* $515 billion for the Department of Defense base budget – a nearly 74 percent increase since the President took office – to support military readiness and continue the transformation of our military to meet twenty-first century threats.
* $70 billion for an emergency allowance to support activities related to the Global War on Terror that help achieve the strategic goal of creating free, democratic, and self-governed ally nations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
* Middle East: $400 million to support freedom in Iraq; $1.1 billion to help build a stable Afghanistan; $75 million for the Palestinian people to promote good governance; $142 million to continue support for the democratic government of Lebanon; and $830 million to help Pakistan achieve stability.
*Mexico and Central America: $550 million for the President’s new initiative to address security concerns, including combating drug trafficking.
Wow, sucks to me an American these days. When’s the money all gonna run out?
Alas, it already has, Alec…we’re living on credit borrowed from the Chinese…
The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2009
* $515 billion for the Department of Defense base budget – a nearly 74 percent increase since the President took office – to support military readiness and continue the transformation of our military to meet twenty-first century threats.
* $70 billion for an emergency allowance to support activities related to the Global War on Terror that help achieve the strategic goal of creating free, democratic, and self-governed ally nations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
* Middle East: $400 million to support freedom in Iraq; $1.1 billion to help build a stable Afghanistan; $75 million for the Palestinian people to promote good governance; $142 million to continue support for the democratic government of Lebanon; and $830 million to help Pakistan achieve stability.
*Mexico and Central America: $550 million for the President’s new initiative to address security concerns, including combating drug trafficking.