Hey, did you guys know that MCS is on facebooks? it’s truth!
click here:
also, stand by for pony related news.
EDIT: There seems to be some confusion as to how the site operates:
1 – people upload stuff
2 – moderator looks at it
3 – moderator approves or denies post
4 – MCS CODE GHOST automatically schedules the posts, which MCS+ members can then view and comment on.
5 – eventually, the unwashed masses get access to the post as well.
so, those pony posts were posted to the post queue a couple weeks ago. long before I lost my jorb.
more to come
shouldn’t you be on imgderp learning how to properly derp?
i have calc and my pics are for mcsnsfw or i can go to imgderp and post them there
There are only 14 more pony related posts scheduled, at 30 minute intervals.
Can’t you just remove them from the queue?
7 hours is too many hours, Tiki,
extra upvote
extra extra upvote
extra^3 upvote
the home run of upvotes
Stop with all the my little pony spam and well talk.
Says the anonymous coward.
I don’t see you using your real name.
Was all the pony posting to troll us or does someone actually love ponies that much and is using this site as a file dump?
I didnt care when it came up once in a while but its gone to an extreme, a little diversity on this site was attractive and I didnt think it was wise of Tiki to try and drive his followers away when he had just lost his job.
In the end its Tiki’s site and he should do as he pleases, but the endless ponies pics and the fact that some adults are fans of them and the show is bordline (if not completely) creepy.
So if someone submits a DMCA takedown request, you just say, “too bad, the CODE GHOST has control over the posts”? You have no control over the content?
I do have control, but it’s nto like I’m sitting here placing each post in the order that it’s going to go up in.
So which idiot clicked approve on the 9000+ pony posts?
DEATH TO THE MOD WHO APPROVED ALL THE PONIES! Who was that anyway? Elton John?
I don’t think it’s fair to blame Elton John. He might be gay- but he’s not a fuckin’ FAG!
Get rid of the f’ing Mod that ok’d all these friggin Pony pics. It’s shit.
When this site stops being so easily controlled by one person spamming a bunch of shit no one cares about, then I’ll “Like”.
When the MCS FB is no longer displaying ONLY myfaggyponies I’ll “like”. Until that day, DEATH TO PONIES!
Yeah, this pony shit is getting a little out of hand.
The ponies may have come before the request, but I am not going to “like” you when all my friends will see of the place is all the ponies. I do _not_ want to be associated with those… at all… ever…
I love this site but seriously? If you are selling ad space what sense does it make to drive people away with these stupid fucking ponies?
Look, the ponies were ok as an occasional running joke, but damn, time to stop beating a dead horse.
I’ve been out of the loop for a while… Is the pony troll the new Casemods here? Or the old Casemods with a new name?
Casemods! You have to say it like Peter Griffin says Roadhouse!
I like you… I really like you… but no touching.
Fuck your Ponies. I’ll like it on FB when I stop seeing all the Ponies on this site.
So, now that shit has got real… the “pony issue” is now important, correct?
Looks like the “unwashed masses” have spoken.
As part of the unwashed, I’ll also toss in my plea for no more ponies.
I’d say if it’s going to affect your revenue stream, time to start paying attention to the masses, washed or not.
I will be happy to like you on facebook if you tone down the gay ass my little pony shit. Seriously dude. I scrolled through like 12 pages of that crap this morning. It’s old. Post in moderation if its actually funny…but just page after page of cartoon unicorns/ponies is so f$%king painful. Want to post something funny. Have a my little pony doing a Tebow….or mocking Keanu. But otherwise mix it up a bit. This would have only been acceptable if you had made some my little pony theme day or something. We’re not 8 year old girls roaming your site.