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    Well having those guns around sure made his mother saved his mother. The only thing that will stop a badguy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. perfect example. Remember that time when his mother had all the guns that she wanted and they saved her from being shot.


    “Braindead Americans United”…?

    Leave the irony to the hipsters, guys.


    Well. To start at step one. If the “legal” gun owner was not allowed to posses those weapons, they would not have been available to be “illegally” stolen.


    All illegal guns start off as legal guns.
    The easiest place to break the chain is at the top.



    By that line of thinking, one could say that making heroin and cocaine illegal has kept drugs out of the public’s possesion.


    By that line of thinking, you think that an AR-15 can be smuggled in a plastic baggie.



    Just smuggle them in in Bales of Marijuana like they do with the Fully Automatic AK-47’s that have been turning up in California…


    We need to treat the symptoms of violence, not the cuase.


    That’s a good theory… but that’s all it is.
    Just a theory that doesn’t work in reality.

    I’m not your tow-the-line Liberal. I’m a gun loving, hard-line NRA, decorated Marine marksman vet living abroad in a country and region that seems to have more than our share of mental deranged idiots and as many week-end pass hospitals for the mentally insane around.

    Guns are illegal here (pisses me off) but on the other hand we have no gun violence, zero murders by guns apart of the odd hunting accidents, I’ve never heard of one in the 21 years I’ve been here. Studies have shown that our kids here are known to play twice as many violent games and watch twice as many violent films as the average American (we have very long winters here). We don’t even have any locks on the doors and still own the beloved wide-screen Sony

    … so tell me again about your pie-in-the-sky theory on “symptoms of violence”. Your symptom is the easily attainable and easy availability of firearms.

    Mom had a whole arsenal of weapons in the house and mentally fucked up son in the house… cause???
    gee, this isn’t rocket science pal.


    I hate to break it to you antis. Ban all gun will stop violent crime is really just a wishful thinking. America is unique compare to most other country. We have 200 years of gun culture. And millions firearms are already in US (both legal and illegal). If this AWB got passed, it will just be another fell good law in the book and will not have any effect in reality. If you doubt this, just check FBI crime data before and after the last AWB.
    I have many anti gun friend and I understand how they think. If guns were not legal to be own by citizens. This ONE incident might not happen. But at the same time hundreds by standards might be robbed, rapped, killed at the same time because criminals now have much easier time since they know there will not be a gun when they breaking an elderly’s house, when they fellow a young girl, when an angry ex boyfriend/husband want some revenge.
    The reality is, gun is part of culture in this country. We should learn to deal with it and not passed another feel good law. Remember, there are 2.5m people die every year in America. Gun is no where near the leading cause. Actually there are less people die by guns than auto accidents.
    Good luck everyone and be safe.


    Why did his mother had those guns? If there were no guns in the house, maybe all he would have would be knifes? Or a baseball bat?


    Good Christ, this shit is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old.


    Your o’s went completely off my page.

    Well done!

    Lou. R

    How about a law saying that she had to keep her guns securely stored? Would a $100 gun safe have stopped the tragedy? A cheap safe might not have stopped a determined professional burglar but it might have stopped that kid.

    Such a law would be OK by me, I already keep all my firearms in a safe… Why don’t more people, law or not, keep their guns stowed properly?

    Luke Magnifico

    Surely then he’d just have stolen the keys or obtained the combination first.

    Lou. R

    Maybe, but maybe not. At least it would have been one more layer.


    Regardless of opinions on the matter, logic fail. Would his mother have owned a gun for him to steal if it was illegal? Probably not.


    If he hadn’t killed his mother, it’s highly likely she’d be facing accessory murder charges.


    Well here is the problem with the pie in the sky utopian frou-frou the antis keep spouting.
    You believe that the world is like a kindergarten class. You believe that simply passing a law making it illegal will keep it from happening. Tell me how well that works with heroin and crack.
    Tell me how well that works in Chicago. Chicago has the absolute worst gun violence rate in the United States of America but had the absolute most draconian gun laws in the US until the New York state government lost their collective minds and passed worse laws.
    The truth is that swimming pools kill more children every year than guns do. The truth is that cars kill more children every year than guns do.
    The truth is that passing laws to prevent gun violence is like passing laws prohibiting drug trafficking and alcohol. It will make daily life more onerous for law abiding citizens who have guns for self defense or competition or other reasons but will not in any way deter the nutbags and criminals. Even Vice President Joe Biden has stated unequivocally that gun legislation will not prevent crime or gun violence. If they can’t be purchased legally in the US they will be smuggled in the same way alcohol used to be and heroin and cocaine are smuggled in now. This country is 17 trillion dollars in debt and BATFE and other federal agencies are flat out declining to prosecute the current gun laws yet millions are being spent by Democrat morons on pushing legislation for a feel good initiative that they admit will do nothing to deter crime.


