Star Trek kitbashes
Added on October 24th, 2012 by HoChunk | Report Post
Tags:Awesome Things, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Star Trek
Tags:Awesome Things, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Star Trek
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Think you need two nacelles to create the warp field. How would a single nacelle create one?
TOS cannon has single nacelle ships. As ships got bigger they use two nacelles to create a larger warp field.
Jeez, I am such a geek.
True, but it’s also been said that Gene Roddenberry HATED the idea of ships with an un-even number of nacelles, which is why you don’t see them that often, it’s always usually 2 or 4
do you have a source on that? my TOS tech manual has a couple that are single nacelle ships.
Oh thank God. I’m not the only geek here.
I’ve got a very old “Starfleet Manual”, covering the current & future history of spaceflight from Sputnik to the Enterprise movie-refit. It doesn’t say that odd-numbered nacelles are bad per se, but there aren’t any single-nacelled ships in it, and more telling: the one entry on a triple-nacelled ship describes it as a total lemon, going as far as to say that the third nacelle de-stabilized the warp field or somesuch.
Don’t know if it was Roddenberry-approved at the time, or even considered canon –although it sure isn’t now.
Its my understanding that you needed two to create an asymmetric warp field. Which would make it go.
I’ve played a variety of the different games from the Star Trek universe. (I also have an avid Trekkie fan base in my family.)
Most written explanations suggest even numbers create more stable fields. There are more than one reference to Single and Triple nacelle Ships. Single Nacelle ships ones can create warp fields, but Twin Nacelles make much more stable fields. Third Nacelle ships often have ‘maulers’ which is the Phaser equivalent of a Rail gun. (One Episode in TNG, where time travel was involved, had a retrofitted Enterprise-E commanded by Admiral Riker; it was equipped with a ‘mauler’ style phaser.)
man, I do love looking at these, it’s ridiculous.
Same. The are strangely compelling.