Would you live in a 30-story condo building where the balconies included swimming pools made of glass?
What if the building were in India?
(www.geekologie.com/2012/04/no-diving-board-highrise-with-glass-pool.php points to www.jameslawcybertecture.com/?section=ProjectDetails&project_id=193)
nice, now try the high dive.
yes i would live here. and if that part of india sucked, i would just stay in my condo
“..part of india sucked”? That implies there’s areas of India that don’t suck.
Link to this pic next time you hear someone complain about how all skyscrapers are phallic.
1. wind
2. wave
4. splat
So no. This falls under: just because you can doesn’t mean you should.