photo shop comparison
Added on June 12th, 2012 by #makecasemdsgreatagain | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Computers, Jennifer Lawrence, Sad :(, WTF
Tags:Animated Images, Computers, Jennifer Lawrence, Sad :(, WTF
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This seems unnecessary. The chick is hot pre-shop.
ya i’d take either no question
I prefer “Pre-Hot Shot”. rolls off the tongue better i believe.
why would you photoshop someone chubbier?
zoom in on her right arm. you can see an unnatural curve just before the elbow in the slim version hinting the bigger of the two is the original.
and yea, bigger is better in this case.
This looks shopped.
I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
Is that Jennifer Lawrence?
I think so. I know she’s been catching all sorts of hell for her body image and refusal to conform to media standards so this could be a relation to that.
She’s much more attractive with curve and meat on her than not, as most women are.