down.
It’s not like this site is your whole life, right…?
Shine on you crazy diamond!!!!
Been having trouble posting comments here
what kind of trouble?
Couple days ago I could not post anything in that Something Wicked This Way thread and a few other posts. I would hit submit and nothing shows up
You can take solace in the fact that your AdNXS block is still blaring horrible audio ads.
seriously? I was given assurances that would not be happening again. would it be possible to get a screenshot next time it happens?
I’ll try- but don’t count on it. When I hear it- I immediately shut off the offending site and promise not to post BOUNCE gifs…
I just got a Silk almond ad…..
“I guess I said something they disagreed with once and now they spend all their spare time voting me down along with everyone else they disagree with. Shine on you crazy diamond!”
Stonely was right.
Shine on Stonely….
Sorry you broke your site Tiki.
Computers suck.
seriously. I think wordpress was the culprit, I deleted a test subsite, and I think it got too ambitious with what it wanted to delete with it.
“Your Images” isn’t showing up… when i click “Your Images” it looks like it’s going to but it actually goes to
When you’re gonna learn, that every time you try to “fix” one thing, you fuck up n+1 other things ?
I can confirm the not loading images (,,, etc).
Also, NSFW log-in is wonky – it can’t seem to “remember” me. FF and Opera alike.
Yes, I’m allowing (NSFW) cookies.
I’m aware of each of those, thank god. I’m still restoring a backup, had to leave it for the night last night and restarted a process this morning before my day job.
sadly I think the casey kasem one was posted before the daily backup, so it may be lost forever and ever and ever.
Just making sure that you do 🙂
Tiki, I hate to keep piling it on, but I’ve noticed the “Your Images” link has not been working for a while now it takes you back to the home page (as noted by przxpgl). Also, I’ve had problems posting comments in older images and on MCS+. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been getting redirect to online gaming sites, and the audio on these ads seem to come on periodically.
Thanks for the help!
ah wow, ok, you’re talking about the sidebar log in link, wonder when they broke that.
Lemme see what i can do to fix it!
alright, I think I have it fixed, let me know what you think?
Noticed I have to log in every time I look in a NSFW pic
Looks good, Tiki. It’s working now. Thanks!
well, now it says it’s going to the right place, and there’s comments and titles from all my images, but no actual images…
yer getting close…
some things are still broken
sorta of betterish
206,200 files to go.
Tiki, here is something else I found that was happening to me. Please follow the linke for details, and, of course, delete the images when your done.
I can’t submit new images at the moment.
from the front page submission engine or from the wordpress edit post section on the dashboard?
Method one is broken, but it’s been broken for a while. Method two works. Just tested it.
Let’s not lose sight of priorities here – THE NSFW PART WORKS! The porn is safe!!!!
For once I agree. We don’t need Sasquatch pics, we need BOOBIES!!!
Boobies and Vehicles.
“I think I should run a back up first though . . .”
Yes you should.
“You attempted to access the “MyConfinedSpace” dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access the “MyConfinedSpace” dashboard, please contact your network administrator.”
yeah, not sure what to do about that yet, but i’m looking into it.
are you able to comment after you log in though?
Yeah, I just can’t seem to get to the dashboard so’s to change my pw and such.
All the same, I appreciate the diligence.
if you go to you’ll get to your user account, this new set up is so you’re the same user on all the subdirectories.
I’m still getting a “failed to open stream…permission denied…on line 191” whenever I try to upload a sasquatch pic.
Or a boobie pic.
Or a sasquatch boobie pic.
fixed on the SFW side, now I try to fix on the NSFW side.
NSFW is now working too
Since you’re “taking requests”, how about bumping that filesize limit a tad more?
It’s currently set to 60megs. I think that should be enough 😛
My bad. I was looking at upload stuff form info, and it says:
“Maximum upload file size: 8MB.”
Guess it’s time to make big-ass .gif’s 🙂
You should double check that, because I was just trying to upload < 60 MB .gif (56.8 MB to be exact), and I got the:
"exceeds the maximum upload size for this site."