star trek – the cage – talosian
Added on September 16th, 2008 by lynnn91210408 | Report Post
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Star Trek, Television
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Star Trek, Television
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Ha… I remember the pulsing veins
Every time I see that image I’m reminded of that bizarre echoey-guitar soundtrack. The Trek equivalent of a theremin.
He got da bling bling too!!
I liked DS9. I never understood why so many disliked it so much.
I am a gigantic brain!
I saw a news study tha claimed that veganism shrinks your brain. Did anyone else catch that?
I’m not an alien!
This was a great episode. They put this dude in a cage, then bring in a hot chick and tell him to breed with her. And he’s not happy about that, so then they bring in ANOTHER chick! Threesome!
Most memorable episode indeed.
Played by a woman, who would have thought.
Cool aliens. Incredible show.