2001 A Space Odyssey
Added on November 20th, 2013 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:2001 A Space Odyssey, Movies, Stanley Kubrick, Wallpaper
Tags:2001 A Space Odyssey, Movies, Stanley Kubrick, Wallpaper
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Greatest SF movie of all time.
Yep. It’s right up there. *beckons* Pssst. Wanna be educated? Kubrick wasn’t the first director to do a time transition with a direct cut from one object to a similar future object. Cast your eyes over this. Comes in at about 3.17. www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rFWlT5gdgw
how can you not have a picture of HAL ? fail.
“Hello, Dave. You’re looking well today. Dave, you’re my wife now”
“Hello, Dave, my wife tells me there’s a block in your airlock”
“No there isn’t”
“There is now”
Why does the fourth pic have Moonbase Alpha in the backround ?!