Also if he gets on /b/ now for a while he’ll grow out of it, instead of getting into it at 18 and turning into a /b/tard when he should be being an adult.
It’s like kids with guns- If you give ’em toy guns when they’re young, they won’t turn into gun nuts when they can buy ’em legally.
hmmm… i have never been to 4chan and really dont understand what its all about… but i dont really think that i want to experience what its all about after these comments… is it pron? or what?
well jet its like the pic says
4chan is just a server type of place where people post shit acording to that catagories that they are in
ranging from toys, cars, sports, women, hardcore sex, and hentai. but the most mind fucked place on there is RANDOM
codenamed /b/ because thats the name random is registered under in the address bar.
/b/ is a fucked up place
it has hentai, funny shit ,porn and gore. and other shit i dont even mention cause i dont either know about it or its just so much i dont mention it
and theres some really REALLY fucked shit. and i always find something to trump what i thought was the most disturbing thing ever. Random is random and its as random as random gets.
tl;dr: 4chan is a place 4 pics. /b/ is a section thats the definition of random and usually mindfuckingly awesome…
IF YOURE EVER BORED /b/ it up. i was on /b/ for 4 hrs straight once
o pff
im excersizing rule 7
and 61
aand 10 i enjoy mcs and no other
( i had to research theese cause i had no idea wat u were talking about)
anonymous is uncaring also
we will move along
anonymous is imperfect and this is my first flaw
im not asking for forgiveness
just saying that this will be remembered as an example
anyone else shall be flamed to the full extent…………
I was introduced to 4chan at the age of 14 ( age at the moment ). My mind is now fucked, Thanks Mack!
ps. Am I the youngest one posting on this site?
underage b&
thanks for the newfaggotry, mack. you ruined a 14 year old. nice work.
well im 17 and i handle a shitload on /b/ but i am still like_____ then like_____- then im like____
but thats for everyone
He’s my bro’.
Also if he gets on /b/ now for a while he’ll grow out of it, instead of getting into it at 18 and turning into a /b/tard when he should be being an adult.
It’s like kids with guns- If you give ’em toy guns when they’re young, they won’t turn into gun nuts when they can buy ’em legally.
thats not a toy gun you gave him o_O more like a fucking nuke 😡 poor bastard…
hmmm… i have never been to 4chan and really dont understand what its all about… but i dont really think that i want to experience what its all about after these comments… is it pron? or what?
well jet its like the pic says
4chan is just a server type of place where people post shit acording to that catagories that they are in
ranging from toys, cars, sports, women, hardcore sex, and hentai. but the most mind fucked place on there is RANDOM
codenamed /b/ because thats the name random is registered under in the address bar.
/b/ is a fucked up place
it has hentai, funny shit ,porn and gore. and other shit i dont even mention cause i dont either know about it or its just so much i dont mention it
and theres some really REALLY fucked shit. and i always find something to trump what i thought was the most disturbing thing ever. Random is random and its as random as random gets.
tl;dr: 4chan is a place 4 pics. /b/ is a section thats the definition of random and usually mindfuckingly awesome…
IF YOURE EVER BORED /b/ it up. i was on /b/ for 4 hrs straight once
You, good sir, just broke rule number one.
hows that?
o pff
im excersizing rule 7
and 61
aand 10 i enjoy mcs and no other
( i had to research theese cause i had no idea wat u were talking about)
anonymous is uncaring also
we will move along
anonymous is imperfect and this is my first flaw
im not asking for forgiveness
just saying that this will be remembered as an example
anyone else shall be flamed to the full extent…………
Rules 1 and 2 of /b/ only apply to Raids
rule breaking or not, leading 14 year olds to /b/ is bad for the 14 year old and worse for /b/.
14 year olds are the cancer that is killing /b/
I am not cancer.
Bright Green is wise for his age- He occasionally needs pointing back to the right track but he most. def. isn’t newfag.