that’s Prank vs. Prank. They’re a pretty big channel on YouTube. They’ve been together for a long, long time. If you watch their channels, you’ll find that they’re a really loving couple…. and besides, I think she gets him a lot better than he gets her
I’ve seen this before… but never heard anything about the follow-up. Hopefully she dumped his cruel ass.
PrankvsPrank and bfvsgf on YouTube… look it up
I believe the follow-up was titled:”Kick to the nuts-sleep on the porch”.
Not a pie, just whipped cream. Still, what a douche.
Hahaha, followup:
that’s Prank vs. Prank. They’re a pretty big channel on YouTube. They’ve been together for a long, long time. If you watch their channels, you’ll find that they’re a really loving couple…. and besides, I think she gets him a lot better than he gets her
PVP Team Jeana!!