    There is the rub. You mention Chicago and law (un)enforcement.ABC News ran a piece that asked why Chicago gun deaths were 3 times that of NYC for the month of january2012. One thing they pointed out was that in 2010-2011 that only 41% of those arrested for gun crimes in Chicago were prosecuted for those charges. NYC was in the upper 70%.


    EXACTLY. So passing more laws that won’t get enforced makes perfect sense. This country is 17 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and we are spending millions of dollars on this retarded “conversation” that isn’t a conversation but is instead a lecture by liberals who cannot stop over half a century of crime in Chicago and Detroit with these types of laws. Spend the money on fixing the economy and social reform. The kids at Columbine did not get their guns at home. They used patsies to get them illegally. Picking and choosing details to try to prove that eliminating the ability of normal law-abiding citizens to protect themselves will somehow eliminate all evil in the universe is frankly childish. YOU CANNOT ban all guns from the United States. They will be illegally imported from Mexico just like the drugs and illegal medical equipment and illegal people.
    Additionally I know this will startle you but while you are focusing on this issue, you are NOT looking at the economy, the jobless rate, the epic failure in foreign policy, the epic failure to keep his promises about taxes, the epic total failure of OBAMACARE and the epic failure to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
    These moron liberal politicians have your number. They think they are smart enough to lead you around with this RED HERRING so you will assume the politicians are actually doing something worthwhile instead of eating fine meals and drinking fine libations on your tax dollars…..(assuming you pay taxes)


    Your points are valid and I agree, the money spent trying to reduce gun ownership is very much being pissed into the wind and would be better spent elsewhere, however the ranting against them darn ‘liberals’ really weakens your message.


    It isn’t ‘conservatives’ trying to disarm American citizens.


    His mother’s legal guns really saved her life and stopped her from being shot. They also stopped a lot of other people from being shot.

    And that good guy with a gun, the armed security guard at Columbine, he was really effective in stopping the buy guy with a gun.

    The King of Nothing

    Let’s try this:
    One year of every single gun not existing in the US.
    Then, one year of everybody having a gun.

    Tell me which one you think will have a lot more murders, mass murders, robbery, kidnappings, etc. I would definitely not want to be around when everyone has a gun.

    (Yes, I know it isn’t realistically possible, it’s a hypothetical situation)


    Let’s say that some magical unicorn creates a spell that dissolves all firearms now present in the United States.
    Initially, in your hypothetical scenario, there would be the same number of rapes and murders and violent acts there always are (that outnumber gun violence eight to one) that didn’t involve guns in the first place. The difference is that police would have to use tazers to stop criminals. Some criminals (just like some law abiding citizens) don’t fall to the ground and convulse under electrical shock. Some can fight back. So the police would be endangered in your scenario. I personally don’t have the same reaction to Mace that you would expect so I know that there are other people who can be maced and be effective at fighting police. Farmers who rely on firearms to keep wildlife from their livestock would have to use bows and arrows and would suffer monetary loss and the suffering of their livestock being eaten alive by coyotes and wolves and etc. (I can provide video of wolves attacking cattle and actually tearing off pieces while they are still standing)
    Bank guards would not have guns to deter robbery so banks would be robbed by any moderately sized group of robbers (five or more with knives or hammers or chainsaws would probably suffice).
    The FBI would not have their firearms so kidnappings and child abduction and serial killings would proceed without the safe investigation of those crimes.
    Women who have firearms to protect themselves from psychotic ex-husbands or boyfriends would be helpless.
    The influx of cartel gang members from Mexico would initially involve machete violence (the reason that any knife longer than 4 inches is illegal to be carried in Texas) and people being beaten to death with pipes and baseball bats. The local gangs who have a reason to keep the areas they live in *relatively* safe and help to curb the cartels will all be wiped out because the cartels will bring in their own firearms from elsewhere. Violent people will have free reign in the inner city because the police who currently will not show up to 911 calls in Chicago unless “you are seriously hurt or someone is killed” can’t be bothered to go to a call when they have no Glocks to keep them safe. As the year passes minorities in the inner city (Asians in primarily Hispanic or Black areas, etc) will become victims of looting and arson. Whole districts of some cities will be unlivable because the police will not enter those locations for fear of gang assaults and rioting.
    (Please note that none of this is hyperbole. ALL OF THESE THINGS have happened in recent history and were actually curbed by the liberal application of firearms to the affected areas. Sometimes with National Guard or police holding them and sometimes with Korean property holders or other law-abiding citizens holding them)
    (I have video and newspaper records)

    A year passes.

