Who has oil

Who has oil

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    If Brazil has a reserve only 2nd to saudi arabia and they said theres a possibility for more oil still i doubt this map is current.

    Still interesting.


    very interesting. at least the map is to scale…unless they’re trying to show oil production with bigger countries…either way there’s no way its to scale because india has cars all over the place now.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Canada has more oil than Saudi Arabia.


    That map is ridiculous.


    American has more oil than all but faggot emocrats don’t want us to drill. Oh well. I guess we’ll continue funding terrorists so I can get to work.


    Fuck Oil!


    If I had to guess, I would say that this is oil from high pressure wells, which, only a few years ago, was considered the only economically viable oil. Some reactionaries still consider in the only viable oil lol.

    I could be wrong though that is just a guess.


    Fuck Oil!

    Not good for condoms… so use astroglide instead.


    Compressed air will blow this away. 70mph / 125 miles on a $2 blast. Add hybrid for range. “The Air Car” (8:52).



    You need oil to compress it. You win 3 points in pointless redundancy.


    First you get the oil,
    then you get the power,
    then you get the women.

    Caio, you are right about the high press wells. As for viable. The only viable oil is the oil we can locate and recover. Period. The whole myth of oil reserves running out is b.s. They are constantly using new tech to find and recover new oil reserves globally. We still need to develop new sources for energy tho. Realistic sources that are not surpressed by the oil barons that is.
    So yeah, we’re pretty much fucked right heah.


    Thanks for the points. Compression station takes 3 minutes, costs $2 for the service and electricity to “pump” it. Or plug-in compression from home takes 4 hours at local electric rates. Or compression from breaking & from an additional hybrid engine is dependent on the type (gas/diesel/hydrogen/fuel-cell/bio/hamsters). Electricity used to create the compression has a variety of green options. Moving engine pistons with compressed air works as well as exploding petrol, but without the cost, heat or exhaust. Who wouldn’t want to fart around in one?


    Do you have the ability to think for yourself or do you just digest everything you hear from Fox News and regurgitate it with extra bile? Everyone with more than two neurons to rub together knows that extra drilling won’t help us until 2030 at the earliest. It’s just a cheap campaign gimmick concocted my John “Clutching at Straws” McCain to appeal to fucking retards like you.

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