For those who are injured and out in the cold attempting to clarify the injustices that, for so long, have reigned unopposed in our democracy.
Here We Stand Here We Stay
Added on December 13th, 2011 by inthenameofbob | Report Post
Tags:Occupy Wall Street, Politics, Vertical Wallpaper
Tags:Occupy Wall Street, Politics, Vertical Wallpaper
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They do a good job expressing their anger, I just wish they did a better job articulating what they’re angry about – “injustice” doesn’t quite cut it.
A good protest is not just a shout of anger, it’s a call to action.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure they where very specific on what they where angry about.
Whole 99%/1% deal is pretty specific to me.
Not really because the poorest American is the 1% to much of the rest of the world. Plus the 1% changes all the time. There are other reasons but those are two good ones.
Yes, but comparing Americans to the rest of the world is kind of illogical. The point of the matter is simply corruption. The men behind the corporations that rule the world.
Assuming that is true, which I disagree with, what do you suggest besides camping out in the cold?
And by the way, OWS has mostly gone away. At least 99% of them. Even traffic to their website has dropped to near nothing levels.
BTW, did you know that the 1% of top earners in NYC pay 43% of the taxes and over 1/3 of the city’s filers pay no tax whatsoever?
There’s income inequality alright, but not the kind you think.
If you’re injured and cold maybe you should go inside. Camping in a city in winter doesn’t convey the message “We’re a sane and rationally minded group of people”.
You mean like the injustice that the people whose greatest contribution to society is that they haven’t robbed, killed or raped anyone in the last month get tons of free cash and free services from the government and they’re never, ever expected to pay back all that money?
I’m fairly certain that their message is the following: We are a the first generation of “participation” trophy winners. We are the first generation that have been repeatedly told we’re “special” for no other reason than that we exist. We are the first to get a “leg” up 100 points on the SATs so we can compete. We are the first generation to not fully understand that a “sociology” degree or a “communications” degree is worthless. We are the first generation to have zero insight into reality but still demand that the world conform to our delusions. We are the first group to demand constant entitlements, handouts, we expect to not ever have to pay off our student load debt, and we demand the very economy that we decry …to provide us with a sustainable way to live even if we offer up to the world no useful skills at all.
Oh, yeah….and our math on the whole 99%/1% thing is so off its laughable. Guess that extra 100 points on the SATs didn’t help us out in the end.
Shut your whining bullshit complaining you pieces of *&(!!!! I have a job, am not in this magical 1%, and I pay a ton of taxes, contribute to society, go to church, help out charities, raise and support my family. If you think like this bunch of ass-hats… you really should check out a bit more how the real world functions, put your head down and work a little harder, and STFU.
Dude, it’s not just about who is rich and who isn’t. It isn’t about who works hard or who doesn’t.
It’s simply about the 1% of the people who control a corrupted system vs everyone else aka 99%.
So you’ve worked hard and contribute to society. Big whoop. So what?
There are thousands of people out there that have worked much harder, given more than you, and were STILL screwed over by the system leaving them with next to nothing. If your content with the system because so far it hasn’t affected you yet, then so be it. But there are alot of people who honestly want to see a change, or at least a movement in the right direction.
Well, I’m a member of the 41%…who ACTUALLY PAY TAXES.
Don’t BITCH if you have NO SKIN IN THE GAME!!
BTW, the poster really doesn’t cut it. They all went home when the temperature dropped below 50 degrees.
The top 1% earners in NY =\= the 1% that we are all talking about.
And OWS was never supposed to solve the problem of corruption overnight. It was simply to raise awareness of the corruption, which it did. OWS is only the first step in a long and hard fight against corruption.
Well, the Tea Party did it before OWS and did it better, because government is hand in hand with any corruption in corporations. You can’t just camp out, you have to organize and work the ballot box.
I know you want to believe OWS did something productive but I’m just not seeing it.
It’s as I said before. OWS was never meant to solve anything overnight. They way I see it is like a tiny snowball rolling down a hill. I can only hope that it gains momentum and speed on the way down.
But it all takes effort. This is the only big concern. OWS made an issue known to the people, but if no one steps up to take the next big step then I’m afraid you will be correct and OWS just ends up being a big pipe dream.