Theme day is usually moderately annoying unless it’s a hot chick. Pedobear is moderately funny once, and unfunny by the second or third attempt, so this post is VERY accurate.
yes the chart does lie because it doesnt not specify units of lulz or the deteriation of lulz per post or the units of annoyance for that matter. I DEMAND PROPER GRAPH WIF TEH PORPER NUMBAS
I submitted this back when every single pic on the first 4.5 pages was Pedobear…bit irrelevant now I guess..
you should thank the admins, they are able to turn something with a real meaning into something without sense
lol u fool its was the first day of the month = theme day
Theme day or not, the chart doesn’t lie.
Theme day is usually moderately annoying unless it’s a hot chick. Pedobear is moderately funny once, and unfunny by the second or third attempt, so this post is VERY accurate.
you apparently missed jessica alba day.
god, I have never heard so much bitching a complaining about looking at a hot woman before.
I think the pedo bear day was awesome BECAUSE it pissed people off. Theme day is now my favorite mcs day.
yes the chart does lie because it doesnt not specify units of lulz or the deteriation of lulz per post or the units of annoyance for that matter. I DEMAND PROPER GRAPH WIF TEH PORPER NUMBAS
Numbers are not necessary for a graph, just convenient.