Advertisement agenices will put random stuff into their adverts (like the big elephant in the TI DLP commercials) so that people will talk about them and conjur up theories as to why that random object is in the picture.
What this basically does in the end is to facilitate discussion of the advert thus spreading the advert more and cementing the advert into the minds of the people that have seen it.
tl;dr You’re doing all the dirty work for the advertisement agencies.
The bad part is that she’s hot and she knows it, which takes away her uniqueness (if there was ever any) and makes her a typical common stuck up bitch.
There has got to be a name for that way-out in-the-deep-end-of-the-dark-recesses-of-the-internet Equine/Amputee relations. Like… Equiteez or Amputines or Little Pony Stump Fuckers.
Why did she bury the horse???
Yeah, what’s up with the horse?
Some kind of… Ground horse?
I have mad respect for people who keep moving forward after losing a limb. My ex-stepdad lost his leg and all he did was whine and troll.
… and I read her profile … and I need to wash my eyes out with bleach …
Dude seriously… There’s a horse head sticking out of a hole THAT SHIT IS CREEPING ME OUT FOR REAL!
weak. Bitch better watch out for an earthquake or a strong breeze.
Seriously, wtf is with that horse?
is she a world famous cyborg porn celebrity?
What gives with the horse??
She looks like she can take a good sized cock.
Ground horse is watching you masturbate to amputee porn.
Ahh, the horse is in The Interspecies Erotic Love Dungeon
i rofled so hard today
this shall be a meme if /b/ has anything to say about it
Advertisement agenices will put random stuff into their adverts (like the big elephant in the TI DLP commercials) so that people will talk about them and conjur up theories as to why that random object is in the picture.
What this basically does in the end is to facilitate discussion of the advert thus spreading the advert more and cementing the advert into the minds of the people that have seen it.
tl;dr You’re doing all the dirty work for the advertisement agencies.
diab: Why wouldn’t we help out? Don’t you care about the poor cripple?
Do you think she works at IHop?
Spread your…leg?
Her real disability is she’s a typical tadly bitch. A SAW tattoo?
Oh I get it. Cause it expresses how people should love life the way you do even though ride a bike half as fast as everyone else.
The bad part is that she’s hot and she knows it, which takes away her uniqueness (if there was ever any) and makes her a typical common stuck up bitch.
She’s kind of stuck on herself. I mean, yeah it’s wonderful she’s a hot amputee, but I don’t think she’s as neat as she apparently thinks she is.
You might say, I don’t think she has a leg to stand on in this case.
Sounds like someone got dumped by a hot amputee.
…the fuck?
I hope to see more Ground Horse pop up all over the Internet…I love him and yet I pee fear.
Ground horse will eat the left one soon.
There has got to be a name for that way-out in-the-deep-end-of-the-dark-recesses-of-the-internet Equine/Amputee relations. Like… Equiteez or Amputines or Little Pony Stump Fuckers.
Like you have one, TokenWGuy
that is not a myspace profile. myspace doesn’t use the domain
Dude, its cached there because the profile is private. Basically, its a way for pervs to still see preteens profiles and pics, yo.
The horse is a lie. IT’S A TRAP!
There you go:
I always thought that phrase sounds stupid. Kind of like that other one: “Word to your…”. That’s just my opinion, although I’m always right.
Amber is a made up name, her real name is Eileen.
LOLOLOL! my myspace hasn’t been private in a while but awesome. So this is where it all started?
Ground horse