This was taken from Google Earth, maybe 20 miles north of Las Vegas in the desert. There was a long desolate road leading to these circles. Even further up the road were triangle and circle designs in the dirt, almost like they’re trying to communicate with something from space…
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bombing range
looks like an underground nuclear test site
Congratulations! You have found the secret government alien landing grounds. Please assume the Party Escort Submission Position and a government agent will burst through your window shortly.
I see an old Phantom 2.The aliens might not be to impressed by such a display.
Scientologists in MY government?!
We draw stuff in the ground to communicate with space? In a day and age when 5 year olds have cell phones we still have to rely on dirt to send information to super-advanced aliens?
yeah.. it’s a bombing range. You see stuff like that on future weapons.
definitely bombing range…part of Indian Springs AFB.