    Then Obama is tried and convicted of treason and Clint Eastwood is elected president by universal acclaim. The budget is balanced because all of the feel-good legislation designed to remove citizen’s rights is immediately stricken from the books. Clint passes a law that everyone in the United States must immediately spend ten hours in a basic pistol course and take up the responsibility of defending themselves. Clint imports firearms and US manufacturers kick their manufacturing into overdrive. Children are given twenty hours of instruction on gun safety every year from the age of four forward. Gun-Free-Zones are outlawed. Teachers are allowed to pack heat at school and there are armed police or guards as a legal requirement for every single school. EVERYONE over the age of 21 is required by law to learn how to shoot accurately and safely or they will be fined $5000.00 and lose the right to vote and the privilege to drive an automobile. (Medical exceptions for people with unreasonable phobias are allowed. They must pay for a bodyguard to protect them) (this is a hat tip to the current anti-gun politicians and the news media who do exactly this)
    For a month or two the violent crimes continue. Then the criminals who have not been arrested or perforated in the commission of crimes wise up and stop doing what they are doing. (for the most part….you can’t legislate or fix stupid) (but the stupid ones end up in jail or perforated so they won’t have ten or twenty kids to continue the stupid)
    Clint is wise and spends more money on mental health and economic and social improvements and cuts welfare for anyone who can reasonably hold a job and work. Clint creates multiple jobs programs that show people who have been living on the dole their entire lives that they can gain self respect and support and defend themselves if they just get out and do it. Public works projects are created that allow law-abiding and civic minded people in the inner city to act as a civic watch. “Snitching” about violent crime is encouraged and publicly awarded. Public works projects are created that educate people to the fact that drugging people with mental illness is a temporary solution that actually can make a non-violent person become violent. (read the side effects of the majority of the drugs being prescribed today for people whose personalities simply aren’t easy to deal with) People who are mentally ill are treated without the quick-fix drugs that were the norm under previous health care policies.
    As statistics from numerous studies have shown, people are more polite, more courteous, more conscientious about safety and the well being of their fellow man if they are in an armed society.
    As statistics have shown, waiting for the police to show up allows a mass shooter to kill 4 to 10 more people than if an armed citizen intervenes.
    As statistics and personal experience has shown, waiting for the police to show up can leave you or your loved one bleeding to death or beaten bloody.
    Crime will continue. People will die in automobile accidents and will be shot and some will commit suicide and some will still be stupid enough to attack other people. Evil exists. Stupid exists. The difference is that two or three guys will not have the idea in their head that they can invade a home safely and rape and beat and sodomize three women for an entire day without being shot.
    Nutbags planning to shoot up a movie theater or a school will have to steel themselves to the idea that Mrs. Ledbetter has Mr. Smith and Wesson to back her up.
    Frankly I believe and can prove that most of those nutbags will reconsider.

    The King of Nothing

    Finally got bored enough to come here. From what I read skimming this nobody ever can defend themselves without a gun. Everyone beats up on all the minorities all the time. If nobody has guns, the people as a whole rise up and riot constantly and the police are helpless (tear gas and riot shields have no effect now I guess).

    Try again without all the rule changes. You added tons of gun legislation that the picture is 100% against, but I’m actually for. I said straight up everyone has a gun which is representative of how it is now, but exaggerated. Just like the other side. Same rules for both years.
    Exactly who is going to pay for these body guards that people are now forced to hire because they can’t shoot? Snitching being rewarded publicly will result in that person dying really fast. You also seem to forget crimes of passion can’t be stopped by therapy. They are however exacerbated by a gun being around and all it takes is the pull of a trigger. The KC Chiefs player showed us that.
    Actually, I’ll implement my own rules for the year without guns. Everyone has to have 10 years of martial arts training and be as skilled as ninjas. We immediately cure all mental illnesses and America has to be only one race.

    Do you really think that the movie theatre shooter, whose plan was to go out in the blaze of glory by killing as many people as he could before being killed, would have thought twice before going in there because he might get killed which was his intention?

    That’s my lazy input on what you said. I had more, but lost interest in the backswing.
    “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” I’ll take that advice now.

    Luke Magnifico

    It’s really too late, at this point. Maybe if you’d done it 50, 60 years ago but by now there’s just too many guns floating freely around the system. You brought this on yourselves and there’s no going back.

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