I don’t give a rat’s ass who wins over there… but it now appears that the Republicans are about to get their asses whipped again so they’ve gone into “panic mode”.
And this is the best these nutters could come up with?
The plan is since they can’t beat the alleged Muslim, alleged non-citizen, half-white guy in the White House – they’ll not go vote and chant a few incoherent words to their make-believe sky-fairy.
They had four years to figure something out and this is their plan?
Yeeeaaah…this isn’t an ACTUAL Republican National Committee thing. They might be desperate to make Romney NOT be the Republican version of John Kerry, but this is some pissant group (handful at most) who would believe it’s criminal that we don’t live in a Christian theocracy. But the only kind of national attention this will get is being bounced around Facebook by the same sheep who post sixteen images with the caption “Share If You Love Jesus” every day.
Are you stupid or something?
This is obviously propaganda from the left to keep their “guy” in power. No one who thinks for themselves believes that god cares what we do down here.
Yes, Patheosdotcom is an Atheist Website, and if you look at the Site for a VERY short time you can figure out that the man’s Politics are NOT to the Right of Center.
Funny, I always was told that God helped he who helped him (or her) self. Now I can see praying WHILE voting, but not INSTEAD of…
I would’ve thought that since Atheists are such champions of reason and fact, they would’ve checked for the source (like you did) before, or at least while, foaming at the mouth and spreading this.
Scroll up and see how it’s being used.
“The plan is since they can’t beat the alleged Muslim, alleged non-citizen, half-white guy in the White House – they’ll not go vote and chant a few incoherent words to their make-believe sky-fairy.”
The only “tools” here are divisiveness, ignorance, that guy and OP.
Just your garden-variety liberal trolling.
Oh? Sounds like you missed the punch line…
This is kinda brilliant.
How do you separate church and state? Spread this. Beautiful.
LOL @... the full image KB.
Looking at this from the other side of the pond.
I don’t give a rat’s ass who wins over there… but it now appears that the Republicans are about to get their asses whipped again so they’ve gone into “panic mode”.
And this is the best these nutters could come up with?
The plan is since they can’t beat the alleged Muslim, alleged non-citizen, half-white guy in the White House – they’ll not go vote and chant a few incoherent words to their make-believe sky-fairy.
They had four years to figure something out and this is their plan?
Yeeeaaah…this isn’t an ACTUAL Republican National Committee thing. They might be desperate to make Romney NOT be the Republican version of John Kerry, but this is some pissant group (handful at most) who would believe it’s criminal that we don’t live in a Christian theocracy. But the only kind of national attention this will get is being bounced around Facebook by the same sheep who post sixteen images with the caption “Share If You Love Jesus” every day.
Are you stupid or something?
This is obviously propaganda from the left to keep their “guy” in power. No one who thinks for themselves believes that god cares what we do down here.
Did you miss the joke ?
No one who thinks for themselves believes in God…so that would make you…let’s say, intellectually wanting…
It looks like here is where this came from:
Yes, Patheosdotcom is an Atheist Website, and if you look at the Site for a VERY short time you can figure out that the man’s Politics are NOT to the Right of Center.
Funny, I always was told that God helped he who helped him (or her) self. Now I can see praying WHILE voting, but not INSTEAD of…
I would’ve thought that since Atheists are such champions of reason and fact, they would’ve checked for the source (like you did) before, or at least while, foaming at the mouth and spreading this.
The views of the person that made the graphic are secondary to how it can be used as a tool.
Scroll up and see how it’s being used.
“The plan is since they can’t beat the alleged Muslim, alleged non-citizen, half-white guy in the White House – they’ll not go vote and chant a few incoherent words to their make-believe sky-fairy.”
The only “tools” here are divisiveness, ignorance, that guy and OP.
We are, you missed the joke, read it again…and we don’t foam at the mouth, we leave that to religious types…
Wow! I can imagine some people falling for this.
It’s already been established that Christians don’t trust the power of prayer.
Some faith.
Spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.