OK, This seemed pointless until the the last two lines. Which made it into the most epic public service announcement EVAR. Complete and Unadulterated WIN.
When I was in my freshman year in college, I had this and an article about a cannibal posted on my dorm door next to my roomate’s pictures of Matthew McConaughey shirtless on the beach. I went away one weekend, and my roomie’s mom saw them on my door, and tore them both down, saying they were distasteful… Stupid bitch.
Epic win.
OMG!! Bears on the internets w/ less than honorable intentions…Somebody call Colbert damnit. He’ll know what to do.
it was not funny until i got to “And you didn’t even know bears could type.”
I’ve been watching these damn bears. I thought they was up ter something ornother.
“Did you hear that Ron? Bears! Now she’s putting the whole office at risk.”
Holy fuck, someone on MCS might be a bear, i’ll watch my back from now on, that way it’s ju…WHARGJHHfd,.d/s
hey my bear picture! 😀
OK, This seemed pointless until the the last two lines. Which made it into the most epic public service announcement EVAR. Complete and Unadulterated WIN.
Gives the term “Online Predators” a whole new meaning…
When I was in my freshman year in college, I had this and an article about a cannibal posted on my dorm door next to my roomate’s pictures of Matthew McConaughey shirtless on the beach. I went away one weekend, and my roomie’s mom saw them on my door, and tore them both down, saying they were distasteful… Stupid bitch.
*golf clap* WIN!
+10 internets