Time for some IHOP action!
Pancakes and Butter
Added on February 10th, 2008 by kathielia500704 | Report Post
Tags:Butter, Food, ihop, Pancakes, Wallpaper
Tags:Butter, Food, ihop, Pancakes, Wallpaper
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shouldn’t this have a label of sexy as well?
I was about to say the same thing. I demand a sexy tag for this.
Can’t be IHOP. They don’t have pure maple syrup do they?.
First off, fuck that fruit. Secondly, are those scoops of ice cream, or butter? Ice cream = gross? Butter = that’s too much.
That’s not just sexy, that needs to be NSFW.
That’s WAY too much fucking butter. Can you spell t-r-i-p-l-e b-y-p-a-s-s?
You can also spells “l-i-p-s b-e-s-t p-r-a-y” using the same letters? Coincidence?
I.H.O.P. is giving away short stacks of pancakes for free all day on Tuesday February 12th. In observance of National Pancake Day!!
Quick joke ask someone to spell I.H.O.P. and say the word “ness” after it 3x fast
I-H-O-P Ness
I-H-O-P Ness
I-H-O-P Ness
Too much butter? Does not compute…
if that’s the butter ration, not a wonder Americans are the most overweight of any country.
Yeah, I find this abhorrent. I would use maybe one of these scoops for all three pancakes. And wtf are they drinking, is that a chocolate milk or hot chocolate or something? Just gross. And, replace that nasty fruit with strawberries and banana. I would either not order that, or just not go to that restaurant ever again.