charlize theron has long legs
Added on August 7th, 2012 by #makecasemdsgreatagain | Report Post
Tags:Charlize Theron, NeSFW, Sexy, Vertical Wallpaper
Tags:Charlize Theron, NeSFW, Sexy, Vertical Wallpaper
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Looks shopped, like she was photographed against a green screen and pasted into that background.
i see no valid arguement
The edges around her body are sharp, like someone used the PS lasso tool to define them – not that it really matters, she’s still one hot African-American.
Look at her right foot. The heel’s shadow is clearly visible on the carpet. So, I don’t think there’s any photoshhop here.
You people are utter fools with terrible eyes and no experience with photo-manipulation. Look at the goddamned lighting on her and then compare it to the room; if they didn’t take her picture in that environment, they took it in one identical to it. If you know anything about realism in graphic arts, you know that realism in lighting is the holy grail. Apply then the razor of Occam to your retarded theory and tell me which is more likely: she was photoshopped into a scene with identical lighting to the one she was originally photographed in, or some stage of color grading and touch-ups on the image used Lanczos Resampling thereby sharpening perceived edges to the point that ass-talking feebs think it’s been lasso tooled?
For real though, look at those earmuffs. It will be a sad day when Charlize stops being hot like this.
Bitches got told.
her toes look sore, … what I was looking to see if it was shopped!
Holy shit do those shoes look painful.
I see sideboob and stop.
I guess you’re right, it’s impossible to draw a shadow in PhotoShop
really ?! no one else noticed the glued on neck ???
maybe you all are too busy looking at pixels that you’re missing the obvious.
It is a picture of her, though.
It actually kind of looks like she’s wearing a body suit.
exactly. it sucks. she probably has freckles on her chest or something stupid that she’s worried about. she’s beautiful. and great legs.
hahaha nice one.
OK is it me or does her left leg not look right at all? maybe it is just the lighting or something but just looks off to me?
Of course the left leg doesn’t look right, it’s got no eyes!