I don’t understand methods that just return a simple value. Why not just create an element for that object and store the value there? Because methods are just procedures, they don’t actually store data, so it must be getting the data from some element in the object. Does it allow the element that is being returned some sort of protection? That’s probably what it is.
@Tony…just in case u r actuially interested, and at high risk of sounding to geeky to be aloud to mix with normal society….yes u use getters to protect the variable within the object. plus if any formatting needs to be done to the var the getter can do that to 🙂 Programming lesson over for today
ok ok. we get it tiki
pedobear.getEvil() > MichaelJackson.getEvil()
(Guess what i’m doing right now…u gotta love programming assingments).
Can we plz have something else to while away the dull hours now????
I guess all the pedobars were an april fools joke.
Why not
pedobear.intEvil > MichaelJackson.intEvil
I don’t understand methods that just return a simple value. Why not just create an element for that object and store the value there? Because methods are just procedures, they don’t actually store data, so it must be getting the data from some element in the object. Does it allow the element that is being returned some sort of protection? That’s probably what it is.
Oh well…
hey wheres chuck norris?
I so want to play that game.
@Tony…just in case u r actuially interested, and at high risk of sounding to geeky to be aloud to mix with normal society….yes u use getters to protect the variable within the object. plus if any formatting needs to be done to the var the getter can do that to 🙂 Programming lesson over for today