Don’t look back – internationals
Added on March 7th, 2013 by HoChunk | Report Post
Tags:American Flag, Body Paint, Fat Shaming, Humor, Middle Finger
Tags:American Flag, Body Paint, Fat Shaming, Humor, Middle Finger
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It’s nice that they let the anorexic American girl join in
Burger King.
was there a point to this picture? anyone notice their flipping everyone off?
#1 through 8: My bucket list.
#9: Bucket of KFC.
was there a point to this picture? anyone notice their flipping everyone off? , wow, 5 down votes but no one could answer the questions? it’s 2 honest questions , what’s there to down vote?
USAders are fat. That’s the point.
Now be fair, I am sure some of them are just big boned.
then why are they all giving the finger? and usa is not the only heavy one there , i see a couple of muffintops besides hers.
These colors don’t run…and neither does she.
It’s a good thing they used the fat chick. How else would they fit in all the stars?