To me it looks like a fire was lit inside the bottles. The fire then used up all the O2 in the bottles and created a vacuum. It’s like he was suction-cupped all over his back.
Those aren’t burns, they’re basically hickies. You heat the bottles, then as they cool (t decreases) the pressure drops (since the volume is constant). Supposed to suck out toxins, invigorate you, the usual hippie crap; all it does is give you hickies. I know all this because I was once almost ready to file a report of suspicion of child abuse when I saw the same sort of marks on a kid’s back.
To each his own: I personally might question that, but I’m not going to go bonkers when seeing some foreign practice or ritual from a different culture.
It is indeed called Fire Cupping, and it isn’t just practiced in foreign countries. I saw lots of people doing this just last weekend in Maryland.
Alcohol is swished around inside the cup (or jar in this case) and then set on fire just before the cup is placed on the skin. It doesn’t burn the skin, but it creates a vacuum that sucks the skin right up into the cup.
When done by a skilled professional it is much like acupressure, but it can also be excruciatingly painful if done by someone in the BDSM community.
To me it looks like a fire was lit inside the bottles. The fire then used up all the O2 in the bottles and created a vacuum. It’s like he was suction-cupped all over his back.
Those aren’t burns, they’re basically hickies. You heat the bottles, then as they cool (t decreases) the pressure drops (since the volume is constant). Supposed to suck out toxins, invigorate you, the usual hippie crap; all it does is give you hickies. I know all this because I was once almost ready to file a report of suspicion of child abuse when I saw the same sort of marks on a kid’s back.
They should try this with females instead of bottles.
it’s chinese acupuncture
It’s called Fire Cupping..
To each his own: I personally might question that, but I’m not going to go bonkers when seeing some foreign practice or ritual from a different culture.
It is indeed called Fire Cupping, and it isn’t just practiced in foreign countries. I saw lots of people doing this just last weekend in Maryland.
Alcohol is swished around inside the cup (or jar in this case) and then set on fire just before the cup is placed on the skin. It doesn’t burn the skin, but it creates a vacuum that sucks the skin right up into the cup.
When done by a skilled professional it is much like acupressure, but it can also be excruciatingly painful if done by someone in the BDSM community.
See also
PaganPaul can write but not read.
Why not just use suction cups? You don’t need extra equipment and the chance of getting burned is practically zero.
Equipment costs money. Matches, paper and old plastic bottles you can get from the trash…