This picture confuses me on many levels. Like, for instance, wtf is going on?! Why is there this 30-something dude, who looks like he was photo shopped in, hanging out with some old ladies? And why is that one puking into the trash can? It make my brain hurt.
That guy is sooo getting a threesome!
Two gals, one cup.
Everyone in this photograph is bitchin’
cmon grandma, take it like a man
Anybody notice the one on the left is puking into the trash can?
ToeKnee, that’s the best part of the pic.
Whoa! Thanks ToeKnee for pointing that out! Now that I look at it, did anyone notice the guy on the right holding a beer?
“Hey man. You see that foxy lady behind me? She’s here with that drunk bitch. I’ll act the ringer, bro. Get with it.”
This picture confuses me on many levels. Like, for instance, wtf is going on?! Why is there this 30-something dude, who looks like he was photo shopped in, hanging out with some old ladies? And why is that one puking into the trash can? It make my brain hurt.
That and the furry one, got me intruiged. They look like real snapshots, not snapshots with models/actors in them.
Where are they from, Tony?
Part of me thinks its a weird photoshop
Another part thinks Tony was actually there…
I thought that, too … that guy could even *be* Tony.
I do love a good mystery!