This is fucking stupid. if those idiots read the scriptures, they would know that the fucking old testament and even more so the first 5 books, of which Leviticus is one, were given to the Hebrews, not to the Gentiles, which is pretty much the rest of the fucking planet.
@natedog, the shrimp thing is a parody. Its making fun of people who pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow, ie. every so-called Christian.
Nate: most people who know bible know that section of Leviticus deals with priestly ritual. Also know that your little version of Christian theology was non biblical but a medieval invention.
But they also know that there is another anti-gay section in the Epistle to the Romans.
Are they serious?
clearly they’ve never been to Louisiana and tasted some good cajun food…even Jesus would’ve been “OM NOM NOM NOM NOM”
Thats some funny stuff.
No, jesus would be all like, BEGONE FOUL FAGHY SHRIMP, put a dollar in my box and i will guarantee you salvation!
This is fucking stupid. if those idiots read the scriptures, they would know that the fucking old testament and even more so the first 5 books, of which Leviticus is one, were given to the Hebrews, not to the Gentiles, which is pretty much the rest of the fucking planet.
i mean, really.
>Namelis1, jesus never asked anyone for money, especially for salvation. salvation, if one chooses to believe in such a thing, is a FREE gift.
but i get your attempt at humor.
@natedog, the shrimp thing is a parody. Its making fun of people who pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow, ie. every so-called Christian.
If you go to the site and read the “About” section it explains their point.
They are a counter protest group. Just to show how ridiculous those idiots at god hate fags.. I love this shit
Wow, I murdered that sentence.
Take 2:
They are a counter protest group that shows up to make the “God Hates Fags” people look more ridiculous.
Nate: most people who know bible know that section of Leviticus deals with priestly ritual. Also know that your little version of Christian theology was non biblical but a medieval invention.
But they also know that there is another anti-gay section in the Epistle to the Romans.
Isn’t this quite hypocritical(Not the shrimp the anti-gay) ?
brilliant. this made my day!
This one’s even funnier.
those crazy christians….
GLBT spells Hell? Maybe if you’re fucking retarded.
GLBT might spell Hell in one of those crazy Baltic languages that don’t use vowels…
GLBT spells HELLO!