Avengers Religious Beliefs
Added on August 3rd, 2012 by crewmanguy | Report Post
Tags:Atheism, Captain America, Comic Books, Humor, Iron Man, Movies, Religion, The Incredible Hulk
Tags:Atheism, Captain America, Comic Books, Humor, Iron Man, Movies, Religion, The Incredible Hulk
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A primitive society worshiping you as a god does not mean you actually are a “god”. Ironman is correct in being an athiest, and Thor is just an alien with a long lifespan and technology.
Can Hulk still smash?
…he’s strongest one there is…
i knew the time would come where i can put this image to proper news. i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb8/djrhymez/incredible-hulk-this-is-why-we-cant.jpg
news = use | wtf was i thinking…
And you’re a complete loser.
Basically: you think you’re smarter than thousands of years and millions of lives devoted to something you can’t wrap your head around…because of comic books.
Have you met Korinthian? I think you two would get along.
“Basically: you think you’re smarter than thousands of years and millions of lives devoted to something you can’t wrap your head around”
It’s not that hard of a concept to wrap your head around…. people fear death and don’t understand some things, so an imaginary being in the sky is a good catch-all for answering questions you don’t have the answer too.
Sorry if I don’t feel the need to sacrifice a goat each night so the sun comes back, or feel the need to follow the advice of a zombie who was his own father… or to stick a tree in my living room once a year.
And you don’t need to actually read up on any of what you’re trying to pretend you know a damned thing about
You can’t bullshit your way through with blind stupidity. lol
You look pretty fucking stupid right now, kid.
Religion is not a concept. It’s the only reason little pussies like you make it past your first birthday.
But Can Hulk Smash?
Theres a special breed of animal called a “christian”. its not very smart by its quite vicious. left to its own devices, it will steal, rape, and murder. christians are kept in check by the mind-control practice of “christianity”. they are taught from childhood to avoid stealing, raping, or murdering, or they will be infinitely punished after their finite life is over. thank science for that!
Wow\, that was one giant appeal to authority.
Isn’t maggie an atheist?
“Basically: you think you’re smarter than thousands of years and millions of lives devoted to something you can’t wrap your head around”
Pretty much, human understanding has increased significantly in the past 1000 years, many of the concepts that we take for granted today were completely unfathomable 1000+ years ago.
These were the people that thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth and that the night sky was a gient blanket and that the stars were holes in that blanket.
You have to have been born after 1985. Thor is indeed a God. You are referring to the Ultimate Universe lore in which his “god hood” is called to question. In the movie, it is explained that Asgard is a “blend of magic and science”, which I think is actually kinda cool.
Comic books or real world crazy people aside, i was speaking about the idea of “gods” in general…. Even if there was some kind of superior being, that primitives worshipped, it doesnt make them any more of a “god” than it does when koi fish gather around a person feeding them in a pond.
Just because one being is more advanced than another, it does NOT elevate their status to “god”.
Unless you consider yourself a god everytime you walk past an anthill.
Yes, yes I do. I can hear their screams of “Why,God,WHY?” as my boots grind them out of existence.
Eh, someone being a god is all about the myth surrounding them. Almost all super heroes would qualify as god if you just compared their powers to Greek gods.
Thor is a god. I think they only reason they introduced the “they’re kinda-sorta aliens” bit in the movie is to keep religious nuts from boycotting the movies.
If it was all simply alien tech, why doesn’t everyone have the same powers in Asgard as Loki, Odin or Thor? Why doesn’t everyone have a Mjolnir, Casket of Ancient Winter or a Destroyer home security system?
Also, if Thor is just an alien, then he must have seen Ghostbusters before coming to earth.