Tea Party Jesus

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    I think I remember Jesus helping the poor, not making and demanding that other people do it. Jesus never forcibly made another human being do anything. Why do so many people seem to think that if you don’t believe government should be allowed to make somebody take care of somebody else that means you are some hypocritical christian? I don’t want to give money to the government to give out to people. I give money to my church who then takes care of the needy and poor. If you want to help the poor, give them some of your own money. Go on, nobody is stopping you.


    Really jeff, do you know so little about you’re Christian history? The Holy Roman Empire was well for their roads, as was Constantinople.

    As to rendering unto Ceaser, if you can cite for me the line in the Constitution of the United States of America that gives Congress the authority to take food from my family to give to another, I’ll buy you a cookie.


    I believe the preamble says something about “promote the general welfare and insure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity”
    Note that it says “GENERAL welfare” not just “the welfare of the rich and well connected”


    The Preamble is just a header; What we must remember is that the main argument against the bill of rights was that it was not needed because the Federal Government did not have the authority to do anything other then what was clearly spelled out.

    So again. Cite me the line in the Constitution where a lazy piece of shit druggy gets a check.


    “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”

    Jesus was a preachy guy that told others to do shit all the time.

    What bible did you read?


    Jesus made his own bread and wine, he didn’t tax everyone else to pay for it. BTW, Americas give more to charity than any other nation. Key word there is “give.” Not taxed.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    +lol@you for not even being able to pull off disinterest without looking stupid.

    Thanks for proving my point, poor stupid lazy left wing asshole.


    He didn’t make that bread, fish and wine, he relied on the charity to others to get that for him.

    Funny how that works, eh?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Since when is being lazy and stupid a “plight”?

    Leftist nutcases in America are the rest of the world’s entertainment. You really are funny to watch. Like retarded circus monkeys.


    I spend a lot of time in South America and my GF is from the EU – trust me, when The world laughs about America it’s not the leftists they are laughing about.

    Calling the seriously poor “lazy and stupid” is exactly the sort of thing they laugh about. As if someone who’s starving to death in the street does so because they just can’t be bothered to feed themselves.


    The compassion displayed here is underwhelming.

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