great, right before i go to bed…
Jesus Christ, it’s a Predator! Get in the car!
“You’re one ugly motherfucker.”
Ah! That gave me a fright then awww cute popping out from behind a window 😀
What IS that? How does it eat? Also, it’s got no nose. (or fangs growing out of it’s nostrils, I’m not sure)
Jesus Tap Dancing CHRIST! The hell is that?!?!?!?
scary monkey is scary
Looks like its shoped.. the angle of the face is wrong in comparison to its body. Looks like a predator face.. lol
hey i got an idea!!
yea that sounds like a great idea to me!!
Gee, Avias. Are you sure it’s shopped? And it was the angles that gave it away?
All monkeys are demonic. NO MORE MONKEYS, FOR FUCK SAKE!
No, I’m pretty sure this is a legit picture.
Here’s something almost a freaky, and not shopped:
From: about half way down.
We are all evolved from monkeys so we are all related to that crazy thing. Cool, huh? It is not shopped. Well mabye, but it is real
great, right before i go to bed…
Jesus Christ, it’s a Predator! Get in the car!
“You’re one ugly motherfucker.”
Ah! That gave me a fright then awww cute popping out from behind a window 😀
What IS that? How does it eat?
Also, it’s got no nose. (or fangs growing out of it’s nostrils, I’m not sure)
Jesus Tap Dancing CHRIST! The hell is that?!?!?!?
scary monkey is scary
Looks like its shoped.. the angle of the face is wrong in comparison to its body. Looks like a predator face.. lol
hey i got an idea!!
yea that sounds like a great idea to me!!
Gee, Avias. Are you sure it’s shopped? And it was the angles that gave it away?
All monkeys are demonic. NO MORE MONKEYS, FOR FUCK SAKE!
No, I’m pretty sure this is a legit picture.
Here’s something almost a freaky, and not shopped:
From: about half way down.
We are all evolved from monkeys so we are all related to that crazy thing. Cool, huh?
It is not shopped. Well mabye, but it is real