All right, but apart from the satellite tv, clear braces, water filters, uv sunglasses, hand gliders, electric car batteries, memory foam, athletic shoes and modern tyres, what have the NASA ever done for us??
Nothing to do with NASA, they just use it alot. For most information, check out the how stuff works podcast….
12 years ago
Do you really want a list of the things invented thanks to wars? ‘cos I’m pretty sure the list is a lot longer than this one, and if I told you that funding wars was a great thing you’d kick me in the nuts so hard my great-grandchildren would become impotent.
Private enterprise is taking a piece of the pie.And from what I saw a few days ago the Apollo Program burned through about 1.7 billion dollars.That`s a hell of a lot of research funding for a water filter.
12 years ago
Aliens or gtfo ASSA
12 years ago
We need to fund space, because eventually we have to leave this place, at least to get away from the people who question why we need to fund space.
All right, but apart from the satellite tv, clear braces, water filters, uv sunglasses, hand gliders, electric car batteries, memory foam, athletic shoes and modern tyres, what have the NASA ever done for us??
The aqueduct?
Nothing to do with NASA, they just use it alot. For most information, check out the how stuff works podcast….
Do you really want a list of the things invented thanks to wars? ‘cos I’m pretty sure the list is a lot longer than this one, and if I told you that funding wars was a great thing you’d kick me in the nuts so hard my great-grandchildren would become impotent.
By funding are you talking $$$ or are you figuring in the lives lost and the suffering of both the troops and their families?
NASA has had fatalities, but the military loses more people in training missions.
And NASA is a branch of the military. And if you think it isn’t name the astronauts (not the dumb ride alongs) that weren’t in the military
for the amount of money they blow away (literally)all this is worth shit…
Private enterprise is taking a piece of the pie.And from what I saw a few days ago the Apollo Program burned through about 1.7 billion dollars.That`s a hell of a lot of research funding for a water filter.
Aliens or gtfo ASSA
We need to fund space, because eventually we have to leave this place, at least to get away from the people who question why we need to fund space.